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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I won't be doing this until at least Friday when my sister and husband leave to go home but I'll let you know how it works out. She's getting the peaches at the farm stand where they grow them so they should be nice. The peach brand is Loring, a Freestone peach.
  2. Thanks to your excellent feedback, I'll do this: Cut peaches into eighths, drop into aciduated water, no need to dry, but when I take them out of the water I will put them on a towel to mop up excess moisture. Place on silpats and perforated pan, leaving a bit of space in between them. Dehydrate at 105F (fan on) for maybe 3 1/2 hours. Freeze on trays then vac pack. Questions: Is cutting them into quarters instead of eighths a bad idea? If okay, does this double the dehydration time? Or even longer? Do I still need to have the oven door open a crack? Wouldn't that significantly hinder the dehydrating process? I'm really excited to try this.
  3. Thank you! After 3 1/2 hours, how much will they have shrunk? I do plan on freezing them, initially on a tray to keep them separate then vac packing them. Interesting that @Senior Sea Kayaker suggests dehydrating at 105F and you use a temperature of 126F. Does the higher temperature speed dehydration? Sister is bringing me a 12 quart basket.
  4. @Senior Sea Kayaker Thank you, that is helpful. The Anova oven has a dehydrating setting and I just tried setting it to 105F and that was fine. Do you have any idea how long they would take? Any info on re-hydrating them, say to make a peach crumble?
  5. When my peaches arrive, I plan to cut them into eights and dehydrate them. After cutting, I'll dunk them in acidified water. Do I need to dry them before dehydrating? I don't plan to peel them as I will be freezing after dehydrating and I found that in the past when I've frozen fresh peaches, a quick rinse under the tap and the skin comes right off. I have 5 oven racks, but only 2 silpats with holes in them. Can I use the perforated pan that came with the oven? I'll do them at 126F, rear circulation, the oven door open a crack. I'll expect that it will take 8 to 12xhours. How much will they shrink? By about half? I want to be able to reconstitute them, not have them turn into powder. Does that sound about right? I appreciate all the help? Elsie
  6. I have another, totally different question. My sister is coming to visit next week and since she lives right near peach country, is bringing a nice big basket of ripe peaches for me. One way I would like to preserve some of them is by dehydrating some. I would do this in the APO, I don't have a dehydrator. Has anyone done this? If you have, I would appreciate receiving your guidance. I also plan to freeze some which I have done before.
  7. Why do you want to "bake" bread on top of the stove? It won't work.
  8. Dumb question here. What is the best way to cook beets? No matter which way I do it, they always end up wrinkled and dry on the outside.
  9. EBay?
  10. Although I'm capable of using a knife, I really don't like chopping. I've been known to not make some things because of the amount of chopping involved. With the dicing blades, that's no longer an issue.
  11. Let us know what they said. I've had good experiences with some of them.
  12. @lindag. I have the Breville Sous Chef model BFP800XL/A. I tried the spindle from the dice kit I bought and it fits my sous chef. Maybe you could talk to the Breville people?
  13. Cook at Home Kindle $1.99 https://www.amazon.ca/Williams-Sonoma-Cooking-Home-classic-recipes-ebook/dp/B0149O0Y8K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OLAW1HQFNNUF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2vB-gZwbIupfEeIqNnSuJ2Hu2fsINHmgurQKFmJj2fEb8rFN0-f31Th-HVpSIBCcWYF-SqwkMIGz-dyRvyH0_yHaG52_3Byaj3uS2K5loiV1kPHXUY0G9T2TFM3-4TRXknItdHx2CTTfBce3Jb2OtVECLxjXgHAdqRQBHz9LtyJPvFPycOXZHfOffLjk1253Ls-A8KrNzLErC1CtDjwhstNIsuS8H10DtHSZNwbJ0i0.q6CdiISoVaJF34JmSRcXZhMYwMQjqzxwDc0ZwzNAoeg&dib_tag=se&keywords=Cooking+at+home&qid=1723651184&s=digital-text&sprefix=cooking+at+home%2Cdigital-text%2C88&sr=1-1
  14. No to both but they sound good.
  15. https://www.breville.com/ca/en/parts-accessories/accessories/bfp0060nuc1.html That is what you need for sous chef 16. No need for anything else. If, like me, you want a small dice you can order the grid and disc from Breville. You need both pieces.
  16. Tell us more, please, about the cereal bars.
  17. This is what have: https://www.breville.com/ca/en/parts-accessories/accessories/bfp0060nuc1.html
  18. I just ordered the 8mm slicing grid and disc. @lindag have you used the 16mm dicing grid for anything? I couldn't think of what i'd use it for so didn't order it. The 12mm was perfect for the pineapple I diced but the ham could have used a smaller dice.
  19. I don't know. Maybe I'll try it.
  20. ElsieD

    Food recalls

    I don't know if this is the right place for this but I couldn't find anywhere else to put it. https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/various-multivitamins-and-supplements-distributed-across-canada-are-being-recalled
  21. I don't know where you live so I think your best bet is to go to the Breville web site. They list the prices for whatever you may want.
  22. Which dicing disc will you use? I'm wondering if I should get the two additional discs- the 8mm and the 16mm.
  23. I spent part of the afternoon trying out my new toy and diced fresh pineapple, some ham and peeled some potatoes and beets. The dicing took seconds and cleanup was just as fast. I had trouble with the peeling function and called Breville for help. Had a really nice customer service person; it turned out to be operator error. Here are some pics, excluding the beets.
  24. https://www.amazon.ca/Breville-BFP006-Peel-Conversion-Clear/dp/B07JHBHRX2/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3MM00T12UKWPG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ZzQSNjn8WBHdAgW7KzfjBlvj9XOQkyvFE-hZ_E9Ty6wvkQ12r6i2DgjZH8TalRyjBXK32gQDsGzZdA8jswdIb7Ek7rSBuuAn0J-IFjjPGx6-Y5rtxnWZwE9BiuBuhgbZILSx2QTA2VQQf5wo8Q7gFqCjS2gCrtmm4L7qA_XybO5XwxFBhZ2rrSbFW8uLq5K4Cb3eKamPTbqxLl8ty-Uojkjx89QetjrWoQ3Rv8b8ZToTjG-nV4duDAG2kW3DEReK7H368AlpTkyFa_Yn-2gfVewmK3A66QyKzhSjxZKSVCg.F_HA1nd4wjkhgnTzJCCMaR-xuNnrTtnQxI-k1pZotbw&dib_tag=se&keywords=breville+dicing+kit&qid=1722537355&sprefix=Breville+dicing%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.d0e27fc4-6417-4b26-97cb-f959a9930752 Plus tax. Note that this is in Canadian$.
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