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Everything posted by elyse

  1. Nero, thanks for the emo def. What the hell is car-lot popcorn?
  2. What the hell is emotional hardcore?
  3. So how do you really define a gadget? I wouldn't classify a thermometer as a gadget because it serves a purpose that is necessary and can't be substituted with anything else. An ice cream maker? For today's standards and time constraints, I don't know about that one either. I use my rubber spatula just about every day, but nothing else could take it's place other than my fingers. I mean, it it were a contraption which fits on the rim of the pot/bowl/pan/can and instantly cleans the pot/bowl/pan/can with one swift movement of the turning of the "hand crank," that would be a gadget as far as I'm concerned. I use a small portion control scoop when I bake. Is that a gadget? Well, I'd have to take a lot more time making thing a uniform size. It makes my job faster and consistent. Those of you who have cherry/olive pitters, maybe it's your brand that makes you love/hate them? Which brands are they? I've been thinking of getting one, but am dubious. My grandmother had a cherry tree on her property, and the one time I did all of the pitting, I got horrible cramping too. I, stupidly made my own gadget. Three x-acto blades hot glued together. Ouchie.
  4. I knew I couldn't be the only one.
  5. Yes tan I was, but I didn't really think you'd be throwing them out.
  6. I don't care what anyone says I like a lot of artificial flavors. Strawberry and cherry included. Well, certain cherry flavors. I like artificial watermelon and apple, but not when they're trying to make it like real apple. Flame away! I too like chocolate mint, tk. As for skim milk, whole milk feels like slimy and thick going down my throat these days. As a kid I would not touch skim unless threatened. I agree with the Goober nastiness, Miracle Whip, and Cool Whip. Foul. In my book. What the hell is emo?
  7. Don't you dare throw those silpats out! Send them to me. I thought silicone won't absorb anything.... Try making some ginger snaps or some more clear candy without any spice, and see how it turns out. It may pick up the remaining heat.
  8. Bushy, can you tell me what it was near? And it was on the side of the Portuguese Bakery? Before center of town or after? Stores open and close like tsetse flies, so it's hard to keep track. The one place I'm thinking of is next to where I used to live. It's been Christopher's, and Pearls, and about a dozen other things since I've been going there. It's got an outdoor seating area in front, maybe 10 tables? It was a few blocks before the center, when you start getting into the galeries. After Ciro and Sals, and before Town Hall. Thereish? Why do I need to know? I just love Provincetown. I used to live directly across the street from Gallerani's too. The house with a second and third story walkway/porch, 132, top floor (bottom floor too the summer before). We ate at Gallerani's all the time durring the winter as they had townie specials for cheap. And I loved their cointreau french toast. Lorraine's I can't deal with. I used to go there when it was Gruber's, but he died, and I just can't go there. He was such a sweet man. And fabulous food too. My ex used to work at the Old Reliable down the gravel from there, but It closed for renovations, and don't think it ever reopened. Fell off my bike in that gravel. Got racing stripes all over my knee. Cool scars. Now I can't remember if they're in the same alley....
  9. Trish, I don't think I was implying that FTV isn't worth watching for everybody, I'M just sick of it. There's a difference. Watch it and be healthy.
  10. I meant that they were getting away from food and making it about performance and tv style and tv trends. And I don't believe I am making uninformed remarks. I am remarking on what I have been seeing on the network for the past ten or so years. In what way is that uninformed? Can you show me where my responses are "stock?" I'm not here to debate my opinion, just to state it.
  11. Stone, I thopught I was the only person who does that!
  12. Is Bobby cooking again? I've only seen re-runs, and ball park cuisine etc. Emeril, I can not bear to set eyes or ears on, so I don't care what he's doing with food. And again, the same butter's been around the same globe making the same stops for EVER! Yes, it's about food, but it's wrapped in a lot of tinsel. I mean, even Sara Moulton who I LOVE is bugging me these days. She's gotten so B. Smith.
