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Everything posted by Jacksoup

  1. @Anna N thank goodness @Kerry Beal brought you edible food. Enjoying the pictures and descriptions of your other meals. Hope your stay is short and uneventful.
  2. Sad to see it’s over, but really happy to be along for the ride. Thanks for all the time you spent keeping us involved.
  3. Jacksoup

    Dinner 2019

    @suzilightningI’m with John, sandwiches just don’t excite me. Maybe a Cheesesteak or patty melt but meat and cheese or anything between a couple of pieces of bread don’t do it for me. I’d rather just eat the innards.
  4. My parents house always had margarine, but my Granny always had butter. She’d always make my brother and I butter and sugar sandwiches on white bread when we were kids. She was from west Texas and gave me my love of sweet tea, fried okra and fried eggplant.
  5. I selected quartzite/Cesarstone when I remodeled my kitchen 2.5 years ago. I wanted the lowest maintenance product available and quartz is what the planner recommended. I’m very happy with it. It really is low maintenance.
  6. Only once have I sent food back. It was at a well known and well respected restaurant in my area. It was handmade pasta with mushrooms. It was sooo salty I couldn’t have more than two bites. And I love salt. My friend ordered the same dish and agreed. The restaurant was very nice about it and we substituted something else.
  7. Thank you all. I’d completely forgotten about the drip tray. It wasn’t bad after ignoring it for about two years.
  8. Thanks for sharing. I agree with the others, your mom looks much younger than her chronological age. What a happy event!
  9. Beautiful! I have very similar backsplash and floors in my much smaller kitchen. Great use of the space.
  10. I have many aprons hanging on a rack in my kitchen. Most of them are souvenirs from travel, it’s my favorite thing to bring home. That and reusable grocery bags. Both something I use a lot and reminders of my trips. I try to wear one every time I cook because I’ve ruined many tops and I’m messy. The ones that get the most use are ones with long ties that can be wrapped around and tied in front.
  11. I have bought that mustard at TJ's for years. I don’t believe it’s seasonal
  12. I still have things stored in the pantry closets in the garage, wok, salad spinner, food mill, large pots. I also bought an inexpensive island on rollers from Ikea, it’s in the actual kitchen, contractor made a top from the same slab as the countertop quartzite/cesarstone so all matches. It holds the CSO, Instant Pot, and foodsaver.
  13. I completely remodeled my galley style kitchen two years ago. Couldn’t change the basic footprint, but made more counter space and pull out drawers and a five foot tall pull out pantry. I have so much more storage space than before. Did change electric stove to gas and added a powerful hood. The extra counter space has made an enormous difference. I lived here 14 years before I could bring myself to spend the money but it’s been worth it. Another thing that pleases me much more than I thought is the pull out with two bins for trash and recycling.
  14. GE Profile here but only two years old. It has not leaked...yet but did have a blockage in the ice maker while under warranty
  15. I will not drink milk, but will eat cheese, yogurt, ice cream. Last time I tried milk was over 40 years ago. Peanut butter, the smell just puts me off. Any noticeable piece of fat in meat puts me off if I chew it. If I can cut it off before it goes in my mouth, no problem. I love popcorn.
  16. Have tried Five Guys, In N Out, and Smash Burger. Smash a Burger is hands down my favorite. Wish a Shake Shack was near.
  17. @Smithy lovely birthday story
  18. @lindagIt just started showing up in stores here, but from Washington state. I picked up 3 for dinner. $6.99 a pound. We just make garlic butter and garlic bread, spread newspapers on the table and hand everyone crab crackers and picks.
  19. @Kerry BealI’ve Googled and found many recipes that call for removing the pits and soaking. I even bought a 'pectin bag' from Amazon. Then I stumbled on the Ina Garten recipe that just calls for sliced oranges and lemons, quick boil, dump in sugar and overnight soak. Then 2.5 hour cook. Good thing too since my oranges have absolutely no seeds.
  20. @suzilightning that sounds really good except for the Miracle Whip
  21. I’ve taken a one day break from canning and dehydrating citrus. Been using an Ina Garten recipe for the orange marmalade, it’s rather hands off and doesn’t require removing the pith. But you have to start one day and let it sit overnight, then boil and can. I’m over it for the moment. I’ve got 12 pints, 30 half pints and 8 lemon ginger marmalade. And 30 zip locks of dehydrated lemons. I think we’ll avoid scurvy this year
  22. @Okanagancook I am so jealous of your many freezers. I’ll be moving to boyfriend's house within the next 6 months and there is lots of room for freezer(s). And a huge garden area, so I’m hoping to have lots of produce to freeze.
  23. @Kerry Beal check out my good friends at booth 6389. Their product is Super Food Bites. Tell them Jackie sent you. They are fun, smart and good people. Oh darn. I see you've left
  24. @blue_dolphin that sounds really good, plus it uses za’atar which I love.
  25. @Shelby I’ve done that before and need to do it again, thanks for the reminder!
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