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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. Gross.
  2. This may be a dumb question but how do you dehydrate the grains?
  3. https://www.mmfoodmarket.com/en/categories/gluten-free
  4. I don't often buy ready-to-eat meals but whenever I'm in a grocery store I'll keep an eye out. Which chain grocery stores do you have access to? Do you have a Farm Boy there? It's the one we mainly shop at because it's a 5 minute walk but we go to others as well.
  5. ElsieD

    Dinner 2024

    I'll post pictures either today or tomorrow. I just went through the video and took some notes as there are a few things included that are not listed on the menu and I'll add them to the description of the plates. I'm looking forward to this meal.
  6. ElsieD

    Dinner 2024

    It is John's birthday today and to celebrate, we are trying our a new-to-us offering from a restaurant we like. The chef started a pickup/delivery service of 7+ course meals when Covid struck. Included in this dinner is a cocktail and a bottle of wine. It comes with a video wherein he describes what you need to do to finish preparing each course. All food is pre-cooked so all that is required are re-heating and plating. I've watched the video and what I need to do is simple and uncomplicated. The menu is as follows:
  7. Very weird. The roll, not you!
  8. Looks good......sounds spicy.
  9. Unfortunately, not available in Canada for that price.
  10. That's the plus side. Admittedly, a big plus.
  11. Given that the current Anova Steam Oven still has bugs (I've had two replacements under warranty - so far) and the internet is rife with complaints about this oven, I wouldn't touch the new "Pro' version with a 10 foot pole.
  12. ElsieD


  13. A lot of maple syrup is produced in these parts and we often buy it at farm stands. It's great stuff.
  14. I've only been to Hawaii once but one thing about the flight I'll always remember (direct from Toronto to Honolulu) was flying over Los Angeles. When that was announced I realized to my dismay that we weren't half way there yet. If I recall correctly, it was a 13 hour flight. (Loved Maui, Honolulu not as much.) Looking forward to reading about your trip @FrogPrincesse.
  15. Thanks. I eyeballed the amount of batter and decided to bake it in an 8 x 8 pan instead and the amount of topping was fine. It's baking right now and smells wonderful. I just hope I didn't deflate the egg whites too much. I'm not too good at "folding".
  16. A question for @JoNorvelleWalker and @Kim Shook. When you made this, was the amount the recipe stated for the topping enough? I'm in the process of making this and figured out that a half recipe can be baked in an 8 x 12" pan which is what i'll be using. The topping doesn't look like it'd be enough.
  17. ElsieD


    Is that for both halves?
  18. I didn't realize there was a kitty on the chair til I read your post. He blends right in, doesn't he?
  19. ElsieD


    How long do you sous vide the individual pieces for?
  20. I'm glad to read you are safely home. Thank you once again for the blog. I wish for both your sakes that it had been trouble-free. No place like home though, is there? Lovely fireplace you've got there.
  21. ElsieD


    Thank you. I have a tri-tip in the freezer. I don't recall ever cooking a tri-tip I don't know how to cut one. Until now.
  22. ElsieD


    Here's one method for applestroop. This requires only apples and maybe a smidgen of sugar. Other recipes I've found call for various spices, with no consistency from one to another. I'd be tempted to try this one, but i don't have a juicer. Maybe in the fall I'll try it when I can buy fresh apple juice at one of our local apple orchards. https://www.toineskitchen.com/recipes/appelstroop/
  23. ElsieD


    Haven't found anything yet but I'll keep on looking.
  24. It is not yet available for android. They list monthly North American prices for this as $3.99 for US subscribers and $2.99 for Canadian subscribers. I have a feeling those prices should be reversed? In any event, I'll be giving it a test drive when they come out with the android version.
  25. Staff note: This post and replies to it have been split from the Apple butter recipes discussion, to maintain topic focus. There is also something called applestroop, or apple syrup. If you're interested, I can find a Dutch recipe for you tomorrow. It tends to have fewer spices and may be better as a glaze than apple butter.
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