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Posts posted by KennethT

  1. 1 hour ago, dcarch said:


    Isn't it also true that the amount of current that can go thru a device will also be dependent on the R value, as well as voltage? You can take a 12v LED (or any light bulb for that matter) and hook it up to a 1000 amp 12v battery without burning out the LED. Yes, you can in fact vary the brightness of any bulb type by varying the currant at constant voltage using a PWM circuit design. That's one of the reasons why many LEDs flicker. 



    LEDs have a series resistance, but it's usually pretty negligible compared with other resistances in the circuit. You can find the internal resistance of an LED on the spec sheet.  You control how much current you drive through the LED by using an external resistor sized appropriately for the voltage applied across the series combination.  A 1000Ah battery just says what the battery is capable of delivering - but it is the load that determines how much current is drawn at any given moment.  If you put a 1 megaohm resistor across a 12V car battery, you will only draw .012 mA, but put a short across the terminals, you will draw so much current that it can weld the short to the terminals.  That's why you can safely touch both the + and - terminals of a car battery safely - body resistance is about 300ohms, so the most you would draw is 40mA which is not perceptible. So, LED drivers are basically a constant current source varying voltage across a resistance in series with the LED.  Varying the voltage across the series resistor varies the current that will flow through the LED.


    Yes, you can dim an LED using PWM - but you shouldn't really notice any flicker as long as the switching frequency is high enough.  Most high quality LED drivers do much more than put a PWM voltage across the LED though, they are a constant current source.

  2. 1 hour ago, dcarch said:


    All LEDs require a minimum voltage to fire. Therefore no LEDs can be dimmed like incandescent bulbs.

    That said, COB LEDs can be dimmed to some degree. down to 30%? Not sure.



    Not necessarily. It depends on the driver. I can dim my Fluence light down to 10% or maybe lower (I haven't tried less than 10%).


    ETA: LEDs brightness is actually dependent on the current flowing through it, not the voltage across it.  The voltage drop across the LED is pretty constant (and you're right, there is a minimum voltage below which it won't turn on), but the driver varies the brightness by shoving different amounts of current through it, not varying the voltage across it.

  3. I love caneles... I had them 3 times a day, years ago, when in Bordeaux...  Back then (and probably still do) they had packages of caneles at the airport to take home.  After having so many, one thing I can say is that there is a huge difference between a great canele and a mediocre one... some can even be rather bad - soggy and rubbery.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, SusieQ said:

    This is just amazing. Such fantastically beautiful colors. I can only imagine the thousands of hours it must take to make those costumes and headdresses. I suppose they must be handed down as treasures in families. Or do people ever wear the costumes as everyday wear? What about those two cuties standing next to the woman in red who looks like she's wearing a winter reindeer cloak and costume? Are those two wearing ethnic costumes? LOL

    And who (around here anyway) would have thought of Instant Luosifen (River snail noodles)? Instant revulsion for 99% of United Statesians, I would guess. 

    I found a package on instant Luosifen in one of my local groceries... in NYC... I haven't tried it since I always thought the instant noodles weren't very good... but seeing this thread is causing me to reconsider...

  5. 14 minutes ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    I would be sanitizing without plants.  I need to be sure that whatever I use doesn't affect the plastic.  I'm not quite ready to sanitize because one pea plant is currently struggling to produce a pod.


    Meanwhile I put my Burpee order in today.  I was a bit tardy this year and zinnia* seeds I wanted were out of stock.  How can you be out of stock of zinnia seeds?



    *note:  zinnia are edible.


    OK - then bleach would be the way to do it most easily without procuring specialty stuff. 


    Also, in addition to bleach or H2O2, there another option for sanitizing while plants are still there and growing - hypochlorous acid - yes it is basically bleach, but there are plant/food grade versions (made from calcium hypochlorite) without all the other additives that bleach has - and it doesn't have any sodium.  Check out UC Roots - it's actually more effective than H2O2 since it won't degrade as quickly... just make sure your sanitizing solution has a pH of about 5.5.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    Starting from household laundry bleach, what would be a good dilution for sanitizing my Click & Grow growing unit?  I seem to have a fungus problem.


    If you want to sanitize while you have plants growing in there, I would use hydrogen peroxide - but I'd stay away from the stuff you get in the drugstore as it contains additives and stabilizers.  Instead, you can get 17% or 35% H2O2 which don't require additives because it is stable at those percentages.  Be very careful when you use that stuff because if you get it on your skin, it will burn.  I've used 17% for years with my lime tree - about 8ml per gallon works fine to sanitize the system and won't hurt the plants.


    If you are not growing anything at the moment, then using a bleach solution will be fine.  Just make sure it's rinsed thoroughly and allowed to air dry before putting plants back in.  Also, don't add bleach to the soil since it will kill all the microorganisms in there, which will make it very hard for plants to uptake nutrients.

  7. 17 minutes ago, sartoric said:

    My favourite stir fried okra with dal, mango pickle, rice and paratha.


