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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I have a toast question. Today I was making bacon and tomato sandwiches for lunch using the CSO as my toaster. I set the dial to #4. Toast not dark enough so I put it back on #4 and gave it maybe two more minutes. Nicely browned. The next set I increased the dial to #5, and noted the time to toast was 2:32 a lot shorter than the 4:09 that showed up on #4. Predictably it too required extra time. For the last toast, I set the dial to #6 and again the time displayed was 2:32. Again, not surprisingly, it did not resemble toast and more time was required. I just checked my settings on each level and as you might expect the required time increases with the darkness of the toast. # 5 should have showed a time of 4:28 and # 6 should have showed 4:46. Is there something I should be doing differently other than changing the dial position? Everything else so far seems to be working as it should.
  2. I tried broccoli tonight. I started at 375F steam bake for 10 minutes. It wasn't done so I tried 400F for another 5. It was still too hard so added another 5 at 400F. It was now a bit too soft but nice and charred. Next time I'll try 400F steam bake for 10 minutes. I'm keeping notes.
  3. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Chicken and mango curry with broccoli. I love the cilantro microgreens on top of the curry. The seeds are attached and they are soft and when you bite into them they have that citrusy flavour.
  4. I will never again puree a large mango in my Thermomix without first making sure the cap is in the lid.
  5. ElsieD

    Shrimp and Grits

    I have never seen these that I know of. Thank you for your kind offer, but before you go to all that trouble, we will be going to Syracuse sometime in the next couple of months and I will check Wegman's to see if they have it. I wonder too if Trader Joe's might carry grits. Maybe not that brand but something actually called grits. Can't go to Syracuse and not visit Trader Joe's!
  6. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Looks delicious.
  7. I baked a couple of croissants this morning at 400F bread setting for 15 minutes. No adjustments necessary.
  8. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    @scamhi what is the 6th dish, corn, tomatoes?
  9. When I was in my teens I worked at whatever summer jobs I could get. This included picking strawberries, beans, and in the fall, apples , hoeing tobacco plants in the fields and working the tobacco harvest. I started when I was 13. I did not lack a work ethic. One summer I decided to fit in a couple of days of picking raspberries. I lasted the morning. The raspberry place was about 2 1/2 miles from my house and I walked there and back. Even I could see it just wasn't worth the effort for what I was getting paid. I figure it must take 4 or 5 wild blueberries, volume wise to equal 1 raspberry. No wonder they charge what they do. I don't begrudge them a penny.
  10. ElsieD

    Shrimp and Grits

    @Okanagancook Thanks again. Was the rice worth the price when shipping is factored in? I have an order from filled in but I don't know if I am going to place an order. The popping corn and the pencil cob I find particularly intriguing.
  11. ElsieD

    Shrimp and Grits

    Now that I see your list I could swear I have seen it somewhere before along with a comment on shipping costs. For the life of me, I can't find it. Pencil Cob Grits sound interesting.
  12. Did you or I eat in any of the places mentioned?
  13. ElsieD

    Shrimp and Grits

    I just looked on their web site. What kind did you get?
  14. https://anovaculinary.com/introducing-the-anova-precision-cooker-stand/ Just ordered one of these. Not sure if this is the right place for this.
  15. Sorry, that was badly worded. I didn't look for them at Costco, just the mangos. I noticed the 50% off sticker which made me think Loblaws or Independent which I did look at and also Metro. I agree that homemade is probably better but I find it handy to have a premade something or other on hand when you just want something quick.
  16. @Anna N Bought some of those mangos at Costco yesterday and just had one. They are very good. I also looked for the Libertè flan but could not find them. Are they worth looking for?
  17. ElsieD

    Shrimp and Grits

    Yes to sift first or just chuck the lot in there?
  18. ElsieD

    Shrimp and Grits

    I just checked my Vitamix and it would seem I have the dry grains top. It holds 32 ounces. Are you suggesting we sift à la @chromedome and then blitz the large pieces or throw it all in there?
  19. @rotuts Interesting article. Thanks for the link.
  20. Love lovage. I had it growing in my back yard, back in the day when I had a back yard.
  21. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    I did them in the Breville Smart Oven, air dryer setting 400F on the Breville supplied air fryer rack. They took about 15 minutes. These potatoes were labeled "plank cut".
  22. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Thank you, but I can't take credit for them. They were frozen fries, Alexia brand. They do bake up nice and crispy.
  23. They were started rib down, but basted and turned a couple of times. They came out of the oven rib down but it looks like I turned the ones on the right over before I took the picture. Given the exposed bones on the ones on the right, one could think the meat would fall off the bone but they were done the way we like them, with a slight tug to get them off the bone. It is indeed an awesome machine, and I have only used it a handful of times so far. I'm looking forward to baking some bread in it.
  24. I really like them fried in butter with brown sugar added to the pan as they are frying.
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