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Everything posted by scubadoo97

  1. scubadoo97

    Breakfast 2025

    Breakfast is most often is rolled oats eaten as a cold cereal with blueberries, diced strawberries, walnuts, dates and prunes covered with almond milk Alternate breakfast is a lightly toasted bagel, cream cheese, capers, sliced tomato and nova lox’s
  2. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2024

    Eating fish most often for dinner. Usually red grouper or red snapper and on occasion salmon or mahi. Recently bought a NY Strip for New Year’s Eve served with a side of collard greens
  3. scubadoo97

    Breakfast 2025

    Breakfast these days is usually uncooked rolled oats eaten as a cold cereal with strawberries and blue berries, walnuts, prunes or dates and almond milk My alternative breakfast is a bagel, lox’s and cream cheese with addition of capers thin, sliced mini tomatoes and possibly cucumber
  4. At least 4
  5. Just another big ass family Thanksgiving. The family just gets bigger
  6. Outside of salt and pepper cumin is a staple for certain dishes I grew up with. I have a big container of whole cumin seeds and grind as needed.
  7. “it was always the braising cuts I shopped for most aggressively” Same here but now we eat very little red meat
  8. This is the cut I’ve been using most often for carrots as well.
  9. Prep depends on what you’re making. Getting back to the beach and making some chicken soup with stuff that made it through the electrical outings that thank goodness were brief. The chicken was fresh
  10. Have a big pot of chicken soup on the stove. We are just getting back to the beach after the last two hurricanes. getting some normalcy back. Took a long walk and still so much stuff from homes piled up waiting for pick up. Looks like a disaster zone. Oh yeah, it is
  11. Have a large tropical storm heading our way. Most likely will lose power. Canned sardines will likely be my lunch and dinner. Wife is away and she doesn’t care for canned seafood. She will eat canned tuna but draws the line. So a good time for me to indulge
  12. scubadoo97

    Dinner 2024

    With a tropical storm possibly nearing close to us, I pulled out a fillet of red grouper from the freezer. It was a big sucker. Wife said cook it it all against my my better judgment but I have found that it’s better to just say “yes honey” hopefully a lot of fish salad will be in my up coming future
  13. Still have my Anova one and 2 Anova Precisions. Bought one for my self and one for each my 2 children. One gave it back to me so I have 2 Precisions. I got away from SV for quite awhile and easing in back in to it. Here is a use I was using before we moved to a small beach condo. If I had something vac packed frozen from the freezer, I would clip the Anova to the divider in the sink and run it with no heat. Would thaw in record time
  14. Remember when Anova came to Egullet to find out what we were interested in for a home based immersion circulator before they rolled out the Anova One
  15. This is one of my favorite brands. Skin and bones please. Don’t want to miss out on some calcium
  16. When I first found eG I was starting to get into cooking. That was so many years ago. Cooking became my Zin when coming home from work after dealing with employees Went from basic cooking to gastronomy over the years and have slid back to more basic cooking as I’ve gotten older. My wife no longer wants to eat red meat which I’m ok with but fish is our main protein source with some poultry tossed in for variety. Also eating non meat sources that are high in proteins like some grains Not as involved as much in message boards as I use to be, but try to look at eG most days even if I don’t post pictures very often
  17. scubadoo97

    Passover 2024

    Oh and my wife is making desserts. Passover cookies and brownies
  18. scubadoo97

    Passover 2024

    Will be with family in Tampa. Will be a big crowd around 45 ppl. I got off easy with supplying the horseradish for the Seder
  19. scubadoo97

    Corn Cob Stock

    it’s teaching me I can do well with less
  20. scubadoo97

    Corn Cob Stock

    The rented condo I’m in now is 800 sq ft Not much room and it’s full of the owners cookware The one we are buying is 1821 sq ft so hope to bring some more. of my kitchen stuff from out of storage
  21. scubadoo97

    Corn Cob Stock

    Will have to try that after I get my pressure cooker back in the kitchen I’ll be moving into. Unfortunately the size of our new condo on the beach is really tiny. Went from a 4000 sq ft home on an acre to a 2 BR condo just under 2000 sq ft for more $ than my house. But the view is pretty good. 🤷🏼‍♂️🩴🕶️
  22. scubadoo97

    Corn Cob Stock

    Shel_B, I cut my cobs in 3-4 inch pieces to try to get as much out of the cobs with out grinding them up 😂
  23. scubadoo97

    Corn Cob Stock

    Corn cobs were a frequent residents in my freezer Corn stock was and is a favorite. Think I have a small container in the freezer
  24. My Mazzer Mini grinder is still running strong. Still grinding home roasted beans every day
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