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Everything posted by FeChef

  1. FeChef

    Bacon Jam

    Thats not what i asked. I asked if i try this Sonic bacon jam burger will it be dissapointed? Im sure your jam is the "jam" but i dont want to waste expensive bacon to make a jam that my wife and I think sounded kinda gross in the sonic commercial. You feel what i am asking/saying?
  2. FeChef

    Bacon Jam

    Me and my wife both keep seeing that Sonic bacon jam burger commercial. We both thought it sounded disgusting. Now i am intrigued. Is Bacon Jam really good on a burger? I am definitely not going to make bacon jam till i at least try the Sonic bacon jam burger. Will i be disapointed?
  3. Soup? Like chicken rice, among others. I am planning on halupki soup soon, and leftover rice would work great for those kinf of soup dishes. The rice would get mixed in with ground beef with seasonings to form rice meatballs, The simmered with cabbage and stewed tomatoes and other ingredients.
  4. This made me want to make Halupki soup.
  5. FeChef


    Red beet eggs.
  6. FeChef

    Jiffy love

    You should try it. You could also do half sour cream half cream cheese to see if you like it as they mix well together. I think the cream cheese makes it obviously a bit sweeter and creamier and with the combination of nutmeg it just goes good together. I always consider it a dessert like i consider candied yams w/marshmellows a dessert.
  7. FeChef

    Jiffy love

    Its basicly the similar to @kayb recipe except with cream cheese and nutmeg.
  8. FeChef

    Jiffy love

    I make my self proclaimed corn bread pudding with Jiffy. I get asked to make it every thanksgiving. Frozen Corn and creamed corn and Nutmeg is my secret ingredient.
  9. I dont use canned pineapple for pizza. Canned has way too much sugar added.
  10. Im thinking more salty sweet and sour thing.
  11. You bring up a good point. Why is a Hawiian pizza pineaaple and ham? It should be Pineapple and spam. That said, i have ingested Hawiian pizza, its not bad. But 10/10 times i will choose supreme over hawiian.
  12. Spam and halushki. Spam and scalloped potatoes. Arroz con gandules w/diced spam. Eggs benedict w/sliced spam. The list goes on......
  13. I prefer shredded. Its great for both making chicken salad sandwich/wraps and it also works great on club crackers. I once tried a sous vide version with diced/cubed, and the texture was horrible. Had to toss two pounds of chicken salad. In hindsight, i should have tested a small sample before adding the entire two pounds of chicken breast. I could have cooked it a bit longer so i could have at least shredded it. When you think about it, why would you care how much moisture the chicken breast retains when you are adding mayo? The irony is, an extreme moist chicken breast would not absorb mayo, or any liquid for that matter. Thats what makes tuna salad so good, its dry, it absorbs the mayo which makes the salad.
  14. OK, but look at all the moisture loss, Theres a pool. How is this something to want?
  15. Ive been seeing a lot of these deconstructed steaks (beef/pork) a lot lately, guess its trending? I personally like to see the center. If a restaurant sent that to me like that i would tell the waiter to send it back. To each their own i guess..... Reminds me of needing pre cut all the food for my son when he was a baby.
  16. FeChef

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    If anyone is interested in the Marinade i use for the chicken thighs or pork its this: 1/4 cup sugar 4 TBSP mirin 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp garam masala 1/4 tsp white pepper 2 tsp oyster sauce 2 tsp sweet soy sauce (abc) 1 tsp soybean/sesame oil 4 TBSP bull head bbq sauce 4 TBSP teryaki sauce Thats for about 2lbs of chicken thighs or pork. I use a vacuum tumbler @ 30 psi for 30 minutes, but you could just marinate for 4+ hours. PS: you could probably sub the oyster sauce and the sweet soy sauce for Hoisin sauce, but im not a fan of hoisin sauce so thats why i used oyster and sweet soy. FYI: The bull head bbq sauce is imo the star of the show, Its so thick you have to dilute it to work as a marinade. Hense, all the other ingredients. LOL
  17. FeChef

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    Yes the bolillo rolls was a great choice. I cut about 1/2 way in, then baked for 3-4 min at 350F. While still hot, i opened it up and removed almost to the thin top crust. I was then able to put a thin coat of mayo on the bottom, and top, then a few dashes of Braggs, then pile all the fix'ns in. My mouth is watering, and im all out of rolls........
  18. FeChef

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    So, ive made this sandwich almost every day since friday. I went with local bolillo rolls. They are light and airy with a nice skin that isnt crusty until you bake it for a few minutes. I will say, i prefer Braggs amino over Maggi. And a sweeter marinade then a salty one for chicken thighs. I am still undecided if i like the squeeze tube cilantro or the fresh cilantro. The tube cilantro adds and extra umami element, but the fresh cilantro adds that fresh element , so maybe next time i should add a bit of both. Thin sliced japeno's are a must. And Diakon is much better then standard red radish. Cucumber and green onion is a great addition.
  19. @Bryna I used Prague Powder (cure#1) I looked at my original post and it doesnt look like i logged the recipe just the time/temp. I am pretty sure i went with a basic recipe for corned beef that i got from google, but i definitely used cure#1. If Alton Brown had a corned beef recipe, i most likely went with his.
  20. FeChef

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    Well, I blame covid, but local grocery had NO fresh Cilantro. It was already late, and i didn't feel like driving another 10 min out of my way to another grocery store. So squeeze tube cilantro it is. lol
  21. FeChef

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    So Cilantro is a key ingredient? I like Cilantro, i dont stock it, but its cheap enough. Is the meat simliar to char su flavor? I wonder if my bull head bbq marinated chicken would work for this sandwich. Its strange, we have Vietnamese restuarants in my area but they only specialize in Pho. I hyave never seen sandwiches on the menu's.
  22. FeChef

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    Reminds me of some show or movie where these snooty guests asked for Pate at some Hotel and were given canned cat food and they loved it. Edit: I think it was AHS On topic, Is Diakon essential? Could Celery or cucumber be subbed?
  23. On the topic of iPot, and i didn't really want to start a new thread, Does anyone know the sweet spot for boneless skinless chicken thighs seared, then braised in the iPot where its between chop and pull? Google recipes are a mixed bag. I am debating between 10-15 minutes. I think anything less or more will result in not enough to pull or too long to chop
  24. Yeah, i would guess that would be the case, unless you cook it long enough to reach the muscle fiber breaking point. Chuck roast can be hit or miss in the iPot.Short ribs as well. I think the key is to make sure the meat is almost completely submerged in liquid (like a tradition braise) I had cooked short ribs in the iPot (only partially submerged in liquid) for 90 minutes, and they were still tough and not broken down. On the other hand, i have finished rack of pork ribs on the steamer rack with liquid to the top of the steamer rack for 30 minutes and the came out perfect.
  25. If it makes you feel any better, i don't know what a padade, or a panade is. But now im curious. Did you try to correct the OP and changed parade to padade? Or was it always padade? Or were both of you incorrect and it was never parade, and has always been padade? Here is the OP:
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