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Posts posted by KennethT

  1. 2 hours ago, heidih said:


    Good point. Our commoner has useless fruit for eating purposes but the tasty varieties do benefit from more care.I picked up some from a flea market vendor who spoke no English so could not tell me the name of her variety. The scent of the fruit was glorious. In a fit of gluttony we ate them in the car on the long drive home and I did not save seed!

    I am part of a couple hydroponics gardening groups on Facebook.  There used to be a member from Indonesia who had a small hydroponic farm on the roof of her building that she would sell the produce to her neighbors.  One of her crops was passion fruit - at one time she mentioned the name of the variety, but it was in Bahasa (Indonesian) so I don't know what it would be called here. But she showed pictures of how she grew it, and she espaliered it on a trellis about 20 feet high and 20 feet wide!  it was amazing how many fruits she got from it.  Here in NY, they go for about $5 each (retail) - I was considering growing them indoors in my warehouse!

    • Like 2
  2. do they make any saute pans larger than their 27?  My All Clad LTD saute pan (which I'll be replacing since I'll be moving somewhere that I'll only have induction burners) is a 12" diameter... I use that size all the time.

  3. 3 hours ago, heidih said:


    Yes! The joy of damp paper towels and MW -powerful and under appreciated

    I do it every day to heat my lunch up at work... I call it the 'improvised steamer'!

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  4. 31 minutes ago, haresfur said:


    Those are the ones that didn't calibrate well (I hope the person calibrating them did it right). I think they would be fine for many purposes, though. Lucky for me, work is paying for the toys.

    One thing to keep in mind with these is that the output is an average of the moisture it sees over the entire length.  For what I do with them, I don't care about the average moisture, but instead only care about the moisure at the root ball - so I bury the sensor laying horizontally exactly where I want but the flat part of the blade vertical so water won't pool on top of it and affect the readings.  I have a couple of these and when I first got them, buried them side by side and found them pretty consistent.

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  5. I tried a new method for chicken thighs last night, which worked great... sorry, no pics.  I've been using the steam bake at 425 for about 20-25 minutes which works well, but it doesn't get the skin as crisp as I'd like.  Last night, I did steam bake for 425 for about 20 minutes on the lowest rack setting, then removed the pan, put the rack on the higher setting and put the pan back in for 5 minutes on steam-broil.  Loves me some skin crackers!

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  6. 9 hours ago, haresfur said:

    Are you using capacitance sensors? We found some cheap ones were all over the map in terms of calibration, which was disappointing. I'm about to test some Time-Domain Transmission sensors but at about $300 AU a pop, they aren't exactly cheap.

    Check these out:


    I don't know if they ship to Australia, but in the US, they're about US$50 each...  I've found that they've have been pretty reliable so far...

  7. 3 hours ago, rotuts said:



    Smoked MooseBurger I nominate :


    make some Mooseburgers .  Chill   .   Use the stove-Top smoker while the MB 'a are still cold.


    then grill on the PAG.   you want cold smoked so you don't over cook the MB's

    @Shelby I don't know if I wrote about this, but I've done this with burgers and other grilled foods many times when grilling indoors on a grill pan.  The grill pan doesn't give you that same charcoal-y grilled flavor, so a little pre-smoking does the trick, if not adding more for cleanup...

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  8. 11 hours ago, haresfur said:


    Another dimmer option is pulse-width modulation through something like an Arduino controller. You will have to send the PWM signal from a pin on the Arduino board to something like a DC motor control to jack up the signal to 24V. Bonus is that you can use the micro-controller as a timer to turn the lights on & off and even monitor soil moisture (caution many low end soil moisture probes are crap). 

    I'm actually doing this now... but not using a DC motor control - just a 24V power supply with a fast switching mosfet.  The arduino sends a pwm signal to my mosfet driver (basically a fast darlington pair) since the arduino output isn't strong enough to drive the mosfet.  I have been using some really good, not inexpensive but not very expensive either, moisture sensors - they put out a dc output which the arduino reads through an analog input.  I've used it for a year and I'm pretty happy with it...


    I like this so much, I'm actually going to use these lights to light the new apartment, but then I need to tweak the arduino code a bit since its default PWM speed is about 1000Hz, which is way to slow if you want to take digital photos inside (you get ribbed bars across). By tweaking the code, you can increase teh PWM frequency.

