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Posts posted by Duvel

  1. 3 minutes ago, Anna N said:

    Whew! Thanks. That explains things. I was starting to think how expensive those pizzas were about to become. 

    I am very sure that the gas used to bring the Ooni on temperature is cheaper that heating my electric oven up for an hour to prine the pizza steel …

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  2. I wanted to practice on the weekend, but after two pizzas the gas was finished 🙄 …


    62% hydration, 24h cold rise …




    On its way …




    … to become a aragula & parma ham pie (my moms request).




    And a „pepperoni“ pie (with spicy Hungarian paprika salami, as the product „pepperoni“ is not really available here, my fathers request) …


    And if you ever wondered what a pizza would look like, if cooked only on the residual heat from the pizza stone (the browning on the top was done with a kitchen torch) …



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  3. Leftover day: Half a roasted rabbit (heavy on the garlic & rosemary side), dried black trumpets & ceps and some black olives were whipped together in a simple creamy pasta sauce and served with Maccheroni …



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  4. Tapas night with my parents on the terrace …




    Fried shrimps (one portion with, one without garlic), Matjes, octopus (pop a la gallega), mussels escabeche, meatballs with pinenuts in tomato sauce …



    Aragula & tomato salad, olives, salted potato crisps (Lays) and tortilla de patates …




    My favorite: freshly arrived new Matjes with garlic parsley oil - heaven !



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  5. My parents decided spontaneously to come over for the weekend, and I decided to take them out (for the first time in forever). Things are relaxing and we can go without prior testing …


    I opted for the Woinemer Craft Brewery, a local brewery pub with great beers. I secured a place in their roofed beergarden …




    Woinemer Helles to start with …




    My father opted for the Black Currant Stout, a seasonal offer …




    Schnitzel galore - this one with a condensed beer sauce …




    Schnitzel stuffed with Handkäse and Sauerkraut …




    Schnitzel with liquid Kochkäse & red currant jelly …




    Little one had a cheeseburger (that was not so great), but was very content with his dessert 😉




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  6. 14 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    My only question is how this all squares with the beginning of your "diet," @Duvel?

    If you follow my posts you will clearly see that limiting myself to four pizzas at night can be counted as diet 😉

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  7. 5 minutes ago, &roid said:

    What’s your process since getting the ooni? I’ve found that shaping on the worktop then dragging onto the bamboo launching peel works really well, gives the pie a final stretch then let’s me tinker yo get it as round as possible 

    I only got the Ooni yesterday, so I have only 4 pies “experience”.


    I also shape it on the bench and then slide the (perforated) peel under and transfer. I have not really adjusted the shape while the pie was on the peel, mostly because I was worried about the dough getting stuck on the peel. Once this anxiety subsides I will follow your suggestion to bring the pie into a rounder shape on the peel itself …

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  8. 7 hours ago, KennethT said:

    wow... for a first run, your results are really impressive!!!

    Thanks ☺️


    I was fine with the results as well, although there is plenty of room to improve. My goals would be:


    1) Prepare a better dough. This one was a same day, 62% hydration dough, my usual strong flour. Gluten was underdeveloped, and dough was a bit overproofed and deflated to much. I want something more delicate in texture with better flavor.

    2) Make round pies. I am very OCD about that, but my shape on a baking paper and transfer doesn’t work with the Ooni. This is purely technique, and it will get better.


    3) Balance the sauce. I thinned my usual recipe down to compensate for the higher temperatures. It was good, but I want it more intense.


    4) Get a more even browning. Technique again, and I am confident by time it’ll be fine. A nice leoparding would be a bonus, that ties in with #1 …


    5) Balance the cheese. I want to experiment with different fior di lattes/ mozz di bufalla and ratios cheese to crust. I have an idea what I like, but I find it difficult to describe it.

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  9. 40 minutes ago, &roid said:

    But once you get used to turning, 12-14” pizzas are a doddle to cook evenly.

    I agree. As you can see, I burned the sides of the first two Margheritas slightly; the third pie was turned a bit quicker and came out relatively fine.


