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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. 30 minutes ago, chromedome said:

    Son of a gun. I've certainly hacked down my fair share of alder over the years, without knowing the catkins were edible.


    Mind you, Spicetrekkers' own page explains that there was no established tradition of using them culinarily, so I suppose I could be excused for not knowing this. :)


    I couldn't find that reference on spicetrekkers, could you please link it?


  2. On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 4:18 AM, Anna N said:

    Manitoulin Island? Like the times on the door just a suggestion.


    I was reading today in the NY Times that Sommaroy, a Norwegian island, is campaigning to abolish time and become the "world's first 'time-free' zone".  After all, people were probably baking lefse long before kitchen timers.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  3. 5 hours ago, EatingBen said:

    my understanding is the shelved precooked rice is packaged and steam cooked a few minutes shy but at high enough temps to pasturise the contents. Those sorts of things are difficult to accomplish in the home environment we don't have the machinery or the lab testing to ensure safety. 


    You could use sous vide, a vacuum chamber sealer to accomplish it in a more domestic settings (or commercial kitchen) and use bags that tolerate higher temps. I have bags that can handle a pressure cooker temperature but they are expensive. 


    For something like that, it might be worth contacting a food tech company that does these kinds of things professionally.  


    Link to your bags, please?


  4. 6 hours ago, paulraphael said:


    The only question I have is how to guarantee the cocoa butter goes into an emulsion with the water. The proportions are way off from a ganache, and even with a ganache it takes some care to guarantee it won't separate. I'd be surprised if the emulsifying power of the milk proteins would be enough. Maybe a small amount of lecithin would help.


    There's plenty of good quality milk powder available, at least in the US. Organic Valley is decent; Now brand is excellent. You have to keep it fresh, because it takes on stale flavors. I keep mine sealed up in the freezer. Just make sure it's 100% skim milk. I doubt any subtle differences (like between low temperature and high temperature spray drying) would be detectable through the chocolate. 


    You still don't have an homogenizer?


    • Like 1
  5. No information on Wild Gaspésian Pepper?  I spent time with one of our librarians at work this afternoon but we couldn't come up with anything.  My guess is it's a peppery herb of some sort but I can't imagine what.


  6. Dinner tonight was prepared with several Canadian herbs and spices with which I had not been familiar.  Google helped with some.  Could any kind Canadians enlighten me?


    Dulse:  seaweed that tastes like bacon.  Contains all trace elements needed by humans.   Sounds OK by me.


    Sweet Fern:  resinous bitter plant that is not a fern.


    Wild Gaspésian Pepper:  no clue.  Why is wild better than not wild?


    Labrador Tea:  favored by Inuit and First Nations people.  Wikipedia questions the toxicity.  Formerly added to beer to make beer more intoxicating.  Contains ledol used to invoke delirium in shamanistic rituals.  Also grayanotoxin, employed by Persians as a chemical weapon against Roman troops.



    Edit:  and as a recreational drug in Nepal and Turkey.



    • Like 2
  7. Dinner06212019.png


    Picture taken before parsley and olive oil.  Much olive oil.  In seriousness one of my finest dinners in some while.  King salmon grilled with Gaspesian salmon rub.


    • Like 11
    • Delicious 3
  8. On ‎2‎/‎8‎/‎2005 at 12:57 PM, andiesenji said:

    I also have a larger electric crepe maker and I have use the flat edge of one of the nylon or silicone dough scrapers to drag the batter around the top. It came with a thing that set in a groove on the outside edge but it was a little too unwielldy for me to use so I use the scraper instead.


    Was this crepe maker manufactured by Krampouz?  Mine came with a black plastic pie shaped wedge that fits in a groove around the outside edge.





    I've never tried to make a crepe in my life.  Though I am told there is a first time for everything.


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Cooker said:

    I am mostly trying to learn Indian cooking .


    I want to start from simple Indian foods that people here usually cook for breakfast , lunch and dinner


    I have not even prepared tea for myself , my cooking skills are a bit pathetic


    My mom and my wife used to do it for me all the time .


    Now i have to move to some other place to work , so cooking for myself becomes a necessity


    Look in the India cooking forum:



    I hope you find your cooking adventure enjoyable and that you will reach out beyond your comfort foods.  The dinner thread has all sorts of cookery, including Indian:



    I am fortunate to live in a town in the US with a wide range of cultures and cuisines.  Our current mayor (the head of government) is Indian.  A former mayor was Chinese.


    One of my projects is to figure out how to make dosa.


  10. 1 minute ago, Cooker said:

    Thanks ,


    I found this forum when i searched for a cooking forum

    A better idea would to be wake up in the morning and start helping my wife in cooking .

    I am from India



    What are you wanting to cook?  Regional Indian foods or international?  There is a lot of information here, and probably people who can help no matter what your cooking interest.



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  11. 4 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:

    Quick trip down to Buffalo today to start firming up the plans for the next workshop and to have lunch with @patris.


    We were headed for an Bangladeshi restaurant - Qutoom Indian and Indochinese Cuisine - but apparently they operate on island time and the times listed on the door were just a suggestion!


    So we headed next door to Frank Gourmet Hotdogs




    A vegetarian Impractical Joker for @patris, standard with mustard and relish for me, elote and some very lovely fries to share. 




    What island?


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