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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Deseeding tomatoes

    How about a food mill?
  2. I've been thinking about getting this book but my fridge ice cube maker is broken and I don't want to pay $$ to get it fixed. Which leads me to this question: I have read that you must cool her bases down quickly using ice cubes. Why is that? Why can't I cool it in the fridge overnight, say, and freeze it the next day?
  3. Is it just me or do others find this a little, oh, I don't know, weird?
  4. I'm very interested in this thread. I have been thinking about buying this book but have resisted until I hear what others have to say about it. How does it compare to The Perfect Scoop? What is the texture of the ice cream like, and how hard does it freeze? Is it hard to scoop? I find home made ice cream often is.
  5. So I bit the bullet and am now the proud owner of a Thermomix. I just made butter chicken and will also be doing rice and a vegetable medley in it to go with said butter chicken. It sure is easy to use - the onions, chilis, ginger, cilantro and garlic went in whole and a 10 second buzz later they were finely chopped. I think I'm REALLY going to like this thing!
  6. Andie, I'm guessing a second lid gasket does not come with the second bowl? Is this also the case for the lid in that it is a separate purchase as well? This next question is directed to both Andie & Kerry and anyone else who wants to chime in. How often do you use the Thermomix? I've done a lot of browsing on the internet but can't really get a sense of how frequently people use it. As I get closer to demo day tomorrow, I'm wondering if it will end up being yet another "toy" that mostly gathers dust. It is not an inconsiderable sum of money to be spending on yet another kitchen appliance so I want to be sure that I will be making good use of it. Or maybe I should just let the demo convince me?
  7. http://www.ukthermomix.com/recshow.php?rec_id=96 This may interest you.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsicum This may enlighten you.
  9. I am planning on buying a Thermomix and will be going to a demo on Saturday. I have been doing a lot of reading on the internet about these machines and it seems that those who have two mixing bowls are very happy that they have the second one. What is the opinion of eGullet posters? Also, is there anything else related to the Thermomix you wish you had two of? I figured I may as well get any extra parts when placing the original order. Thanks!
  10. I used to put sugar in buttermilk and also used to eat tomatoes with sugar rather than salt. Now I no longer drink buttermilk and normally put salt & pepper on my tomatoes but if there is a bit left after, say, making a sandwich I'll sprinkle a bit of sugar on it and finish it off. Not sure if that was weird or not - half my family did the same, the other half were salt purists.
  11. In Canada I can buy them at Chinese grocery stores.
  12. Kerry, how was the food? We are down in that neck of the woods from time to time and it's always nice to know of a good place to get decent food.
  13. ElsieD

    Steak knives

    Todd, you are one lucky dude to have scored those knives.
  14. ElsieD

    Steak knives

    Thanks to those of you who responded. Since I posted, I found out that the knives are under full warranty. You'd think we might have known that. Our classic knives (all 9 of them) had started to develop cracks in the handles so we took them and our two remaining steak knives (classic gourmet) back to the Wusthof dealer. We came out of there 10 minutes later with brand new knives. It seems they knew they had a problem and since we bought our knives, the gourmet series have had the handles changed twice. They have also changed the blades from having a 22 degree edge to a 16 degree edge. They are fiendishly sharp. So, I'm impressed enough that I will stay with Wusthof and buy their steak knives again.
  15. ElsieD

    Corn season 2011

    SobaAddict70, I got my new issue of Bon Appetit today and in it is a recipe for Otto's corn gelato. Is it really that good? As much as I love corn, I'm having a hard time imagining corn gelato, although the idea does intrigue me.
  16. I have a Maytag side by side only they call it a "wide by side". The freezer side angles out to create a wider bottom than top while the fridge side does the opposite. I hate it. Every night I say a little prayer that when I get up in the morning it will have gone the way of the built-in ice-maker which died a long time ago. The fridge I lust after is the French door top, and two freezer drawers on the bottom and NO ice maker.
  17. I have two frying pans made by Henckels. The label says they are Thermolon Granite, PTFE-FREE. On the side is says Thermolon ceramic non-stick coating, PTFE-Free, PFOA-free, heat-proof up to 450 celcius, 850 fahrenhite, highly scratch resistant, easy clean, excellent non-stick properties. It goes on to say "Smooth Satin Finish surface, with 3-ply SIGMA Clad material (whatever that is). I got them because they work on my induction range and there are some things I like to use non-stick pans for. I haven't had them long so I don't know how they will hold up but so far I really like them. They get washed by hand.
  18. ElsieD

    Steak knives

    I love all my other Wusthof knives which are forged with a full tang. The steak knives are of a lessor quality in that they are pressed, not forged. The handles developed cracks and pieces broke off. We only have two left, and they are in poor shape so it is time to get some new ones.
  19. We are looking to buy some new steak knives. We originally bought Wusthof Classic Gourmet but have not been happy with them. So, what make do you recommend? Thanks!
  20. ElsieD

    Marks of a bad cook

    I have never just went over to a friend or associate's home and just went through their cabinets. But there have been a number of personal chef gigs that I have done in where they have insisted that I use their spices. Going through the kitchen at the owner's requests has turned up some pretty interesting results.
  21. ElsieD

    Marks of a bad cook

    I have to say that reading this thread, I'm amazed by how many people, when, invited to someone's home, take it upon themselves to root through the fridge, pantry, etc. Do you also look through their medicine cabinets? If I invited someone to my home and they rummaged through my cupboards and fridge (and possibly/probably my medicine cabinet), well, that would be the last time I'd be inviting them over.
  22. These are seriously good wings. http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Korean-Fried-Chicken
  23. I second that. We live in Ottawa and go to the Jean Talon market a few times a year and always stop in at epices de cru.
  24. Marlene is right - the recipe for the potatoes was published in Fine Cooking in January 2007. I've been making them ever since and they are delicious. Kerry & AnnaN - I'm in awe of all the cooking (and eating) you have been managing to do. This is a very enjoyable read.
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