    Do you make the paratha from scratch?  It looks very similar to the Malay/Singaporean prata (many times made by Indian men)...  If you make it, can you provide the recipe?

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Anna N said:



    That is a noodle strainer. I have never thought that it would be used to hang on the side of a pan but I suppose if you had the right pan.... Someone with more knowledge of Japanese kitchenware will surely jump in here and fill in the blanks.   It is quite small, perhaps the size of a Japanese tea cup.


    While shopping in this Japanese dollar store I got the sense that I had entered the world of lilliputians. It  wasn’t “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”,  but honey, I shrunk all the kitchenware. So much seemed to have been miniaturized. 


     Yes the item you think is a grilling  gizmo is for serving cold noodles. If you do a search on ‘zaru’  you will see that they are normally round rather than square. I fancied a square one. 


    huh... I didn't realize it was that small... the one I have (from a Chinese rest. supply store) looks just like it, but the strainer portion is about the size of an eggplant.

  9. The hook on the side of the noodle strainer is for use in a professional situation.  They don't boil noodles in a pot, but basically a deep fryer that continuously boils water.  Noodles to be cooked are placed in the basket and lowered into the water, with the hook over the edge, keeping the basket submerged but the handle from falling in the water.  When ready, the whole basket is removed and shaken to get the excess water out.

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  10. 27 minutes ago, Toliver said:

    I would say a big "NO!" to putting salt in/on your soil. It's a sure way to to kill the land.

    This is the problem with salting - once you salt an area, it will be a long time until anything will grow there again - unless you do a lot of flushing!


    ETA - I don't think it "kills the land" but it would certainly kill all the beneficial bacterial/fungi (like trichoderma, mycorrhizae, etc) which are essential to allow your plants to take up nutrients in soil.

    • Like 3
  11. 10 hours ago, heidih said:

    Oddly despite what the internet might portray it is NOT a neigborhood. Nothing like K-Town in mid Wilshire  or the SGV for Chinese or Little Saigon in Orange County. But ya did pique interest so I will check around. "Cambodia Town" is close by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodia_Town,_Long_Beach,_California


    huh... I had no idea... I always had heard that there was a large Thai concentration in LA, and just assumed it was concentrated in one area...

  12. I agree. Love the snorkeling shots and all the seafood.  When I was young, my family and I went to the Caribbean once a year or so, and I did a lot of diving.  Nowadays, my wife doesn't dive (primarily because we don't have the time to get her certified), so when we go somewhere appropriate, we snorkel so we can do it together - but most places in Asia I've found to be vastly inferior to sites in the Caribbean.  In general, it's poor visibility, and not much to see because of the damage of pollution or trash.  One day, we'd love to go the the Great Barrier reef before it's completely destroyed... but there's too much to see, and not enough time.

    • Like 4
  13. 36 minutes ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    No wine?


    We already have more than enough of that... besides, she never checks luggage on work trips, so bringing back that kind of souvenir wouldn't be practical anyway.

    • Like 1
  14. Interesting story... I still don't understand how the ethnic Han (95% of China's population according to the article) are congenitally lactose intolerant, but drinking lots of milk.  Does the CCP also hand out lactose tablets with each milk purchase?  Or does the human population now create more methane than the cows?

  15. 8 minutes ago, KennethT said:

    FWIW, I think most citrus trees don't start flowering/fruiting until they're about 5 years old... so there may be hope yet!

    I just did a quick check with the producer of the dwarf tree I have (fourwindsgrowers.com) - they say that most citrus won't flower or fruit if they don't get enough direct light.  In a shaded space they will produce foliage, but not flower.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, liuzhou said:


    It is a Vietnamese lime, so small with seeds.


    I may be wrong about its fruit bearing ability - I'm no expert.

    I love those small limes.  I keep thinking about changing out my Bearss lime for a true lime tree (I only have space for 1) but I don't have the heart to kill my tree - it's probably about 10 years old by now, if not a little older...


    FWIW, I think most citrus trees don't start flowering/fruiting until they're about 5 years old... so there may be hope yet!

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  17. 23 minutes ago, liuzhou said:


    My only real regret is that it probably won't grow any larger being in that bucket, but I have no outdoor place to plant it. Also, it will never fruit here as its only potential mate is miles away in Vietnam! 😢

    Strange - mine flowers/fruits all the time, and it's all by its lonesome - I think it's the only NYC lime tree in existence...  Is yours a true lime (small fruits with seeds) or a Bearss lime (sometimes called Persian lime or Tahitian lime - the standard lime you would find in the US/Europe which is actually a cross of a true lime and a lemon, which is larger than a true lime, has a thicker skin (although I find it still doesn't take insults well)  and has no seeds)?  I don't know about true limes, but Bearss limes are self-pollinating - they don't even need insects!

  18. 32 minutes ago, liuzhou said:

    Fried noodles: Fresh hand-pulled noodles;, pork strips marinated in Shaoxing and soy sauce with red chilli, garlic and ginger; sliced carrot, daikon and green chilli.



    What cut of pork do you typically use?

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