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Everything posted by ScottyBoy

  1. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Straight out of the bag they go into the breading, left out at room temp I bread again 15 min later before the fry. Breading sticks perfectly and evenly.
  2. Thing is I really really don't mind if someone takes a picture. I guess the food what good enough that they wanted a photo. That said I still feel awkward in someone else's restaurant...
  3. That's why you need a super expensive DSLR with a ultra high ISO Though I do feel a bit embarrassed when a friend brings one of those things. No flash needed but just makes me feel awkward.
  4. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Made some fried pousin, sous vide at 147 for 2 hours, a spiced breading. I like to bread once and wait 15 minutes or so to hit it again. Made some light coleslaw.
  5. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Funny, I made almost the same pasta tonight but cracked an egg yolk on it.
  6. Shaved a bunch of leftover veggies into a white sauce with pecorino. It wasn't bad but I always prefer other people's cooking. I need to give tamales a shot some time!
  7. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Yeah I make torchons, freeze then in portions that I can use for individual dinners. Shaved with a micro plane with inspiration from David Chang.
  8. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Salmon poached at 105 in olive oil with a dill-bacon-meyer lemon cream, sourdough croutons. Baby red chard, tatsoi, preserved lemon dressing and shaved frozen foie. Sous vide squab and poussin, grits and shaved brussel sprouts. For a dinner for a client last night.
  9. ScottyBoy

    Lunch! (2003-2012)

    Dang that's quite a spread!
  10. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    2 of my friend's chickens turned out to be roosters. Can't have them in the city it's coq au vin time
  11. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Amazing as always darch. Those stuffed fennel bulbs are awesome!
  12. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Always a plus to have a roommate that can "cook back" at you. Skirt steak, onion, romesco, crema, cilantro and lime.
  13. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    A vegan version of my signature desert. Chocolate cake, coconut cream salted caramel, soy-coconut coffee ice cream and peanut butter powder.
  14. ScottyBoy

    Pan Searing

    Exactly, I'm looking to get a nice brown crust on it. I think of the darker stuff as "charring". Which has it's benefits in certain applications. As apposed to "Scorched".
  15. Two examples of why I love Modernist techniques, I can cook say a lamb loin perfectly, shock it in ice, trasport it to another kitchen, reheat and then sear it to perfection when I need to plate that dish. I have a desert that I like to use the flavor of peanuts in. I don't want people chasing peanuts around the plate and would rather not have the texture of peanut butter in the dish. Solution = maltodextrin. Every bite gets a little bit of peanut flavor. Honestly for me, all these new techniques are all about execution. They come from people thinking outside of the box and making stuff I would never make, but I reap the benefits!
  16. ScottyBoy

    Pan Searing

    It's one of the things I tell my clients after the meal while talking food over a glass of wine. "It's not like the oil or fat is going to jump out of your pan and onto your plate". Especially with more novice cooks, more oil will = less stick and it might make them a bit more comfortable.
  17. I would say the really big chicken sandwich is solid. Although I grew up with it, the idea of a double decker chicken sando just like a double burger is awesome.
  18. Interesting. I put caramel on my signature desert and then sprinkle peanut butter powder on top. If I remember I'll try a little batch with the peanut butter straight in (I make caramel every few days).
  19. ScottyBoy

    Pan Searing

    Hmmm, I'll have to try less oil sometime. But plenty of oil (even up to 1/4 inch) always gave me great results throughout my career. Sorry for the obligatory fancy pants photos...
  20. ScottyBoy

    Dinner! 2012

    Dude that wellington looks AMAZING!
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