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Everything posted by FeChef

  1. No worries mate, i am use to skim readers. That said 2 hours in 130F 100% steam still crisp, but pliable. That said, i can't judge how pliable yet, seems like APO doesn't do a great job at steam at low temps. It helps, but not as good as a standard steamer.
  2. 325F 100% steam 5 min , then 130F 100% steam. Will see if they stay pliable or get soggy over time.
  3. They always break no matter what. I find if you pull them out too soon they are still undercooked and have that stale texture. I would assume maybe covering with a wet paper towel before stuffing might help, never tried it, but thinking a hit with a specific steam humidity might hold them. I assume places like taco bell must do this as theres no way they are heating them up individually.
  4. Taco night. I prefer hard shell, but hate how they always break. Used the method where you put down some shredded cheese before baking to help prevent the shell from breaking, and if breaks/cracks the melted cheese helps hold it together. Anyway, wondering if baking in the APO, then holding with some steam might produce a more pliable end result. Thoughts?
  5. I know this because i grew up eating scrambled eggs like that. My dad never added milk, only salted butterm salt, and pepper. To this day i still prefer dense scrambled eggs. Omlettes i do like fluffy.
  6. This. Adding salt produces more dense scrambled eggs and omlettes.
  7. FeChef

    Forever Soup

    Refrigeration is not the same as freezing. Of course in a fridge it will get better, just like pickling gets better as the weeks go by. But you halt everying at freezing temps.
  8. FeChef

    Forever Soup

    You can't really call it 5-6 years since freezing basicly halts everything. You might have a stock that you keep thawing and freezing for 6 years but if you only simmer it for a few hours a few times a year its really just the time spent simmering.
  9. FeChef

    Forever Soup

    I did this for hot beef sandwiches with a crock pot. I left it on low for a few weeks. It definitely got more concentrated as the days went on. It was better when it was getting low on liquids, but you have to top it off every other day to keep it from burning up into nothing. Im pretty sure places like Italian beef in Chicago and Brennan and Carr in NY use the forever method.
  10. Doing lump crab stuffed cod pinwheel rolls as a side dish to go with prime rib roast. Thinking of trying this muffin pan method. Uncharted territory with the APO. Most recipes call for 350F for 30 min. That just seems like overkill. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am using frozen Icelandic cod fillets which are usually thick which i plan to thaw and slice into 1/2 inch x 2 inch strips. Question is how long would i need to bring these up to 140F in the APO in sous vide mode with 100% steam? Keep in mind these will be stuffed with a lump crab meat stuffing. EDIT: I went with 425F for 15 minutes. They were a huge success. I have some reheating in the APO now.
  11. To be fair, that recipe calls for beef stock. No mention of beef bouillon. I doubt they would be carring around beef stock on cattle drives either.
  12. Pretty sure nature ate them as is, doubt nature removed veins. I am in the long simmer camp. So tender and flavorful if simmered long enough.
  13. FeChef

    Chili con Carne

    Just make sure you cook it to medium so you dont end up with really greasy chili ( unless you like that ) Also, make sure you tear apart by hand. If you cut it with a knife it just doesn't look great.
  14. FeChef

    Chili con Carne

    I never write down what i add and it changes depending on what i have on hand, or what chile peppers look good at the grocery store, but I can name a few ingredients and techniques that have been a game changer for my chili. #1 as crazy as it sounds, i dont brown my ground beef in a pot. I mix 1 TBSP of Goya Adobo AP w/pepper and 1 TBSP of chili powder to 2lbs ground beef. I take a baking sheet and a rolling pin and make a huge patty about 1/2 inch thick and bake for 15-20 min at 350F. After its done i remove it from the baking sheet and pat the excess grease off with a paper towel. After it cools i roughtly tear it apart with my hands to make nice size chunks. The benefit of this is you dont lose all that flavor of the seasoning as every bite has flavor, and also i prefer nice chunks of ground beef in my chili. #2 I use chile puree as my base ( walmart sells it ) Its so much better then powder ( and very concentrated so use sparingly ) Its also less time consuming then making your own puree from dried chiles. #3 Use Masa Harina ( corn flour ) to thicken. Benefit is it adds a subtle corn flavor and doesn't turn your chili white like AP flour, and its easyer to work with then cornstarch. I use more beef stock then needed bercause i like a more gravy like consistency to my chili. Anyway, those are 3 game changers i figure i would pass on.
  15. Brined bone in breast was amazing. Never had a breast this juicy. At least not 3 to 4 hours holding.
  16. Im not sure where you are going with this post. I am testing functions of this oven. Where did i say this oven "doesn't" work well?
  17. Deep fried a chicken in my 2.5 gallon Electric Turkey fryer. Used 20% evercrisp ( man does that stuff work ) I wonder how many hours i can hold it at 140F 10% humidity? I guess this would be the ultimate test for the product. ( well, maybe 100% humidity would ) That said, i wanted to use some steam because ive had fried chicken get too dry at holding temps without steam. Anyone have any experience with holding fried chicken with a steam oven? Incase anyone is wondering, I cut up a 4lb bird into 9 pieces ( breast into 3, 2 drums, 2 thighs, and 2 whole wings folded. Also bread and fry the gizzard, and heart ( chefs prize ) Update: An hour in @ 10% humidity it went from extra extra crispy to close to "Original" i cut off the steam and will hold at 140F No steam for 2 more hours. And take pics of the results.
  18. No. I got the smell out of the inside oven with vinegar and baking soda paste. Its just wherever the steam goes before it vents out still smells like smoke. I think i will need to use some solution in a pan and crank the heat up so it boils and vents out, and hopefully that with get rid of the smell in the vents.
  19. My wife couldn't resist and ate two slices before i could take a pic.
  20. I used the ultimate cheesecake recipe on the app and after it was done i toped it with lemon curd. One change i had to do was use almost 2x the unsalted butter it called for for the graham cracker crust as it was too dry to press and form in the springform pan. The lemon curd recipe was here: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/how-to-make-lemon-curd/ I used 2 yolks and one whole egg instead of the 4 yolks as it made a thicker curd.
  21. Lemon curd cheesecake is looking really good. Can't wait to cut into it tomorrow.
  22. I wish. 2 hours in on a cheesecake and its still pumping out that sweet smoke smell. My wife joked and said it might be good, like a good smoked cheese.😬
  23. Yes I cleaned it. Its a problem because its stinking up my kitchen everytime i use steam.
  24. Well damn. Held a smoked brisket in the APO for 24 hours and can't get rid of the smoke smell. Wiped it down with a vinegar/baking soda paste, 212F 100% steam for 15 minutes, wiped it down real good. Smoke smell inside is gone but steam coming out of vent stinks to hell of smoke. Any ideas?
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