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Posts posted by KennethT

  1. Thai steamed wild caught black bass... Pla neung manao. Steamed in the CSO and dressed with a tangy sauce made with tons of garlic, lime juice, fish sauce and chilis.


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  2. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.  I planted a bunch of really old seeds - maybe 5 years old?  maybe more??  I planted them in a pH adjusted saturated rockwool cube, then misted the top to really saturated the seeds, then put them all in a ziplock bag... and now we wait... as Tom Petty said, it's the hardest part.  I planted Genovese basil, thai basil, cilantro and vietnamese mint... I put in a lot of seeds - I can always thin it out before I put the blocks in the coco coir... assuming that they germinate at all of course....

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  3. 00100lrPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200613195513460_COVER.thumb.jpg.092ffa754469947d7b745f1cf6a716c2.jpg

    This was a first attempt at recreating a dish my wife was obsessed with on our trip to Indonesia last summer - udang arsik tapanuli - shrimp in a sauce made from the kitchen sink of SE Asian herbs - lemongrass, ginger, galangal, shallots, garlic, chilis and lots more. It was pretty good but definitely needs a bit of work. It's too bad because there are only a few recipes online (all in Indonesian) and all are for the traditional version made with fish and some fruits/herbs that are completely unavailable here.

    • Like 14
  4. 8 minutes ago, heidih said:


     mortar & pestle - sorry thought it a common reference. I get the pretzel family thing

    I use the pesto term very lightly. But I used the immersion blender as I had a lot to do tonight.

  5. 57 minutes ago, heidih said:


    i am all in on your "pesto" - m & p or ? Bison can be good- pretzel roll- I not get - is it chewy. I know the term is popularly tossed about but  what it is exact;y? Curiosity (I have no cat to kill)

    I have no idea what m & p could possibly be. The pretzel roll is actually quite tasty and not that chewy like a real pretzel would be. I think it's more like a quasi-pretzel dough but definitely has a pretzel flavored skin with a bit of salt.

  6. I'm really happy to see all of my plants doing well now. When I took them out of their original pots, I had to trim some roots in order to be able to completely dry root them in prep for transfer into my hydroponic system (coco coir).



    Rau ram doing great



    New growth buds on the curry plant



    Family photo. The arrangement and plant heights are done purposely to give each plant the desired amount of light from my sole light source. There's also a new growth bud on the kaffir lime tree. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, mgaretz said:

     Next I tried my basic challah recipe, adapted to the no-knead technique, including baking in the dutch oven and not braiding it.  Came out really good. (Is it challah if it's not braided?)

    Just pretend it's Rosh Hashanah

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  8. 20200606_195928.thumb.jpg.0d7692be7fffe5ef842d675ca278488f.jpg


    Lurking beneath the surface of this red curry is chicken thigh meat, along with a not so common ingredient - grachai - sometimes called lesser ginger even though it tastes nothing like ginger. It has almost a medicinal quality to it, but not as much as galangal.

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  9. I chuckled when I saw the Kavalan - every time we took EVA (which was most of the times flying from NY to Asia), before every movie started on their On-Demand system, they would play a couple commercials - one was always for Kavalan - I had that commercial memorized I've seen it so many times...  How is it btw?  I was always curious...

    • Haha 1
  10. This is the last of my Teochew style Bak Kut Teh...  It's not traditional served with noodles or chicken for that matter.... usually it's served with the pork ribs with which the broth is made... but we're trying to be healthy while getting the flavor - so I did it with chicken breast marinated in soy and cooked in the broth which winds up being a good vehicle for the broth flavor of garlic and a specific black pepper (some use white pepper).  Also, note the new noodle bowls!!!  The recommendation of Miya was a great one - affordable bowls, and they arrived on Tuesday when I ordered them over the weekend!  Also, untraditionally, we had a Merry Edwards pinot noir, which had a great fruity-ness and went really well with the very savory broth - though traditionally, it would be served with tea, hence the "Teh" in the name...


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  11. 15 minutes ago, BKEats said:


    I'll tell you.. Because, i did a small shop and was waiting for them to get back in green papaya for papaya salad.. But yeh, i have a lot more shopping to do!  I was supposed to go today but, couldn't


    If you do go, I should say, get these guys.. .I loved them, my wife, not so much.   Coconut and Durian.. 







    I had my fill of durian a few years back in Singapore... I actually really liked the flavor and texture, but didn't like how the flavor lingered.... for hours!!!

  12. 10 minutes ago, BKEats said:

    Plant based diet.  I had a chu chee can of curry I purchased recently.. Actually, I went to a small Thai Market in Manhattan's Chinatown the other day.  I purchased thai red chile, i purchased fresh kaffir lime leaves, fresh galangal  and thai basil.. To the curry I added, coconut cream,  thai pepper, then yucca, mushrooms, green beans, cherry tomatoes, broccoli and eggplant. Lime juice, brown sugar and finally some cornstarch.   Prior to adding the veg, i had cooked the yucca in boiling water for 8 minutes, i blanched the broccoli, the green beans to ensure even cooking.  Put the curry over rice noodles, chiffonade of kaffir lime  and thai basil. 


    Doesn't look like much but, it was so good. 


    Kept the noodle separate as I will eat this for lunch in a couple of days with rice. 



    The Thai store on Mosco St? If so I'm happy to hear they're still open!  But why brown sugar instead of palm sugar?

    • Like 2
  13. Moving on to Vietnam.... Goi Xaoi Ga - mango salad with roasted chicken thighs and some sawtooth coriander and rau ram from my garden as well as green onion and Thai basil. Thighs were done in the CSO


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  14. Still in that Thai feeling... Steamed dorade with lime juice broth. Simple flavors but addictive!



    Shown with a lovely skin contact orange wine from Israel!

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  15. 35 minutes ago, MokaPot said:

    @KennethT, I had good experiences ordering dishes from this company (Miya). It's Japanese stuff, but I think they have large bowls that aren't shallow. You can buy as many as you need. IIRC, they ship from New Jersey, USA.




    Fantastic!  Exactly what I was looking for!!!!!  Thanks!

  16. 28 minutes ago, TicTac said:

    There are a few types of arugula you can grow.  Annual and perennial varieties.  I prefer the perennial due to the flavour profile but also the fact that they come back every year, but also they do not bolt nearly as quickly as the annual variety.


    Been having some fantastic salads from the garden over the last week (I grow 4 types of lettuce, my favourite being Deer's tongue), with at least a handful or two of arugula in each bowl!

    pics or it didn't happen...   ;)

    • Haha 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Margaret Pilgrim said:


    Lots of melamine bowls here.  

    Some of those were exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately, it's only 2 of us - I don't need a dozen of them!

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