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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. I do not mean to hijack, but this made me laugh. Being from a very ancient and proud Scottish family I can only imagine the essence of Scottish cooking distilled (hah) to one simple outline: 1. Get food 2. Boil food 3. Eat food 4. Wash down with ale 5. Get back to work; don't you know time is money?
  2. I got a scale and some agar for Christmas, so I will be making a purchase somewhere to fiddle with some chemistry.
  3. Doodad

    Smoked Salmon

    Ok, salmon rangoon in wonton wrappers fried as an app. See if he likes it. If so, there are more possibilites. Salmon and cheese raviolis are great.
  4. Two things for me. Rutabagas. I had never had them for some reason. Great vegetable. But, the real kicker was coriander chutney. Holy cow, I could (and did) eat that with a spoon.
  5. The method is to dry the mushrooms in the microwave on parchment as described in The French Laundry cookbook. works great for shitakes as in the book. Not good for chanterelles. This is the second time I have seen this. The first I thought it was the paper. This time I tried different paper and without paper and they catch fire! Apparently carrots and other beta carotene rich items do to from the the sources online. Chanterelles are yellow so I can only assume.
  6. I wanted to make mushroom powder ala Keller for pan seared snapper last night. I have done it successfully in the past. Holy cow the fireworks! I assume from looking online that the beta carotene is responsible. Mucho flame.
  7. Doodad


    Ok, you all killed me. I just got back from the grocery with the supplies for a tortiere/pasty/bridie dinner. Oops, forgot HP sauce. Back out.
  8. We do get Moe's from time to time for the sheer convenience when it is a busy night or we are beat. Pizza delivery is the most common chain item, but we have some smaller shops that deliver now and it is much better pizza.
  9. Doodad


    I was about to say...this is a pasty. and those are eaten only with beans and HP sauce.
  10. I can make bread but it is always just ok. I can't get the color and crust right. And worse it never seems to have that aroma and taste. Not sure what I am doing wrong. It rises correctly and I knead it well, but it lacks soul.
  11. Oh good, I thought I was the only one confused.
  12. Dear Darienne, I have looked at the weather in your area. No. Sincerely, Doodad
  13. I am very interested in that line...'won't allow anyone else either'. You have folks who listen to you and obey? Are you an army general? It's hard to believe that you are a wifely type. I am a wife and a much loved one too, but as for my DH following what I 'allow'...? I don't think so. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if he didn't put the knives in the sink and after lo these many decades. All best to you. A tip of my hat to you. I am the husbandly type and a cheap one at that. So that is part of the interest in keeping what is mine in good shape. Goodness knows the girls are pretty hard on things and do not take the best care in the world. I had to bark at my sis in law one time after she wanted to use my knife and did so without asking. I cringed as I watched her cut and intervened at several points to prevent having to suture or worse on a holiday. And then, after all that she dropped it dirty into the sink. That was it. I retrieved it and my wife scolded the SIL. She does not get to use my knife anymore. I give her one of the generics out of the block to play with. General? No. Benevalent dictator is more like it.
  14. If you say it three times fast does Alice Waters appear and dispatch you?
  15. Maggie, The basic homebrewing for a first batch is cans of liquid malt syrup, hops and yeast. Hardware needed is a big pot (probably already has one big enough), funnel, fermentation bucket with airlock (at the store), and bottling items such as capper and caps. Most homebrew stores have all this in one kit, especially this time of year. Should be near or a little north of your price range. My only caveat is that these beginner recipes are just ok. To really produce stellar beer there is much more involved from a knowledge and hardware standpoint. But, of course, once you own it you don't need it again. Then it is just the consumables of malt, hops and yeast. I got to where I could make two cases of beer (kegged) for about $5 by buying bulk malt and hops and culturing my own yeasts.
  16. I do not and won't allow anyone else either. Not out of fear of getting cut (I clean as I go), but I don't want them dulled or chipped.
  17. The only one I can think of was Lisa since Asias was her repetoire. Remember when someone turned off the rice and she had to dump the thing?
  18. I forgot one that I bought myself. A one hand pepper grinder so I can prep and keep the one hand clean. I have a thing about this for some reason.
  19. Actually on my list: Small squeeze bottles for presentations work Some chemicals to play with like alginate Cool plating ware Very small cookware/ramekins for amuse type work OR....how about a really nice piece of food item? A dry aged prime rib or sashimi grade fatty tuna?
  20. Maybe the new producers are the ones doing the Chef Academy thing as well. Talk about a turd in the punch bowl. Sorry for the home town guy to lose, but this was a great season. There was some fine cooking after about the half way point.
  21. I like smoked salt, vinegar, nutmeg and a little sesame oil. Gives a nice background without overpowering.
  22. I noticed the same thing and mentioned it to my wife.
  23. How the Carribean drink Malta? It is non alcoholic and has the right flavor just sweeter.
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