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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. I'll hang with Il Fornaio and Vetri, thanks..
  2. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Funny this comes up now. We served charred romaine with gribiche as starter at a dinner Tuesday night. My method: halve heads of romaine, run two twines around the halves i.e,, at one end and at the other. Moosh in OO, salt and pepper. Fire up ridged grill pan to smoking, drop in bundles, cut side down, flip when that side is, as Anna instructs, blackened to your style. Plate, remove strings, dress, serve. Take a bow!
  3. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    Delivered to door in SF = $38.95/lb.
  4. Margaret Pilgrim

    Lunch 2021

    Dave’s is discounted at several chains. You might check out a Kroger.
  5. This thread proves that we each have individual responses to what we ingest. Me? i grew up on MSG's being used liberally in daily cooking. You? YMMV.
  6. Probably the same drugs your usual chefs are on.
  7. Our garbage service picks up and (supposedly) recycles clean plastic bags and wrapping if collected in a larger plastic "carrier" bag.
  8. Here, it is the mass marketers (Costco, TJ, Smart and Final) that pre-wrap and weigh produce. Otherwise, one can collect produce without using plastic bags, take it to check-out, put it in your own shopping bag or basket. More and more stores are providing compostable produce bags, which you can use at home if your community offers compost pick-up. While i love these philosophically, if you use them to store produce in your fridge, they tend to absorb moisture and prematurely decompose. Most farmer's markets do not provide plastic bags, or scornfully provide them if you request one.
  9. While husband is wont to say "But we just HAD that!'", if I love something i seem able to eat it endlessly. And "pork wreck", what a delicious overdose!
  10. As you know from our previous encounters, I am a peasant cook. Scale only for baking. Rinse rice in a strainer, dump in cocotte. Add water to one knuckle over height of rice. Bring to simmer. Cover. Cook 15 minutes. Heat off for 15 minutes. Fluff. Enjoy.
  11. You're not even in the running. VERY early on in our marriage, I made a liverwurst pizza. Not just a bad flavor concept but the liverwurst turned to sawdust. It has become a touchstone of bad cooking for us. As in, "well, it's not liverwurst pizza..."
  12. Our house daily aperitif: Dom Pierre Sparkling Brut. Vivino's "best value California sparkling". Simple, crisp, refreshing
  13. It’s worth learning about this kind of shopping. Do some online work on fish characteristics and identification. Be willing to “eat” a few disappointments, but you will eventually show and eat well.
  14. Here's one that's been puzzling us for years. Obviously handmade, with a handful of "keys" for various extrusions. But for what? Chamber for raw product is small, less than 2 cubic inches.
  15. Pizza sauce has to be the easiest part of the process. Someplace lower than setting the table. Go simple. Tomato and EVOO are incredible. Add aromatics cautiously, then return to the basic.
  16. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2021

    "Smothered okra with shrimp and smoked sausage" from a cook from Lafayette, Louisiana? Set me a place!
  17. Also, or more to point, whether clients ARE vegan or merely TRYING vegan.
  18. I use one of these on the inside of All-Clad. eta, as weinoo says, with the grain.
  19. I haven’t made them in years. I stopped because I was the only partaker and a dozen was a lot for me. I bought one at a local bakery and got a hockey puck lump. I tried a year later but found they still employed the same baker...or recipe!
  20. Obtaining real info about vegans is as impossible as true details of people's finances and sex.
  21. Margaret Pilgrim


    YES re spicy Clamato!
  22. Margaret Pilgrim


    Husband counts his V8 Bloody Mary as his vegetable. I don’t disagree.
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