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Posts posted by lindag

  1. I'm making Swiss steak in the Ipot now...chuck steak, potatoes, carrot, onion and canned Italian tomato, slow cooking.

    the aroma is intoxicatingly.

    it's a cool, wet day here and Swiss steak seemed like a comforting dish for a gloomy day.

    Used my new non-stick inner pot which worked beautifully.

    • Like 3
  2. 9 hours ago, pastrygirl said:



    Is there much of a farmers market scene or farm-to-table hoopla where you are?  I haven't been to MT in several years, but it seemed very meat and potatoes at the time.


    It still is.  There are a few farmers' markets around but the growing season is quite short and the options are not much.  The Hutterite farmers come to Stevensville (a few miles South of where I live) and bring their produce, poultry, breads, etc. but the quantities are suitable for huge families (like theirs).  Giant loaves of bread, huge cabbages the size of basketballs, chickens around 7 or 8 pounds.  Too big for my needs.

    Very little In the way of delicate items like tomato, lettuces, summer squash, etc.

  3. I had dinner last weeke at one of town's better restaurants.  I was so disappointed in the salad.

    the lettuce had clearly come from a bag because it had that unmistakeable chemical taste I recognized.

    i should have complained but didn't.  Why would a good restaurant compromise their ingredients this way?

    • Like 1
  4. I'm thinking of carrying my own small bottle of hot sauce for use in restaurants because they all seem to have only Tobasco available.  I hate Tobasco sauce!  It tastes, to me, like too much vinegar; I will not use it on anything, even if there's nothing else available.

    Some time ago I did a side by side testing of hot sauces (I have at least 6 to 8 in in my pantry).

    My favorite of those that I have was Dirty Dick's.  But now I also have some of the Inner Beauty, I'll try that one in my next test.

  5. I got my first bottle of the Inner Beauty Hot Sauce yesterday and was eager to try it on my meatloaf

    sandwich...I like it a lot; it adds a nice extra layer of flavor to an already great sandwich.

    • Like 1
  6. My Schwan's delivery is coming today.  Not a meal kit, but it works better for me.

    Today's is cod, chicken spinach ravioli (I got some Rao's marinara for it), garlic French bread, chicken cheese quesadillas, chocolate brownies, and ham and cheese omelets.  The quality has been very, very good and I can put my meals together anyway I like.  I'm only limited by the available space in my freezers!

    • Like 2
  7. I'm so envious of those of you who have a TJ nearby.

    My closest is a 3-½ hour drive each way.  Just to have access to the wine selection would be great.

    When I lived in Portland, I'd drive my SUV up to the door and get a load of eight cases of various wines.

    That'd hold us for a good long time.  Each trip was an adventure, and I really miss that.

    • Like 1
  8. On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:29 PM, liuzhou said:

    I found these in a local store this morning.


    Beetroot Crisps.jpg

    "Beetroot Crisps" according to the packet. I have never seen beetroot in China, but I love it, so I had to buy a packet to test. They are imported all the way from Uruguay, which seems a bit ridiculous.

    Unfortunately, they were certainly past their best. It's a long, tiring trip.


    • Like 1
  9. 13 hours ago, liamsaunt said:

    Well, here is the latest snafu with my Purple Carrot TB12 meal kit.  I came home from work and there was no box!  According to FedEx tracking it was delivered to the front door this morning.  I suppose someone could have taken it, but I am skeptical.  My house is on a cul de sac that is not off a main road and my driveway is so long that you can't even see the house from the street.  It's pretty unlikely that someone looking to steal packages would have ventured up here.  I have an email in to Purple Carrot and we will see what they say.


    this happened to me with an order of Darwin's frozen dog food.

    My previous UPS driver retired and I was getting a new guy every visit.

    I got an email that my package (30 lbs.) was delivered yet there was no package at my door.

    I called Darwins and the CS person said she'd check with UPS.

    Turns out the package was delivered to a neighbor.  Woman then suggested that I schlepp over and get the package from the neighbor.  I said no (I have a bad back and can't walk very far, let alone carrying a heavy package).  UPS driver appeared shortly and got the package to me.

    Doesn't happen often here; we're a small town and most people know their way around.  And I get a lot of deliveries so unless the driver is new to the area the service is very good.

    I do like that I get emails now announcing the deliveries otherwise they may sit at the door until I happen to upon them.

    It has happened more often that I get mis-delivered mail, but even that is now a rarity.

  10. While I'm crazy for peanuts in any form I find I prefer the pretzel M&Ms.  I've noticed that occasionally the peanuts in the Peanut M&Ms can become a tad rancid tasting; maybe I stored them too long.

    In may somewhat remote area we don't get many of the new and novel kinds.

    • Like 1
  11. On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 0:40 AM, Thanks for the Crepes said:




    Russian sausage? Do you have many Russian imports in China? I don't think I've ever seen a single product over here from Russia. 

    Maybe not before but give it time!

  12. Diana,

    I use that proofing box as well and it works like a charm.  You can dial up whatever temperature you need depending upon your conditions and whatever you're proofing and there's a water tray to add moisture to the doughs.

    I leave mine set up in the dining room all the time but it's nice that it collapses down for those who want to store it.

    What a great picture of George!

    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, blue_dolphin said:

    I cook brown rice on manual, high pressure for 23-25 min (23 is directly in the pot, 25 is if I'm using pot-in-pot, which is most common for me).  I let the pressure release naturally for 10 min and then release the valve.

    I generally wash my rice first, so it's a bit wet when I add it to the pot and I use 1:1 ratio of rice to water.   

    I've also used 1:1.25 with brown rice and that worked, too.

    Thanks a million!  I'll use your method next time.

    • Like 2
  14. 16 hours ago, Panosmex said:



    The bread crumbs  type also has a significant effect on the finished moisture.

    For the crumbs, I use crushed saltines as suggested by CI.  Easier to do than processing your own bread, as well.  Someone told me they had a meatloaf where Ritz crackers had been used, they loved it.

  15. 22 minutes ago, Panosmex said:

    Ketchup. Do you eat the meatloaf sandwich cold? If it were hot, it's best open-faced with hot brown gravy (mushroom gravy optional) and a hill of mashed potatoes on the side. Different options for different tastes and times.


    I've never tried my sandwiches hot.  Something for me to try.  Lord knows I have plenty of leftovers.

  16. I used me new non-stick Non stick inner pot today for the first time.

    i'm impressed, in spite of the Amazon reviews ( I think the one I got is a newer model than ones previously reviewed).

    in spite of not being able to find the right setting to cook my brown rice I eventually got it cooked.

    To add, the 'rice' setting and the 'multigrain' setting were both too hot.

    any suggestion how I can improve?

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