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Posts posted by Duvel

  1. 19 minutes ago, scott123 said:

    I'm not sure if you're looking to reduce the puff further, but docking the rim with a fork will reduce the puff considerably.

    No, I don’t 😉

    You are completely right - one step further down the road to (what in the US is called) bar pizza would be indeed to prick the whole crust. But then again - no fun to cook that in the Ooni. So, above results are a happy compromise of what I like to make and my son likes to eat …

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  2. 31 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    is the puff up due to the sauce not extending all the way to the edges?  Or anything not extending for that matter?

    Pretty much so … no sauce, no toppings plus a lot of heat (kind of pita bread effect) …

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  3. Tonight little one had some friends invited for a sleepover. Luckily, the weather was decent enough to fire up the Ooni …


    Little one is not a friend of expanded corniciones, so I rolled out the doughs (rim puffed anyway). Caputo „classico“, 60% hydration with a 24h poolish. Toppings were not very adventurous …




    #1 kid: „Just tomato and cheese“ (my offer to put basil was turned down)






    #2 kid: „Salami“ 






    Little one: „Salami & mushroom“, using the calabrian one I got recently …






    #4: „a normal one“ - „with pineapple & ham ?“ - „Eehm … ok“. He didn’t eat it, because he was full from 1-3 …






    Wife: „Tuna & onion“





    Yours truly: „Ricotta & Nduja“ - I ate exactly one eighth …






    Some leftovers for breakfast 🥳



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  4. 16 minutes ago, kayb said:

    @Duvel, that potato salad looks exceptional. I never had mayo on a German potato salad. That is now in the plans.


    It more of a northern German thing. As hinted, the Hessian variety would include sour cream to create a certain smoothness …

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  5. This is my grandma Emmi’s potato salad. It reflects the style of northern Hessia (albeit we are from Lower Saxony), but swapping the late addition of sour cream to mayo. 

    New waxy potatoes („festkochend“). My grandma would have boiled them in their skins and peeled them when they came straight out of the (unsalted) water. I tried many times, but always made a mess. Now I boil them like this, just until done. When they cool, you want to have the ever so slightest firmness …




    Sliced up thinly straight out of the water. Could have sliced them thinner, but too hot. Some broke which is usually an indication of overboiling - but they firmed up nicely later …




    The fixings: a cross-section of classic German brands. Pickled cucumbers (and their liquid !), white wine vinegar, medium sharp mustard, mayo (my grandma would have used a different brand that does not exist anymore) and powdered broth (this specific one is very important, I only buy it for this potato salad. It has a clean salty, meaty taste, heavy on the celery - but is essentially a yeast hydrolysate).




    Bacon cubes and onions get fried in clarified butter (or lard) until crispy and partly caramelized. Having a few black bits here and there give the correct flavor profile. A healthy dose of mustard is added and fried for 2-3 minutes; this releases an pleasant sweetness. Hot broth & pickling liquid of the cucumbers is added, the acidity is adjusted with the white wine vinegar. 




    All is mixed up gently with halved & thinly sliced pickled cucumbers  and left to cool down a bit.




    Mayo is added at the lukewarm stage to create an initial runny consistency (which I love) and the salad is served with a healthy sprinkling of chives (or spring onions, if available). It firms up upon cooling in the next 15 min or so, and is equally nice the next day …




    Served with Schnitzel, Frankfurter sausage or - as in this case - the fruits of the BBQ 😉



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  6. Friends came over spontaneously (how long I’ve waited for that to happen again) - simple grilled meats, kitchen sink salad and Ratatouille leftovers …



    Enjoyed with an off-dry Riesling - in all it's simplicity a very pleasant evening !



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  7. 8 minutes ago, Anna N said:

    Thank you. Sorry to have been insistent!
     Not necessary at all To try and untangle the web. I was just curious to know if something along the lines of a warm potato salad with bacon was known in Germany. I have a lovely recipe which I’m quite happy with although I haven’t made it for a long time. 

