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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Darienne

    Help with menu

    Salmon we fry/poach in lime juice.
  2. Hi Prabha, I flipped through the book looking at the storage information and the bars will keep at room temperature from 2 days to 1 week. (In the refrigerator from 1 to 2 weeks.) I owuld imagine that this is based on the ingredients. There are no preservatives in the bars so that's where the short room temperature storage lies.
  3. The Clif bar substitutes are called Nick Bars and the nutritional breakdown per bar is: Calories 195, Fat 7.5 g (Saturated 1.8 g), Cholesterol 1 mg, Sodium 41 mg, Carbs 29.8 g (Fiber 3.2g, Sugars 19.8 g), Protein 4.9 g. The recipe does not contain soy. I have not made the Nick Bars. As noted above, I am stuck on the Citrus Bars and in fact, just made another double batch today, one of the variants, further varied by my own fair hand, of course. Good luck with the book. It's pretty good.
  4. The posts above are so brilliant with the re-purposing of familiar kitchen items. Reminds me very sharply of why I love being on eGullet. The generosity of the members is outstanding, as always.
  5. I should be exceedingly grateful for said salad. Please post either online or PM me. Not at all concerned about 1 tablespoon of sugar. Thanks.
  6. Smithy, I should have mentioned that I have tried a number of bean salads with different vinaigrettes and I just don't really like them. The salad, while sweet, is very pleasing, especially as one of a number of salads to choose from. But it has a ton of sugar in it and the DH really objects to that. Thus the search... This is a regular summer supper for us: romaine or greens on the plate with a chopped tomato on top, and then a number of salads to choose from: cole slaw, broccoli and cauliflower salad, sweet potato, poblano, corn and black bean salad ( a combination of 3 recipes), tabouleh, a chickpea and grape tomato salad, a quinoa salad...etc, etc. Plus a dish of hummus, fresh bread, canned corn beef (a guilty pleasure), cheddar cheese, etc. Not a necessity. Just searching for this optimum plain bean salad. A 2014 goal.
  7. Dear Smithy, I found myself nodding in agreement with your post. Your troubles are my troubles also. However, we don't use non-stick pans so that part is not serious. Our current problem is gritting our teeth and purchasing a second one of your 'Turner in the Center'. The good metal ones are not inexpensive and although DH has faithfully looked for one in our local second hand stores, the good ones are not to be found. So actually today is D Day for metal turners and we will buy a second one. I just can't manage with one with both of us cooking. Turner #1 is constantly in the dishwasher when I suddenly need it. A sad story I know, but that's life.
  8. Thanks, Nakji, for re-starting this topic. Went back and found my earlier post. Totally forgotten about it. We haven't gotten all that far in having folks over for lunch, but we have made a start. And as for the Power Hungry thread. I see that I mentioned the Citrus-Seed-Fruit Bars. Well, they are so good that I have continued to make them regularly, and tried other bars only occasionally. Have to get back to that... Would like to add a couple of new salads to my repertoire. Salads which are not primarily greens in this case. Really need a good bean salad. Calipoutine's ex-M-i-L's bean salad is THE BEST...but it's pretty high in sugar and I'd like a bean salad without sugar. So far, I've not found one. They are all not to my taste, although I love beans and we eat them a lot. Just not in salads. Not lofty goals, but still mine own.
  9. Tell us something about yourself. Male or female? Old or young? In school? Professional chef? New at cooking? Whatever.
  10. annabelle, perhaps most restaurants where you live will serve poached eggs...I can assure you that where I live in East Central Ontario, they will not.
  11. Although the contents of Delights from the Garden of Eden are wonderful, I'm afraid I have two more complaints to add to yesterday's complaint of weight. The size of the print is exceedingly small...and I am getting exceedingly old...even with glasses on and much of the text is fainter than I would like. What a shame. It just may be enough for the author to lose one sale. It all adds up to just a bit too much.