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  9. 33 minutes ago, Katie Meadow said:


    Am I correct in guessing that the main ingredient in a Roy Rogers is Coke?

    As far as I remember, a Roy Rogers is very similar to a Shirley Temple, but subbed 7Up or something for the ginger ale.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, liuzhou said:

    This is not the prettiest dish, but is one of the tastiest I make, if I  say so myself. Spicy sweet and sour pork ribs. Pork ribs are marinated for 24 hours.in equal parts of dark soy sauce, Shaoxing wine and Zhenjiang* black vinegar, lightly sweetened with honey, with garlic, ginger, chilli powder and salt.


    After marinating, the whole lot (pork and marinade) is covered with water and simmered for around 45 minutes, until the pork is falling off the bones and the sauce is thick and sticky. Finished with chopped scallions.


    I served it with rice and a side of snow peas which I neglected to picture.






    *This is what America calls "Chinkiang", a term unknown anywhere else! 😆



    Is sweet soy sauce (commonly used in Malay/Thai/etc cooking) used in China?  I think it could work well in this dish, replacing the dark soy and honey.

  11. 3 hours ago, gfweb said:


    I wondered the same thing... maybe the circus is in town and that's the name of one of the clowns?


    Just thought of this one... maybe he's the least famous Marx brother? 

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  12. 1 hour ago, heidih said:


    In my local experience in Bò 7 món the leaf is la lot. We have a huge Viet population - no idea if what they use is typical but never had it fibrous or stringy.  https://www.vietworldkitchen.com/blog/2016/06/beef-wild-betel-leaf-recipe-la-lot.html  One of our favorite communal  meals.


    Yes, from what I've seen, beef is most typically wrapped or cooked on la lot leaves (not easily obtainable in the US, and are typically pepper leaves being passed off as la lot)... but he specifically said pandan leaves, hence my question.  I've never seen pandan leaves used that way, but he has a lot more experience in Asia and Vietnam specifically than I do so I would never just assume that he used the wrong word but actually had something that I've never seen.

  13. On 1/2/2020 at 4:57 AM, liuzhou said:

    Then moved onto the best dish - Thịt bò lá thơm. Minced beef wrapped in pandan leaf!



    Thịt bò lá thơm


    I didn't think you could eat pandan leaves... I've always seen them being very fibrous and stringy - most recipes I've seen using them have them as a flavoring agent and then removed - like in rice or custard.

  14. 1 hour ago, liuzhou said:

    I have mentioned these before but found them again today. They are 释迦 (shì jiā), aka sugar-apple or sweetsop. This particular cultivar from Taiwan is named 释迦牟尼头 (shì jiā móu ní tóu),  Sakyamuni's Head or Buddha's head due to some perception that it resembles the Buddha's head. Can't see it myself. These are not yet ripe, but having had them before, I know they are going to be very sweet.






    I can't tell if what you said is sarcasm...


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  15. 55 minutes ago, Shelby said:

    When I got my Vacmaster I wanted vac pack every thing in the house, now I want to smoke everything lol.

    For a while, years ago, I used it all the time... everything looked like a nail.


    Oh, another thing on the list - I would lightly smoke burgers and then cook on my cast iron grill to give it more of a cooked over charcoal flavor...

    • Like 3
  16. 12 minutes ago, Shelby said:

    I was recently gifted a Cameron smoker.  I thought I'd give it a test run last night using some German brats that we got for Christmas.  Gosh this little smoker is fun, easy and it does a great job!  Put about 4t. of wood chips in the middle, put a piece of foil down, put the rack on top, place your food, slide the lid on, put it on the burner (I did mine on low because I have a gas stove and the burner I used gets really hot).  In about 20 minutes smoked tomatoes and brats :) 




    To make clean up a little easier, I put a piece of foil on the bottom of the pan, then the wood chips on that, then another piece of foil, then the drip pan covered with (yes another) foil, then the rack and teh food.  When the wood chips smoulder, they excrete a brown gunk for lack of a better word that's hard to get off the pan unless you use a lot of elbow grease.


    I've smoked a piece of marinated pork shoulder before getting the SV treatment to make achiote pork - that worked really well.  Smoked chicken prior to SV also good... smoked duck breast....

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