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Everything posted by sagestrat

  1. You can also get a microwave-bacon plate (hard microwavable plastic that looks a bit like a grill pan to catch the grease). Then you just cover with a paper towel and you're set. Probably available at Target, K-Mart, and kitchenware shops.
  2. I have wanted these books for years as I had heard so much about them. A couple of years ago, my brother-in-law tracked them all down for me for my birthday. I am embarrassed to say that I have only gone through a few of them. This thread has inspired me to start reading them again. Thanks!
  3. sagestrat

    black radish

    I picked up a black radish at Wegman's. Any suggestions on what to do with it?
  4. I too used real butter for the buttercrunch and the butterscotch came together quickly. My only regret is not making one tray (I made two) with almonds. This is good stuff, but awfully sweet (meaning it will definitely be a hit with my kids and my diabetic mother-in-law!). I think the nuts would help tone down the sweetness. And I was very thankful for the recipe direction to cover the cookie sheet with foil. Cleanup was a breeze.
  5. Maybe this is more for a cheese course bread but I still remember it from over a year ago. It was a fruited bread (I don't recall raisins but maybe golden ones in addition to cherries and maybe apricots). What really set this apart, however, was the addition of fennel seed. Really nice.
  6. I can't get your link to work. Which John's (location)? Thanks, Jennifer
  7. sagestrat

    Smoked Corned Beef

    We broke into our special smoked corned beef mail package last night. Wow! The flavor is so rich. Three cheers for col klink!
  8. I found white asparagus in Whole Foods/Fresh Fields in the PA area last week. If there's one in your area, check it out.
  9. Yep, roasting is the best for asparagus. Brussels sprouts too!
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