  12. And most places won't do poached either. We used to order fried over easy as we traveled across the USA. Until over easy started to mean raw. Now we order over medium (to get what I consider over easy).
  13. Interesting question and interesting answer. So many recipes instruct that you saute the onions, or whatever, for 3 minutes before adding the next ingredient. And I find that I am always sauteing the whatever for much longer before it gets to the correct point for adding the next ingredient. This suggests that my pan is not hot enough when I start out. Thanks.
  14. If we are going to talk about silicone and spatulas, then I have to post a word about my favorite spatulas, the Trudeau one piece silicone in various sizes and shapes. Love, love, love them.
  15. Delights from the Garden of Eden has finally arrived for me in my local library through ILL. (Never buy expensive cookbooks sight unseen.) But if Andie liked it, it should have been good enough for me. Wonderful book. So much history and tradition and color. Wonderful. Haven't tried anything yet, but I just got it yesterday. My one 'complaint' is that the book is SO heavy, I can't read it lying down in bed. Some complaint. Thanks for introducing it Andie. I'm going to think seriously about buying it (in my none-cookbook buying mode).
  16. I'd try that recipe with the habanero except that my DH doesn't really like sorbet or sherbet or anything which isn't rich-tasting ice cream. Maybe next time we have a group over at once. My favorite DL ice cream recipes are the Aztec "Hot" Chocolate Ice Cream and the Orange-Szechwan Pepper Ice Cream, both of which are currently in the freezer. However, I make them with a cornstarch base which nicely subs for whipping cream and eggs. At least it's enough for us.
  17. No problem. Here is the actual recipe: http://mostlyfoodstuffs.blogspot.ca/search?q=Macaroons+with+Chocolate+Ganache .
  18. Just looked it up myself at the source again to make sure I hadn't made a mistake. The recipe calls for sweetened coconut which is what I used. However, as to brand...I have no idea. This coconut came from my usual bulk food store and as for what I used before?...I have no idea. It might have even been some commercial brand from a grocery store. It was too long ago. The mixture did not seem dry at all when put into the oven, but I suppose that's what it was. Looking over the recipe again...no idea.
  19. They simply came apart. It was as if you had put several small antagonistic magnets together...they simply came/fell apart. I was able to stick some of them back together again using two silicone spatulas to push the mixture, but even so, amounts of them came apart again. Never seen anything like it before. Very frustrating. No idea why.
  20. OK. I'll bite and make this personal. We've never had Singapore Noodles in a restaurant that I can recall and I have no idea where I got my recipe. I've looked in several of my standard Oriental Cooking cookbooks and can't find it. I think I got it online from the days when I didn't save provenance of recipes. We love this dish. Ours has: noodles, bean sprouts, bell pepper, shredded cabbage, sliced onions, garlic, ginger, cooked pork (fried ground pork or shredded pork) chicken broth, soya sauce, brown sugar (omitted), salt & pepper and curry paste. The curry paste my DH likes is Red Curry Paste, Aroy-D brand. Our small Asian grocery carries a lot of Aroy-D brands. I could also add that we live outside a small Ontario city, very provincial, and all the Chinese restaurants serve the same lowest common denominator buffet style food. They pretty much each has a noodle dish which we usually ignore. Toronto, 90 miles north and east, would have excellent restaurants but we try to stay out of Toronto as much as possible.
  21. Well, I would love to see your recipe, please. Either online or PM. My macaroons, which I have already made successfully 4 times, were a disaster this time. I'm going to start a thread to see if someone can help me with whatever I did incorrectly.
  22. Amazing, merstar. That's exactly what I have planned to make today. My recipe comes from eGulleter, Deensiebat.
  23. Thanks Ruth. I can always fall back on my old standard large rounds. And no, you can barely get all the candy mixture out of its container before it simply hardens inside around the walls. It helps to work with someone who can reposition whatever sticks need resticking.
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