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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I am one of the "mature folk". Thanks for the tip. I think I must have the shortest thumb fingernail in town. Luckily, I haven't cut through the actual thumb, although I've come close. Good thing I'm not very fast or that tip would be a goner for sure.
  2. Sounds like we have the same sort of stove. It is good to have been forewarned. I live in a house so can open all the windows. Better do it soon, though. Winters a comin'.
  3. Well, Anna, I was at Costco today and had a look at their stewing beef. I had never noticed it before because all I ever buy as far as beef goes is the strip loin so I never look at anything else. But I wonder if you got lucky and scored stewing beef cut from prime? They have prime from time to time and I noticed they had some there today in the form of strip loin steaks. What I saw today was triple A stewing beef but I don't think it was cut from prime. I'll say this though -I'll be checking this out in the future as they must be doing something with the prime trimmings. edited for a spelling error
  4. I used the feature on my previous two stoves, both Jenny-Aires. The first one was electric, the second dual fuel. Both of them had downdraft vents which vented to outside. I had no problems using the self-clean on them. The new range is Electrolux and has an induction top and a convection oven. I have not tried the self-clean on this oven yet although it is getting close to needing it. It does not vent to outside so I am actually a bit worried about the smoke it will generate. Winter is coming, though, and here in the frozen north it will need to be done soon while we can open windows. Our cat also just turned 20 and has not been affected by the self-clean oven. Or, cats being cats, not that we can tell.
  5. Anna, what cut of beef did you use? You said you got it at Costco? Elsie
  6. ElsieD

    Crio Bru

    I just came across this new-to-me-item while browsing the internet. Has anyone tried this? As far as I can tell from my browsing, the only place I can find this is from a supplier in Utah. Before I go out on a limb and order some (and pay the attending no doubt frightful S & H) I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has tried it and if so, how they liked it. It sounds like it tastes like a dark chocolate drink but is brewed like coffee. Thanks!
  7. At least you are not known as "The Town That Fun Forgot".
  8. ElsieD

    The Chew

    We tried to watch it and didn't make it to the first commercial. It is gawd-awful.
  9. Thanks, Bud, that's all I can ask for. Elsie
  10. qrn: I started collecting Gourmet in the 70's. They hung around forever and when we moved into our house, my husband strongly suggested that it was time to go through them, clip what I wanted and discard the rest. Unfortunately, I also tossed out the edition that had a really great recipe for lamb chops. :sad: They were marinated in mint and some other stuff prior to cooking. It is not on the Epicurious, Gourmet or Bon Appetit sites. So, when going through these old Gourmets, if you come across such a recipe, I'd really like to hear about it. This would likely have been in the late '70s or early 80s. Probably the 70s.
  11. Darienne, one thing I always do is double up the cheese sauce for mac & cheese. I then freeze half of it, for a quick dinner when I don't feel like doing much. Some folks may find that a bit pedestrian, but we are happy with it. I used to freeze the made up mac & cheese but I found that upon thawing & re-heating, the pasta had absorbed too much of the sauce thus ending up with a rather dry and mushy pasta.
  12. ElsieD

    Deseeding tomatoes

    How about a food mill?
  13. I've been thinking about getting this book but my fridge ice cube maker is broken and I don't want to pay $$ to get it fixed. Which leads me to this question: I have read that you must cool her bases down quickly using ice cubes. Why is that? Why can't I cool it in the fridge overnight, say, and freeze it the next day?
  14. Is it just me or do others find this a little, oh, I don't know, weird?
  15. I'm very interested in this thread. I have been thinking about buying this book but have resisted until I hear what others have to say about it. How does it compare to The Perfect Scoop? What is the texture of the ice cream like, and how hard does it freeze? Is it hard to scoop? I find home made ice cream often is.
  16. So I bit the bullet and am now the proud owner of a Thermomix. I just made butter chicken and will also be doing rice and a vegetable medley in it to go with said butter chicken. It sure is easy to use - the onions, chilis, ginger, cilantro and garlic went in whole and a 10 second buzz later they were finely chopped. I think I'm REALLY going to like this thing!
  17. Andie, I'm guessing a second lid gasket does not come with the second bowl? Is this also the case for the lid in that it is a separate purchase as well? This next question is directed to both Andie & Kerry and anyone else who wants to chime in. How often do you use the Thermomix? I've done a lot of browsing on the internet but can't really get a sense of how frequently people use it. As I get closer to demo day tomorrow, I'm wondering if it will end up being yet another "toy" that mostly gathers dust. It is not an inconsiderable sum of money to be spending on yet another kitchen appliance so I want to be sure that I will be making good use of it. Or maybe I should just let the demo convince me?
  18. http://www.ukthermomix.com/recshow.php?rec_id=96 This may interest you.
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsicum This may enlighten you.
  20. I am planning on buying a Thermomix and will be going to a demo on Saturday. I have been doing a lot of reading on the internet about these machines and it seems that those who have two mixing bowls are very happy that they have the second one. What is the opinion of eGullet posters? Also, is there anything else related to the Thermomix you wish you had two of? I figured I may as well get any extra parts when placing the original order. Thanks!
  21. I used to put sugar in buttermilk and also used to eat tomatoes with sugar rather than salt. Now I no longer drink buttermilk and normally put salt & pepper on my tomatoes but if there is a bit left after, say, making a sandwich I'll sprinkle a bit of sugar on it and finish it off. Not sure if that was weird or not - half my family did the same, the other half were salt purists.
  22. In Canada I can buy them at Chinese grocery stores.
  23. Kerry, how was the food? We are down in that neck of the woods from time to time and it's always nice to know of a good place to get decent food.
  24. ElsieD

    Steak knives

    Todd, you are one lucky dude to have scored those knives.
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