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Everything posted by vogelap

  1. Thank you! The garnish is sprouts with a light lemon vinaigrette. I wanted different microgreens, but could not procure any. Simple green salad alongside.
  2. Don't mind a bit... Here's pic of the finished plate. The recipe is based on... https://www.acfchefs.org/ACFSource/Recipes/?id=657
  3. I just made a duck, cherry, and pistachio terrine. I roasted my pistachios a bit (and completely cooled them) before adding them to the terrine, and they're soft enough to not tear the terrine when cut with a knife. I then lightly sear the slices of terrine to enhance the texture... It's a hit.
  4. CONGRATS, Rob! One heck of a journey finally released into the world. Be sure to pause and celebrate this success. I was, as Rob told me, the very first purchaser of his book. I look forward to receiving my copy! It will hold a special place in my culinary collection. (Since I own the book (and look forward to receiving it, I don't want to be included in the contest. Share the wealth!)
  5. It would be my pleasure. Let me know how I can assist.
  6. I was able to pre-order today (order #10001)... Was that a fluke, or did it go live?
  7. I am planning to buy your book when it becomes available!
  8. Stay strong, sir! I will buy your book when it becomes available, and support it via Kickstarter if you decide to go that route. Please include this thread when you announce such things -- I am following it so I don't miss anything! Good luck.
  9. Charlie Trotter was found unconscious and not breathing in his Chicago home today. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Trotter was 54. More information: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-charlie-trotter-dead-20131105,0,3424072.story
  10. 8-12 hours should be sufficient. What's the cooking method going to be?
  11. My wife & I ate recently in Miami Florida at a good establishment. We were surprised when our bill included 18% gratuity. I've seen that done for larger parties, but never for a two-top. Fine with me... As a culinary professional who normally tips 20% as a minimum, I appreciated the server indicating that they were worth only 18% gratuity. Saved us a couple bucks. Then, of course, there was a restaurant in Cincinnati Ohio where we took a 12-top. The server said, "I am supposed to automatically add 18% for parties of 6 or more, but I took a chance with this table and didn't add it". He gambled and won -- our table's tip far exceeded 18%.
  12. Well, I recently counted. My food-related book collection numbers 360.My name is Drew, and I'm a cookbook-aholic. Latest check is over 500 cookbooks... Yikes. I have seriously slowed down in purchasing/accepting cookbooks (I really have!). Most recent acquisitions: Tyler Florence's FRESH and Underly's The Art of Beef Cutting.
  13. The Culianry Herpitologist is on my bookshelf. http://www.amazon.com/The-Culinary-Herpetologist-ebook/dp/B0024NJY5I Hard to imagine.
  14. Frozen, pre-browned ground beef. My wife bought it once. Once.
  15. COOL! My wife has a centrifuge at her workplace... I could see slipping in after hours some night to spin up some culinary treats!
  16. We're staying at the Marriott on Aliceanna... Thanks for the comments on Woodbury, Corks, Salt, and Black Olive. I'll check them out. I've also been told that Paper Moon was good for breakfast and that Pazo was not-to-be-missed. My wife is interested in a lot of fresh seafood (she wants buckets of the stuff dumped on the table and eaten with the hands), so suggestions in that direction are also appreciated. Any other insights?
  17. We'll be in Baltimore's Inner Harbor area in mid-June. We've got three evenings and would like to dine at some nearby restaurants. I see that the BALTIMORE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE has a restaurant. Any reviews? We're interested in high-end specifically, but would welcome all recommendations.
  18. The 5-member Midwest Culinary Institute's Culinary Olympic Team (on which I am a sous chef) took 2 bronze medals at the International Culinary Olympics in Erfurt Germany. We're all tired & proud, and heading to Munich for some R&R! Details on www.drewvogel.com.
  19. I don't tend to forget entire DISHES (like the potatoes!), but I sometimes forget components of a dish. As an example, for the life of me, I cannot remember to put the cream cheese in the amuse duck purses at work. I gather the cheese and spoon when assembling my mise, set these items conspicuously in my workflow, and then generally forget all about it and assemble the purses without. The only thing that's helped is to put a little blob of cream cheese on the corner of my otherwise-clean cutting board. That provides enough of a trigger that I (usually) remember! (I learned this trick when roasting nuts -- put a nut in the corner of your board and you cannot forget the nuts in the oven. I don't know why, but it works! This has, pardon me, saved my nuts any number of times!) For multi-course meals, I do a prep-list and a serve-list with checkboxes. I check off 'milestones' during prep/service to make sure I don't forget things...
  21. It's still in print and easily available (and cheap!): http://www.amazon.com/Jacques-Pepins-Compl...95671704&sr=8-2
  22. Well, I recently counted. My food-related book collection numbers 360. My name is Drew, and I'm a cookbook-aholic.
  23. I am anxious to hear Sharonb's report of her birthday dinner! (happy birthday, by the way!)
  24. That conjures a very specific -- and not particularly pleasant -- mental image.
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