    Well noted and no worries …


    Warm potato salad is quite common. A popular variety in the south is the swabian potato salad, that uses oil, vinegar, (beef) broth, onions, cornichons and mustard as the base dressing. It is served warm (not hot), but is equally delicious the next day (provided you’ve cooked the onions). In a swabian household you would enjoy it in its simple form - a decent recipe can be found here - if you venture south to Bavaria, the addition of fried bacon pieces (think lardons) would be appropriate. 
    The same salad can be prepared by swapping the cornichons for a larger amount of thinly sliced cucumbers. In this case, the room temperature version is more popular as a light summer dish. In the north (Hamburg) can be augmented by smoked fish, much like the addition of lardons in the bavarian variety.

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, Anna N said:

    Thanks. I would still love for @Duvelto give his take. If nothing else it may well be amusing.

    Thanks, @Anna N. You may have already noticed a slight hesitation to answer your first call …


    Problem is: Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) is huge in Germany. There are at least as many recipes as households, with vast (and religiously defended) variations across areas, towns and families. It is very difficult to me to sort & categorize, even more so to give guidance. I will try my best to write something up 🙏

    • Like 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    I've told you before - resistance is futile! Of course you need boxes.

    And truth to be told - if they were unicoloured I would have bought them already …


    But with this cover 🤔 ?



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  10. 19 minutes ago, weinoo said:


    Being scientific, I imagine you keep notes so that you end knowing what flour works best under what conditions. Me - I'd try to remember and just screw everything up!

    Guilty as charged for the former, but that doesn’t prevent me from the latter …

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    Damn! What does the pasta aisle look like?

    The pasta aisles are very well stocked … I’ll take some picture next time. The tomato product aisles and the cheeses are also spectacular. 

    (and because it’s so unnecessary for the home cook, but: they sell foldable boxes for pizza 😉 … must resist)

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  12. 1 hour ago, &roid said:

    big pizza day for us on Saturday, it’s our youngest’s third birthday so we have a bit of a party going on. My next door neighbour is bringing his multi fuel ooni and we’ll be turning out maybe 15-20 pies. The weather is looking about 50:50 at the moment though tbh I’m just hoping it cools down a bit, this week has been crazy hot. 

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞


    Please report back on your “industrial scale” Ooni use … I foresee similar events im my future.

  13. 14 minutes ago, &roid said:

    So far I’ve tried the red “cuoco” and blue and prefer the red for the doughs I’ve made. Will see if I can get hold of some of the Nuvola to try. 

    It seems they produce two „blue” varieties. There is the “classico” with 11.5% protein and a “pizzeria” with 12.5% (same as actually the “cuoco”). I bought the “classico” (as the “pizzeria” one was not available) and the “cuoco”, which from my expectations should give sturdier doughs. But compared to my pizza steel setup, the Ooni is a completely different game, so sturdier must not be better …


    The shop is great - not only for the flour. I had a hard time choosing the toppings, too … 😉



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  14. 4 minutes ago, &roid said:

    great looking pizzas @Duvel!


    what do you make of the nuvola flour, I’ve not tried it yet?

    Thanks !


    The flour was easy to work with. The resulting dough at 62% was quite „springy“ and kept the CO2 very well. I found it somewhat tricky to deflate after the bulk fermentation. It was fine to stretch out and definitely produced a great oven spring of the cornicione. Even when I rolled out the dough for the „Hawaii“, the rim still puffed up significantly. I don’t know if I can attribute the specifically to the Nuvola formulation, as so far I have only my 550 German bread flour for comparison, but I am very happy with the results I got.


    Beside the Nuvola (type 0, 2.5 €/kg), I also got the Chef (type 00, 1.7 €/kg) and the Regular (type 00, 1.7 €/kg) to play around with for the next time(s) …



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  15. On Monday I had to work in the office, so I dropped by the Italian supermarket to get some items to make pizza today …


    Starting with the flour …




    Tomatoes …




    Their fresh fior di latte & some calabrian sausage …




    And some shelf-stable items …




    And now for the practice shots: dough with 24h poolish, 62% hydration. I went up from my usual 165g flour dough balls to 200g. Makes for a much easier shaping.




    First pie: Mushroom & calabrian sausage






    Second pie: Capers, olives & anchovies 








    Third pie: Hawaii (as requested by the little one). He did not care much for the cornicione, so I rolled his pizza out. The rim puffed anyway quite nicely (flour ?!) …








    Forth pie: Nduja, onions and Provolone. Very spicy, very good …





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