What was your family food culture when you were growing up? I had a very interesting food culture growing up. My Grandparents where Jews from Syria who migrated to the US and ended up in the South. So it was not uncommon to have Arabic dishes like kibbeh, hummus along side more traditional Jewish or Southern dishes. On New Years it is always collards and black eye peas. On the Jewish New Year we have stuffed grape leaves, stuffed squash or eggplant, kibbeh etc. Was meal time important? Food was always an important part of family life. It is very customary to make sure your guest are well fed Was cooking important? My Grandmother took it to an art form with perfection in any anything she made. She would cook for her family and friends and as the family grew that resulted cooking for more than 40-60 people at many family get together. She still cooked for her large family even in her 90s. My mother also was a great cook and food was always important in family life. What were the penalties for putting elbows on the table? No penalties Who cooked in the family? As mentioned, my Grandmother did most of the cooking for “family” get together/holidays. My mother did all the cooking in our house. Now I do the cooking for my family Were restaurant meals common, or for special occasions? Most meals were in the home and in my home they still are. Did children have a "kiddy table" when guests were over? At large family meals the kids would sit together, but more just to be together. They were not banished to the kiddy table When did you get that first sip of wine? My first sip of wine was probably at 8 days old at my bris. Wine is a customary part of Shabbat and holiday meals Was there a pre-meal prayer? Prayers were always made before meals on Shabbat Was there a rotating menu (e.g., meatloaf every Thursday)? Certain dishes were a standard for Shabbat Friday night dinner but there was more variation during the week How much of your family culture is being replicated in your present-day family life? Not much has changed. I have made efforts to retain traditions and recipes of my heritage.