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Posts posted by KennethT

  1. I'm curious as to what will happen. Yesterday I planted 4 nubs of cilantro stems with a bit of root still attached.


    It looks like there is a small leaf forming in the center of each stem bundle but that could well be my imagination right now. Fingers crossed. I am very jealous of those who can get cilantro at their local market for like 35 cents a bunch. The going rate in every market within rational walking distance is 1.99.  The only place I know of that's significantly cheaper is (was) the Essex market in the lower East side, but that's not really walking distance for me.


    My grocery store mint is doing really well - just repotted out of the solo cup yesterday. It's very fragrant.


    • Like 11
  2. I find that there's more flavor in the stems than there is in the leaves so I use the stems in lots of things I want that fresh cilantro flavor.  Roots are very flavorful too, but they need to be pounded - they're too tough... but they're a common ingredient in thai curry pastes because they have so much flavor.

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  3. 54 minutes ago, liuzhou said:


    Yes. And they often use the Chinese brand I mentioned.

    I wish I could find that brand here... all I can find are the cubes - not really helpful when you just need a pinch or two.

  4. 8 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    Great choice. Love the old Chenins; wish I had some!

    I think we got it at Park Avenue Wines a while ago.  They have a lot of oddball stuff like that from time to time...  Just checked - they have a '98 Savennieres for a decent price...

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/16/2020 at 2:57 PM, Keri AH said:

    Any idea on why it was discontinued?

    I gather that it had a relatively poor repair record. @Shelby took hers apart to take care of a clogged water line - she documented it here somewhere.


    I imagine if you're somewhat handy you could fix most of the problems that come up. Or you could do what others have done here and get a spare (or two or three).

  6. 48 minutes ago, weinoo said:

    I'm interested in what got you to that pairing?

    It was my wife's doing and it was completely brilliant. We're suckers for old Chenin - it ages so well due to its high acidity. Its sweetness cut through the chilis nicely (and had beautiful notes of honey, quince paste and sweet spices and oxidative ones like toasted nuts and baked apple) while its acidity kept your mouth watering for more.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, heidih said:

    interesting - will explore.  Strong black pepper can be under appreciated. Dried shrimp  are in the house, 

    Strong black pepper is common all over Asia. Several Central Vietnamese dishes revolve around it.


    Soak the dried shrimp before using!

  8. I've been thinking about this concept of trinities a bit lately (not the humorous diversions).  I think an interesting trinity is the Singapore/Malay version - shallots, garlic and dried shrimp.  It's the basis for quite a few dishes - including a whole category of dishes labeled "belacan" (pronounced bla-chen) which is basically a sambal made with the trinity, plus belacan (hence the name) which is shrimp paste, and chilis plus seasonings.  Tonight, I made a black pepper prawn dish that is very common in Singapore - most of the time it can be sickeningly sweet and one note, but the way it should be is the trinity, along with a lot of black pepper, maybe some curry leaves and a touch of sweet soy sauce + oyster sauce + rice wine.

    • Like 3
  9. 6 hours ago, Keri AH said:

    I'm interested in a steam oven for bread baking (like several here have been discussing). Our countertop space is limited and I'd like to use the oven on top of our refrigerator. Yes, I understand that it is VERY heavy but once it's up there, would it be practical to use it that way? The top of our fridge is at 65".

    Also, how high is your ceiling?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Keri AH said:

    Is this the Cuisinart model being discussed: Cuisinart Combo Steam & Convection Oven (CSO-300N)?


    If so, do you know why it's no longer available on Amazon? (https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CSO-300N-Convection-Steam-Stainless/dp/B019XOZYEA) Is this the same item at WS? (https://www.williams-sonoma.com/m/products/cuisinart-combo-steam-and-convection-oven/)



    Yes that's it.  Cuisinart recently discontinued it, but some stores are still selling what stock they have left.

  11. Indoor garden update.... Some plants are doing great, others not so much.


    The rau ram6 is unstoppable. It's going to take over the apartment soon!



    Both basils are doing really well and the mint that I cloned from the supermarket is rooted nicely - although the basils are getting shaded a bit by the rau ram! Every time I move them, the rau ram just encroaches that much more....



    I'm having problems with the curry plant. It's definitely showing iron deficiency - which it is prone to. I think my nutrient pH was a little too high for a few weeks which limits iron uptake. I've since adjusted it and it's getting a bit better but I think I'll prune some of the stems that have lost leaves and see if that spurs some new growth. I also don't know if I'm watering it too much or not enough. It is prone to root rot and typically likes to dry out a bit between waterings, but in theory, coco coir holds such a large amount of air that root rot shouldn't be an issue. Indeed, I unpotted it a week ago and couldn't find any sign of rot - the roots looked great.



    I'm not so happy with lemongrass either. A while ago I had excess nutrient build up in the coir because when watering, I didn't use enough to flush the excess. I've since corrected that problem and it's no longer dying but it's not growing either. I also don't know how moist I should keep the coir for this. Maybe it likes to be more moist and I need more frequent watering?



    Kaffir lime is doing well. The new growth is greening up nicely. I'm going to make a Panang curry soon as it needs a pruning - hopefully that will stimulate a new flush and it will fill out more.



    Sawtooth is doing really well. It's growing well and the leaves have great pungent and texture.

    • Like 7
  12. @scamhi Happy birthday!  How did the crab hold up over delivery?  It looks great.  I'm always wary of ordering fish/seafood for delivery because I'm afraid it's going to overcook itself on the trip over.

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  13. 10 hours ago, Franci said:


    😆 I had to ask my husband what where you talking about. I am going to live on a island, so I guess plenty of water there 🤣🤣🙃



    The height of the water table has to do with flooding concerns.  A high water table means that your place will flood with less additional water (like rain or storm surge) than a place with a lower water table.

  14. 1 hour ago, kayb said:

    Interesting tomato thing happening. Eight plants in the bed, four or five different varieties. One plant, and I don't remember which one it is but I think it's one of the hybrids, is having issues with blossom end rot. None of the others are having the issue (and in previous years, at previous gardens, the Romas were subject to it). Ideas? I wish I could remember which variety I planted where.

    BER is caused by a lack of calcium - but the reason for the lack of calcium can be quite complicated.  Some varieties are prone to BER... one thing that I found is that the root system can cause BER because the roots may not be capable of delivering enough water/nutrients to the tips of the plant, causing BER.  Professional growers will sometimes graft a known BER plant to a strong rootstock to give the plant more available nutrients/water.  Or, if the roots are prone to root rot, that will also cause a decrease in uptake.  You can do a foliar feed of a Cal/Mag product which will help BER - but some of the more recent research shows that BER actually starts as the flower transitions to fruit, although it doesn't present itself until later... so maybe spray with the Cal/Mag starting at flowering?

    • Like 2
  15. 43 minutes ago, weinoo said:



    Small delivery which helps with my pita crisps and whatever else might need za'atar. The Lebanese one looks to have more sesame as well as coriander seed. Both made with hyssop as opposed to thyme, allegedly more traditional?

    And 6 oz. of bay leaves is a LOT OF BAY LEAVES!

    6 oz of dried bay leaves? Wow!

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