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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. Mix with cubed cooked beets and Italian dressing. Tart, unctuous, PINK.
  2. Husband loves this breakfast.
  3. Pied et Paquet Funny, since I readily eat tripe and feet in other preparations. My first experience with this classic was at a Michelin restaurant. It was strong and rangy. I got down my portion, and blanched when the server aooeared wutg the casserole for second helpings. "Merci, non." Since it was such a famous dish, and to husband's consternation, I ordered it again several nights later from a lesser kitchen. This was much more palatable but still difficult. I finally found a delicious version in town. I now called the quest over.
  4. But isn't it delicious to prove those who prejudge us wrong? Husband and I were just talking about the extent to which we've been able to slither into unfamiliar cultural situations and come out unscathed and unscathing.
  5. I've never come across something I couldn't eat. Only one that was offensive. But it was such a classic that I ordered it a half dozen times again to see if I could "get it". I eventually made peace with it.
  6. Margaret Pilgrim


    I have occasionally posted a sign over the mirror, "You ate beets" Prevents panic.
  7. Margaret Pilgrim


    I was at check out at our country store when some locals ahead of me started a conversation about beets. "Taste like dirt!" was the repeated response. The checker, a possibly 20 year old black woman interjected, "That's not dirt, it's terroir." I grinned like a jack-o-lantern, thinking to myself there's hope for us yet!
  8. I had my first delivery disappointment this weekend. The first order I had placed with this boutique market had been "shopped" by store personnel and everything was pristine. This second one was shopped by a shopper/driver from the delivery service. I ordered three bunches of organic carrots at 4.99 a bunch. Two were acceptable, the third had two split carrots and a broken one, a bunch I would have turned down in the store. I also ordered a head of Romanesco which arrived with quite a few blackened tips, again one I'd have rejected in person. I delayed cooking it until last night when I was going to use it in pasta. The interior was badly deteriorated. Annoying at $5 a head. On the shopper/driver's feedback, I checked "needs better quality control". The shopper has the option of texting you quality information and asking if you'd prefer a substitute.
  9. I totally understand but (and I hate people who say "Yes, but..." 😄) I have a handful of friends and relatives who have multiple degrees, have been all over the world but have somehow remained untravelled and culturally tone-deaf. Social obtuseness, if you will. Their professional and business success has allowed them to swashbuckle through life without noticing their negative effects on people around them. I don't think they qualify as mentally ill bur rather monumental PIAs.
  10. Indeed. But much of the offerings on Amazon were picked up at garage sales and flea markets. I found parts to my favorite Oster mini-processor for pennies on the Amazon price, like $5 for a grouip now selling for $40 on Amazon. Granted, the Bay Area is garage sale and flea market heaven.
  11. This is why I love and haunt flea markets. The secondary market holds a treasury of obsolete parts.
  12. I don't think that these people are mentally ill. Rather they have limited travel experience, possibly little exposure outside their circumscribed social and physical neighborhoods as well as high senses of entitlement. I've encountered a few....
  13. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Thank you also for catching this. They are obviously hen-of-the-woods, maitake. I've never had matsutake.
  14. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Many thanks. Definitely hen-of-the-woods. Typing too fast for my own good.
  15. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Bloody ground beef puck with maitake mushrooms. Divine. (Corrected post.)
  16. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    The (holy) trinity: gf, talented wife and Henry.
  17. Like bug-zappers and microscopes, books are only as good as the use to which you put them. Between the kitchen end of it and our wood-fired oven, I probably have 15 or so benchmark or reference books on pizza. I would guess that I've used fewer than 10% of the recipes, more of the technique, virtually none of the history and background. With foods that you repeat often, you reach a plateau at which the process and product meet or exceed your demands, therefore "it ain't broke".
  18. Coat-tailing on this existing thread, I want to share a stupid-easy ice cream dessert. I used this merely as inspiration. My interpretation = premium vanilla ice cream (softened), strawberries cut into quarters or eights depending on size, pitted Bing cherries cut into halves or quarters, minced Meyer lemon zest, toasted slivered almonds, torn fresh mint. Packed into a rectangular crock lined with parchment paper, leaving several inch paper to cover and ease removal. Frozen overnight. Brought out after main course, before cheese, The brick pulled out easily by the parchment wrap, cut with sharp knife. Sublime! Served the last slice to grandkids last night. They too loved it, and went home determined to make it themselves.
  19. I understood that but felt that a liquid addition might be more in line with the recipe balance. I wonder how the end products would differ, method to method. Ah,,,,time for MC, or a side buy side comparison..
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