    And fully with you, @&roid: the 16” gives you plenty of room to maneuver a 12” pie around without getting stressed.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, rotuts said:





    was the basil a bit ' burnt ?'


    Modernist , on their trailer for


    Mod. Pizza 


    on their demo pizza , they place the cheese over the basil


    to prevent that in a very very hot oven


    new idea for me


    I used to puttee basil on after cooking''





    I put the basil “under” the cheese, but as the fior di latte came in larger chunks, it did not fully cover. But the basil was in contact with the tomato sauce, so there was some sort of protection. It did not char … 

  11. Sometimes, all things align in an unexpected way …


    Last Wednesday I was casually getting drunk at night when - for whatever reason - I checked my private calendar on my phone. I actually had long given up using that one and use my work one for everything, but …


    On Wednesday, June 30th there was an entry saying “M&M miles expire tomorrow”. I had lost my frequent flyer status at Lufthansa two years ago, so naturally they expire at one point. I logged in and discovered there were a lot of miles to spend (and two hours left to do so). Browsing through the list I picked up a few unnecessary items when the I came to the entry “Ooni Koda 16”. And - it pretty much matched the miles I had 🥳


    There was no waiting time. Seems M&M had purchased some stock. Today, I got a huge package …






    I set it up outside, threw together a 62% hydration dough and gave it a test run…




















    There is really a lot to learn, but if feels good to cook with. Learning curve will be steep I hope. 

    One happy Duvel !



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  12. 5 minutes ago, scamhi said:

    no drivers. This is the beauty of wine dinners in a big city. Everyone that lives in Manhattan took Uber or Lyft home. We walked home.

    Hey, cut me some slack here - I tried to make you look even cooler than you already are ☺️

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  13. 1 hour ago, rotuts said:



    12 bottles for 8 ?


    that's about right .

    I thought originally it’s a bit on the light side … but then most likely there were at least three drivers present 😉

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  14. Just as I was mentally preparing for a sensible salad as part the long planned start of my diet, I received this via WhatsApp …




    As the Japanese say: Shoganai, ne ! And I am a team player. Got some marinated chicken breast at the butcher, coated and fried.












    No complaints 🥳

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  15. 7 minutes ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    Pasta with kimas (Greek meat sauce).  If it wasn’t for @Duvel I would have enjoyed it warm.


    I think we need to review your pictures exposure time then …

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  16. 4 minutes ago, KennethT said:

    Thanks.  I'm actually not too worried about fire since I'll be doing it on induction, so there's no open flame for ignition.  I thought of thinking of it like a frozen squid ring or croquette - but then I thought that the moisture content of a whole crab could be much higher.  A battered piece of protein has most of its water in the batter (external to the meat and in direct contact with the hot oil), whereas a whole crab dusted in flour has most of the water frozen inside the shell.  I was concerned about a pocket of water in the crab turning to steam and bursting, blowing hot oil all over the place.  I'd worry even more about doing it covered as the steam leaving the oil would condense on the cover and drip back into the hot oil.


    I was thinking of doing the frying in my carbon steel wok (with a really powerful induction hob to bring back to temp quickly) - that way, there's lots of room for oil expansion.

    No, I got that. The fire brigade part was not meant to be taken seriously. 

    I don’t suggest to fry the crab covered. Closing the cast iron with a lid is just a part of the „don‘t worry“ protocol in case things get too violent during the frying process. Otherwise you fry without, of course - there will be moisture evaporating. Whether this is more pronounced than for example frying a battered oyster or a zucchini is something I look forward to be answered by you 🤗


    A cast iron might have an advantage due to the higher/„less sloped“ rim when it comes to splattering, but I am sure the large wok would work equally well.

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  17. I would think of it as a frozen battered squid ring, or a frozen croquette. Just dump it (straight from frozen) into reasonably hot oil (160 oC) and see …

    Edit: large cast iron, 1/3 filled with oil and brought to temperature. If things get violent, put the lid on, close the heat and wait until things calm down (or the firebrigade leaves the building) …

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  18. Got a rabbit today and fried the liver for a quick lunch. Augmented by some Mett (extra protein for the industrious home office manager) …



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