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Everything posted by scubadoo97

  1. yes I do. As you can see in the picture the exhaust is near the window fan. I recently added a flexible vent pipe from the exhaust to the front of the fan so it pipes right out and no smoke in the room. The room is our pool house that needs remodeling. It’s my place to hang, smoke cigars, roast coffee, sip my booze and play guitar, aka man cave
  2. here is a batch off the roaster yesterday. I would call it a city to full city roast
  3. The only problem is the fan that pushes the heated air through the drum makes it difficult to hear the cracks. As it nears first crack in color I’m moving closer to the roaster to watch the color of the beans and wait for the crackling of second to stop the roast and dump into my bean cooler. I replace the drum and let the roaster run through its cooling cycle or at least 1/2 way before stopping it and reloading for the next roast. 2 full batches will fill a mason jar with a little bit leftover
  4. You control the roast level and can stop the roast at any time. Even though the roaster can be programmed to go into the cool mode, I dump mine into a colander on top of a down draft cooling fan which rapidly cools the roast. I try to push through first crack and into the beginning of 2nd crack before stopping and dumping into my cooling unit.
  5. I have a Cafe Gene and like it. Had previously been roasting with a turbo oven and stir crazy popcorn base with the heater disconnected to allow the stir crazy to just keep the beans moving under the turbo oven. The Gene is still hot air roasting but it allows you to set temp and roasting time and has a chaff collector as well. Very even roasts
  6. I had to complete the dish in my head a week or two later
  7. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    Love those beet greens Margaret
  8. I use to do the same but after nearly removing the tip of my right index finger slicing cooked beets 🙄 I now wear a glove.
  9. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    I laugh because I rarely follow a recipe to the letter but look at them for basic concepts. For that reason I don’t bake.
  10. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    I cut in half and shred with a knife. Fine dice a small shallot and cook with a little butter and salt till tender. Some times toss in a little water, cover and steam to retain the color. So a combo sauté and steam
  11. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    Steelhead and brussels
  12. scubadoo97


    Yes you can use the pharmacy as well as the liquor store adjacent to the main entrance without being a member
  13. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    Agreed, I was commenting on the typical small jared capers in liquid brine found in most grocery stores
  14. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    Not really. I find most capers very similar
  15. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2020

    Another round of grouper piccata
  16. What about a stone of steel tile on the grill to cook on
  17. scubadoo97

    Lunch 2020

    smart move on the salsas.
  18. scubadoo97

    Breakfast 2020!

    Had a slab of red and yellow bell pepper that needed to get used. Diced it up and added shishito peppers to the mix. Sautéed then dropped an egg on top. Interesting look. Tasted good
  19. Comfort in a bowl Caldo verde
  20. Based on all these remedies fat appears to be the common ingredient to taming the heat of spice
  21. am laughing because we have a lot of Ralphs in my extended family. One being my brother
  22. Kay it’s been a fun ride. Buying barrels of bourbon over the last 10 yrs and more recently barrels of Armagnac have been an amazing experience. A bunch of good guys who have a great time together. Wife's always included. Always better to include significant others in our jollies. “Happy wife, happy life” we are looking at a venture in wine country for our 10th anniversary of the group. Wife’s and SO’s always included. Should be fun. One of our members has a winery in Napa. He worked with Rivers Marie before starting his own winery. I’ll be hosting a member at my home in the next couple of weeks. it’s always like family but better. How can I show them a good time while there’re here. They would do the same it’s been very enriching except for my liver, who has yet complained 🤞
  23. I didn't said Valentine’s Day was for suckers, just the going out for dinner part. And I was cynical because I love to cook and cooking for someone you care about is an expression of love and sincerity. My wife is at a week long sewing trip with some very talented people the whole week, doing what she loves And I give her her time to do what she loves. Just like she does for me when travel to Kentucky to buy barrels of bourbon or hanging with my bourbon friends in different parts of the world or traveling to buy barrels of Armagnac in France. its always a balance I should edit that my wife was with me in France when doing Armagnac barrel picks as was several other wife’s. We always respect their participation and palate
  24. Going out for Valentine’s Day is for suckers. I usually cook at home for that holiday. I’ll be bachloring it solo as my wife is at a sewing retreat. Probably will make something she doesn’t like
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