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Posts posted by Duvel

  1. Little one eats pretty much everything, with just a few notable exceptions. One of them is aubergine. When he was small he showed some intolerance towards nightshades, but this has long subsided. Still, the taste (or the texture ?) seems to bother him. So I try my best to make it more palatable to him.


    Today we tried ratatouille. In the shape of what he would recognize from the movie Ratatouille. Augmented by some grilled meats.








    Let’s just say he appreciated the work, and the grilled sausage 😉

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  2. 3 hours ago, MokaPot said:

    I like Japanese potato salad a lot. IME, it's peeled russets, mixture of potato chunks & mash, not much sweetness in the "dressing." I like to use togarashi on it.

    I do love Japanese potato salad, or ポテトサラダ. 


    However, as far as I know, this salad is made from a potato variety called “May Queen”, ubiquitous in Japan and of waxy consistency, rather than russets, which are floury …





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  3. 16 minutes ago, Kim Shook said:

    Funnily enough, doing this casserole was less about feeding us than about trying out a new dishwashing soap that promises it cleans with NO rinsing.

    The things we do to disprove commercials …

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  4. 3 hours ago, Katie Meadow said:

    Aww, life is short. Don't diss kohlrabi! Salted, paper thin slices of raw kohlrabi make a great cocktail go-with. I can see it as a wrapper for sushi, although I never would have thought of it. Pickled kohlrabi is excellent. It does need to be fresh and tender and juicy, and it isn't always like that. 

    Imagine growing up in the culinary wasteland of rural Germany in an area that featured commercial harvest of exactly three vegetables: kale, sugar beets and kohlrabi. Imagine all the fun preparations that existed (hint: one - boil for a looong time). For kale I made my peace. For sirup from sugar beets I can cope. I learned also to tolerate pickled kohlrabi, but bringing me to branch out further is reaaally stretching it … 

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  5. 4 hours ago, weinoo said:

    I had seen done before, maybe in California, but using super thin sliced kohlrabi

    If I ever catch someone wrapping a hamachi in Kohlrabi, he’ll make it onto my enemy list in an instant. In an intant !


    That means no Christmas cards, no kudos in any forum and a special place in my semiannual voodoo ceremony …

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  6. 10 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    When I see "top shelf" dishwasher safe, I have to assume they're referring to heat vs. chemical reaction; the chemical reaction I assume takes place no matter where the item is located during the wash.

    And just to add (the nerdy bit): there are two types of „cleaning chemistries“ going on typically.


    There is an alkaline component, that dissolves fats and proteins very effectively and with exponential performance depending on temperature. The higher temperature cycles rely on this component. It is corrosive and causes damage to unsuited plastics and blinds cheap glass. 


    Then there is an enzymatic component (in high end detergents), that works well in warm up to 40 oC environments. It takes a bit longer to dissolve all matters, and its action is usually promoted in the „eco“ cleaning cycle of your machine. This is also the basic idea behind the „dishwasher tab in your sink/toilet/drain“ hack …

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  7. 1 minute ago, weinoo said:


    Thanks - didn't even think about the detergent/rinse stuff that goes on during a wash.  When I see "top shelf" dishwasher safe, I have to assume they're referring to heat vs. chemical reaction; the chemical reaction I assume takes place no matter where the item is located during the wash.


    I guess many dishwashers have their heating elements on the bottom; I remember my mom's crappy dishwasher did, and it probably got pretty hot in order to dry stuff. Whereas the Miele here dries stuff in a totally different way...from residual heat?

    Part of my job used to be material science, especially corrosion phenomena, so it‘s a way of predefined thinking for me 🙄


    I was actually wondering about the „top shelf“ distinction. I have never seen that type of statement in Germany. The dishwasher I have (a pretty standard one from Siemens) has a separate heating element to regulate the water temperature of the water going into the dishwasher directly. It seems some older models (80‘s, if my father remembers correctly) used to have heating could in the bottom, but they were discontinued.


    Does the top element in „your“ dishwashers get significantly hotter than the desired water temperatures of lats say 60-70 oC ?

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  8. 20 minutes ago, weinoo said:


    After both of these, Myhrvold will next help you part with your money with his six volume tome on how to brew the best coffee and tea. But it will include both hot and iced.

    I believe Modernist BBQ will be the next thing: plenty of variables, a lot of perceived „voodoo“, hugely popular … 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Margaret Pilgrim said:

    Sliced nectarines with gorgonzola.

    Spirals with clams in squid ink sauce.   

    You really need to work on your plating skills. I can hardly see the nectarines under all that pasta …

    • Haha 8
  10. 4 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:

    How do you like your potatoes cut?



    I prefer cubes, just under 1 cm side length. My wife prefers slices of app. 3-4 mm width, with large potatoes halved lengthwise before slicing. Needless to say, with these distribution of preferences cubistic tortilla de patatas are a rare sight in the Duvel household …

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  11. 11 hours ago, AAQuesada said:

    A good recipe is only a starting place with Tortilla de patatas. You need to make a bunch to fine tune it to your liking. I like to let the onion and potato sit in the beaten eggs for a bit and marry the flavor 

    Second that … absorbing the salt into the potatoes and releasing the oil into the egg mixture is key.

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  12. 1 hour ago, ElsieD said:


    That's how our car dealer (Infinity) operates.  We recently were told that a part we needed could take up to two months to arrive.  It actually "only" took 3 1/2 weeks.  We won't be buying another Infinity.


    Every company optimizes their supply chain, and if the customer is not willing to pay for holding certain items permanently in stock (think bound capital), manufacture (or assemble) to order is the way to go.

  13. 1 hour ago, Anna N said:

    Very interesting. I really hate having pickled daikon in my refrigerator because even in class it just stinks. I am assuming this would not be an issue with the kholrabi. Similar taste and texture I would guess. 

    Pickled / sweet&sour Kohlrabi is very popular in Germany (it has to be, because we have so much of that stuff). For me, that’s the only way I can stand that vegetable - mild & crunchy. If you come with the other German preparation - boiled & served in cream sauce - I‘ll run …

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  14. 1 hour ago, weinoo said:


    Let's not forget the quantity of oil!  

    Even Bittman suggested a lot of oil for his tortilla recipe:


    • 1 ¼ pounds potatoes, 3 or 4 medium
    • 1 medium onion
    • 1 cup olive oil
    •  Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    • 6 extra-large or jumbo eggs
    In its most basic form, the tortilla is a potato and egg open-faced omelet that derives most of its flavor from olive oil.


    Double the onion & amount of oil, and please leave out the black pepper. One egg less will be more balanced from my point of view …

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  15. 4 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    I think this can be classified as a salad, albeit a cooked one.

    I think it fits very well in here, given that all potato salad contain at least the cooked potatoes, if not additional cooked onions, carrots, peas, bacon …

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  16. 13 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    Fresh turmeric root.



    What‘s your plan with that ? I can get them in my local supermarket, too, but other than two curry pastes I haven’t really found a useful application …

  17. It has been raining the whole day … needed something warm and filling: mixed bean soup with chorizo & meat balls, accompanied by half a Brezel. I love my pressure cooker !





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