  13. When I was there it was near the Embarcadeiro. Their website is www.yanksing.com, and is pretty descriptive. Address and menu there too. If you go, I hope it's an excellent experience. It's not cheap by the way, but totally worth it.
  14. Yank Sing, Yank Sing, Yank Sing! A thousand times Yank Sing!
  15. Bushey, where was Gloria's? I had breakfast at Flying Fish, and it was pretty awful. My home fries were white pieces of crunchy potato seasoned with salt and pepper. We have a house around the corner from Terra Luna. Friend owned, and pretty good. I would also recommend The Martin House. Unusual menu for P.town, and a beautiful historical house. It used to be called Snug Harbor, and the snug is still there. I always thought it should be used as a private dining spot fot two.... They have a website, www.themartinhouse.com. My friends Glenn and Gary own and run it too. They were winning awards for a while, but I haven't been keeping up on the news. I used to work on the line at Mojo's (fresh food fast) many moons ago. They're a a tiny order through the window place by the wharf in the center of town. I don't eat seafood, but we were always slammed for lunch and dinner. They must be doing something right. Lots of fried belly clams, tenders, scallops, fish and chips, bla, bla, bla, but they do much more than seafood. The menu's on their website which I can't find at the mo. If you want, I'll find it and post. It's a good place to get food and go to the breakwater at the end of town. Walk out to the point and smell the sea. Mark and Kay are the owners and they're there every day unless the wind's up and they go wind surfing. If you go, say hey for me. I second Spiritus' pizza, and Bubbala's is pretty good too. Front Street is supposed to be spiffy as well. Tons of places I would not recommend, but I won't start a looong list. Please tell us where you went when the time comes. Ok, I have to recommend that you NOT go to Napi's. It's a tourist trap, the food sucks, and he's a dick.
  16. In thinking about it, I disagree theat Arties Deli is a deli at all. It's just a Jewish theme restaurant like Hard Rock and Brooklyn Diner. And we've had Zabar's for an eternity longer than Artie's.
  17. Fire Island is a great place to visit (weekdays or off season). Haven't eaten out there is YEARS, but it's a beautiful place for seafood in the sunset. City Island sucks. DO NOT drive there on a weekend. International Market is pretty cool. Is there any to get there from here publicly? I've been wanting to go to Bobolink Farms for a while.
  18. I once had the awful task of finding a restaurant for a visiting friend's family. My friend was from Mass, and his family was from Germany. These were the restrictions: the restaurant had to be American cuisine quiet cheap high quality smoke free (around '91) really nice atmosphere nice neighborhood I was stumped. Everything I suggested was another nation's cuisine. I could think of no place quiet. Cheap, high quality food and a nice atmosphere in a nice neighborhood made no sense to me at the time. He finally agreed to Santa Fe on 69th (?) and we ate dinner happily. Except me. They all spoke German all fucking night and ignored me.
  19. elyse


    I have never had turducken and don't think I ever shall. What is the point of eating these delicious birds with no crisp skin? Seriously, somebody please tell me the point. Flaccid, wet, sticky skin? Ewww.
  20. I don't consider a toasteroven a gadget either, and I use mine everyday too even thought the top's burned out. Lame's - do they make them for lefties, and where would that be?
  21. Have you been watching it since the beginning? It has been on a swift downhill catapult since the first few years. I think most of us are in agreement that they are lowering the bar all on their own. If it were the other way around, I believe we'd all be thrilled about the network. It's just not about the food anymore and that's what I have a problem with. For showmanship and bubbling personalities and beautiful sets I can tune into "Friends" or "E News Live" or some "reality" show. For a food network, I want to see some damn fine food, be it low brow comfort or high brow cuisine. I'm tired of plowing through the muck.
  22. Right. Nor was it the date of the crime.
  23. elyse

    What with the Nachos?

    I was wondering why you were doing this in the first place. Glad to hear it worked out well!
  24. Phew! Glad I'm not a total dork.
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