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Everything posted by Jacksoup

  1. So they got a deer? And cleaned it already? those hunters are so lucky you are feeding them all of your delicious food
  2. @gfweb ah but if he's a guy I can have a drink with, I'm hoping that's good. Besides that frivolity, I've seen his work, he's got a 20 year reputation and my son the protector (and electrician) is totally watching over his shoulder. Although I'm completely a trusting fool. And I've never remodeled anything before so I could be duped. Am counting on my kid and universal good will.
  3. Nothing happened today. Contractor had to work on another job, the guy that gave me the reference and the guy that just re-did my will. Tomorrow all the cabinets come out and the gas line for the stove goes in Friday. I know this because my will lawyer, contractor and I all ended up at the same bar/restaurant for my birthday.
  4. After a Thanksgiving hiatus, the remodel, well demo has started. My biggest challenge will be not having a sink. Only a small powder room downstairs so we have water but nothing to wash the Instant Pot in. Bathtub is upstairs.
  5. 1. Window is east facing and mostly blocked by trees 2. The 'after' photo is just an example of the floor plan, cabinet placement. My knives will be close to the sink. 3. Will have more outlets and countertop appliances. That after photo was an inspirational jumping off point. 4. Hangers? 5. There will be more lights 6. Not a thermostat 7. There is a smoke alarm 8. Dining room is where the photographer is standing 9. Garbage and recycle will be in a pull out 10. Not my little rug, I agree 11. Contractor can tell me, I don't know 12. No stone walls in condo land, my neighbor has a similar set up with a Wolf and has no problem 13. It is the only HVAC vent in the room but has worked well for the 14 years I've lived here. plus all drawers will be pull out shelves thanks for all the input!
  6. Will try to respond to all your helpful suggestions. Will have tile floors, the rest of the flooring on the first floor is wood and are unable to match it. If I wanted to spend a lot more money, I'd re-do all the floors but spending on the kitchen is enough for now,. My son is an electrician so will have plenty of outlets and under cabinet lighting, all LED. Hood does exhaust to the outside through the attic.
  7. It's a microwave/convection oven. The designers think I'll use it more than the regular convection oven. I'm totally lost have never designed anything before. Just moved houses.
  8. The plan I'm using as a template
  9. Here's the cabinet plans. Any advice/ thoughts are welcome
  10. Here's a picture of the current kitchen. The microwave and fan died about 4 years ago. The stove and oven died about 8 weeks ago. Cabinets are 80's oak. Decided it was time to bite the bullet and spend the money to get a new kitchen. Demo/construction will start after Thanksgiving and won't be finished until after New Year. I thought you may enjoy the ride. It's a galley kitchen in a condo so have to work with existing space but I think I'm getting more counter space which is great
  11. It's a great article. Interesting and heart warming how the different cultures make Thanksgiving their own.
  12. I just bought Gjelina. Reviews looked good, can't lose for $2.99
  13. Jacksoup

    An Overload of Eggs

    Our pullets recently started laying. We have 12 new girls and 5 more mature ladies. Getting 12 small and 5 large eggs a day. These are great ideas and I'm going to try to squeeze a few breakfast casseroles in the freezer before the holidays. Freezer space is limited as I have juice from about 100 Meyer lemons and pesto from a dozen basil plants from this summer. Will probably turn a lot of the lemon juice into IP lemon curd to make room - and use up some eggs!
  14. I totally agree having trouble copying and pasting quotes but I agree I love having and reading cookbooks even if I never cook anything from them. The inspiration is always ther.
  15. @JoNorvelleWalkeryou are quite hilarious. I am falling off the chair laughing
  16. Thanks for the vicarious vacation. it's always fun with you two.
  17. @Shelby "this book is like coming home to a cozy house". That did it for me. I grew up on my granny's southern Texas cooking. Ya'll have enabled my IP and CSO purchases. Why not this? I'll probably have to buy a stovetop smoker because of all of you as well.
  18. @quiet1 thanks for the reminder. Need a bookshelf in my kitchen remodel
  19. I've received both Simple and Taste and Technique, thank you Amazon Prime. I'm more drawn to the recipes in Taste and Technique based on a brief read through. T and T has very detailed instructions which is comforting to me because when I try a new recipe I want to replicate it exactly. The descriptions in T&T are perfect for that. Although Simple had a lot of recipes with pomegranates and I have lots of them right now. I'm going to be torn until I can cook something. I think there's a lot I can do in CSO. further reporting to follow.
  20. First attempt at using CSO used the salmon recipe right out of the book. Turned out well but I need practice. Need practice with photos also.
  21. It may be a while before I cook anything from the books, but I will when I can. My stovetop/oven died and I'm living with the CSO, microwave, Instant Pot and BBQ. Total kitchen remodel is in planning stages.
  22. I've ordered Taste and Technique and Simple in hard copy after reading The NY Times article.
  23. Thank you so much for this blog. Am loving it. Makes me want to find and try dove. There must be some in Northern California.
  24. Ordered my CSO today. Stovetop/microwave/oven combo(from the 80's) died yesterday which has prompted an entire kitchen renovation. Long overdue. So I will be living with CSO and Instant Pot and BBQ for the next couple of months. Did buy a new microwave and put it on the useless stovetop
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