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  1. tommy

    Steven Shaw

    Steven at times argued with me, at times confided in me, certainly challenged me, and always, looking back on it, for the better. All, I believe, for reasons he thought were right and just. I cannot not admire that. Public displays of condolence aren't necessarily my thing, and thankfully I haven't had much reason to express them. But I'm hoping that adding my voice to this positive and loving chorus has an impact in some small way. Heartfelt condolences to Steven's family, friends, associates, and everyone that he has touched. A legacy as great as Steven's is to be admired.
  2. most people don't know about or care about the various authentic cuisines of China, and the people who go to PF Changs are a good representation of about 99.99% of the population. PF Changs is most likely better than the other 2000 "chinese" restaurants in any given state. i wouldn't qualify it as "sichuan" or "shanghainese" (and from what I understand that's not their goal), so i wouldn't compare it to those places. i'd sooner compare it to the various upscale chinese restaurants in NYC that have been wildly popular for years, and i'm guessing it competes quite well in that world, and would be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys China Grill, for example. it offers a pleasant, family-friendly, somewhat upscale but perhaps vaguely "sophisticated" atmosphere with fruity drinks, which I think pretty much fits the bill for most people who are not interested in tripe and sichuan peppercorns. i see few reasons to not at least try PF Changs. the fact that it's not "authentic" certainly wouldn't be one.
  3. even pre-nav. i will say that in a cab i always give a cross street when i know it. any cabbie who knows all of the numbering systems in nyc and cross streets is either a freak or worked as a cabbie in london. on my iphone i can search on intersections or actual addresses without a problem. but this is way off-topic at this point.
  4. every car service i've ever called wants an address, not a cross street, which is bad for me because i rarely know what address i'm at, and there are fewer and fewer matchbooks on the bar these days to help you sort it out.
  5. yes, the potatoes are usually eaten on their own before one ever gets to the hot dog, and ketchup is good on them. i just don't want outsiders to think that new jerseyites put ketchup on their hot dogs. ketchup on your rutt's hut dog, for example, is unthinkable.
  6. i'd urge any new yorker, who actually decides that it's worth it to come to jersey for a hot dog, and i don't think many are convinced, to skip the ketchup, or else we'll make fun of you. for coming all the way to NJ for a hot dog, and for putting ketchup on it once you get here.
  7. so then amateur nights are tues-thursday.
  8. i'm curious, and you seem to be plugged in to the industry so maybe you'd know: does the staff treat guests differently on Friday and Saturday nights because they're assumed to be "amateurs"? I'm certainly no "amateur", but I do tend to go out on Friday and Saturday nights for reasons already stated here. I would like to know if I should be expecting special treatment on a Friday or Saturday night at Felidia, since the staff considers it "amateur night". Different food? A different experience in general?
  9. suzi, cook it normally, and then slice a piece off for johnny and throw it in a hot pan to cook it to medium/well or whatever he wants. best of both worlds! obviously the end pieces will be half way there already. enjoy!
  10. ok, tommy. you come and cook it for me and i'll keep the champagne flowing - along with some unfiltered newton cabernet?! have a wonderful holiday ← Wow, I just had that Newton cab last night! As to the rib roast, I did sear mine before hand for 2 or 3 minutes high heat in a bit of oil and cooked just as you did without the garlic. Agree w/ Tommy however about slower and lower heat. I prepared a nice fresh horesradish sauce using some of the juices in the pan. It came out really great and I had plenty left for thinly sliced beef, aged provolone and onion hoagies the next few days! ← honestly i haven't made enough rib roasts to have enough data points for a "this way is the best method" type of statement. that said, i do think that it doesn't matter a whole lot (the meat itself probably matters more), so i just take the easiest way. and i'm a slow-and-low guy in general, so i lean toward that direction whenever there's a question. with my latest roast, i seared all sides but one in a cast iron pan, and the difference in the final product was not noticed at all.
  11. i'm planning on doing a garlic/salt/pepper rub then 350 for 12 minutes per pound. any ideas how i could do it better? ← slower and lower. no searing. a nice crust will form regardless of searing.
  12. am i understanding this correctly? the topic of conversation between two strangers was annoying, so you behaved in a manner that made them think twice about what they were talking about?
  13. i had a pleasant enough meal at The Village Green recently. I love the fact that they offer tasting menus, and I've never left hungry. Less-than-blown away maybe, but it's still a good option when compared to the others in Ridgewood. A SNAFU with a shrimp dish was handled efficiently apologetically, and properly from my perspective. Others? 28 Oak has simply failed to impress on my visits, and that's about the only other restaurant with the same aspirations. I just don't think LaTour is very good at all, and have always wondered why it gets such great reviews, not only from random people on the internet, but from local reviewers as well, whose taste, I suppose, is just about the same as that of anyone else, including random reviewers on the internet. The rest of Ridgewood is passable sushi, uninspired Italian, Dim Sum Dynasty, Silver Oak, Gazelle is OK and I like their "local and organic" approach, and that's about it, isn't it? Blend? I don't think so. Oh, La Cambusa does a nice job on some Italian-American dishes, but not a destination. Mediterraneo and Lisa's are good Middle Eestern options. Haven't been to Gen yet, but I'm guessing that falls into the "passable sushi" category, with some pan-asian thrown in. Speaking of pan-asian, with apologies to mention1, but Wild Ginger is best ignored, unless your tastes lean toward the sweet side of Asian. And speaking of sweet and overly busy dishes, Joel's Malibu kitchen is a really cool spot, but his dishes tend to be too sweet and busy for my taste. Oh yeah, A Mano is the most notable restaurant in town, but only if you appreciate Neapolitan style pizza. Otherwise you'll wonder why their crust is like bread and isn't crispy like Tony's Pizzeria and Italian Kitchen on Route 10 in Whippany.
  14. i see pictures of something coming out of some sort of conveyer oven, but do they make pizza? i think i'll stick to salads.
  15. Um....why is your own company and food so uninteresting that you are 'forced' to watch other tables? How was it accomplished ? I've been 'forced' to hear other tables, in that they were so loud that our conversation was difficult to sustain in comparison. But forced to watch others eat.... never once in 40+ years of eating out at restaurants of many different caliber has this been done to me. Its fascinating to contemplate. ← I doubt pikawicca was suggesting that there was physical or mental coercion involved. Rather, it is more likely that we turn to look at whatever is making a disturbance in a restaurant the same way we can't avoid looking at a wreck in the other lanes of the interstate when we should be paying attention to what is happening in ours. ← yeah, but i don't blame the poor sap who just got in the accident for "making" me look at him, any more than i blame him for causing a traffic jam. well, sometimes i do, but at least i know that's wrong.
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