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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Since savory waffles are all the rage now I would do a buttermilk waffle with the kale (cooked down and squeezed and amped up with roasted garlic and lemon zest) sauced with a lemon heavy slightly minty sweetish sauce. Emphasizing the savory of the waffle with some cheese like pecorino.
  2. +1 on the mango or a firm but ripe cantaloupe style melon - I think color factors into the salad enjoyment
  3. Here you go: Link to the shelves (scroll down a bit) and RRO's explanation http://forums.egullet.org/topic/139829-eg-foodblog-rarerollingobject-2011-mealtimes-at-the-university-of/#entry1829333 "As for the colour coded books..there are two reasons for that. One is, as I mentioned, we have A LOT of books and apart from one shelf of queued newbies, have pretty much read all of them. I also have a pretty strong visual memory, so I realised one day that the majority of time I was looking for a book, I was first picturing it visually in my mind and then irritatedly scanning nine bookcases for books with that colour spine. It was a short jump to thinking that this is how I should organise my books in the first place, though it wouldn't work for everyone I realise. (It's actually been quite controversial among my friends, many of whom dismissed it as frippery and something the village idiot would dream up!). As for the doing..chronic insomnia. I average about 3-4 hours a night, and when you're regularly awake at 4am looking for something to occupy yourself with, reorganising that many books seems like a worthwhile endeavour. "
  4. And it depends on the user. Someone remind me about color coding - some folks remember a book spine and that works for them. Hmmm will look
  5. Hop on down to your local library and check out their shelves. As I recall mine does a decent split of general purpose, specific cuisine, diet specific etc. When I was flummoxed about the name of a title I could generally trace it through its location - it makes that much sense
  6. When I had it many times years ago, the style with frozen "frenched" green beans was the one I preferred
  7. heidih

    Wax Paper

    i knew I was repeating myself.... http://forums.egullet.org/topic/136712-wax-paper/
  8. heidih

    Wax Paper

    I keep a roll from the dollar store (50 squ ft) in the cupboard. I use it almost daily and not as a sub for the other types of rolled items. So cheap.Tear off a piece, put garlic cloves down, fold over, mash with large pestle. Same with a small quantity of nuts. Put items like tamales inside, twist ends, and nuke - mini steamer. top with paper towels and nuke some bacon - no mess. Those are my most frequent uses.
  9. Well I am old so "Lay's recent packaging" is not on my horizon. I spoke of a gut feeling prompted by, what to me was a fairly intense visual similarity to a product from (now I realize) the 70's (older than I thought I was). It made me go back and look at the ad. I never do that. So, for me, and I am obviously a minority of one, it was significant. This time, really walking away.
  10. I was flipping through some magazines a friend gave me and did a double take on this print ad. Before I saw the Lays logo the packaging flashed me immediately to Pepperidge Farms cookies. ( they fueled my college studying) I thought "Hmm what is a crinkle cut cookie?". A cursory check shows Pepperidge Farms owned by Campbell Soup and Lays by PepsiCo so no affiliation. Am I a nutter? Does it bother you when they seem to be manipulating us like this?
  11. Thanks for starting the 2014 season Jaymes. I did not bake last year but my 22 year old niece/god-daughter is here from Sydney and I promised her I would pass on the "baking secrets" so we will probably do baklava, amped up chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin spice bread, and Linzer Torte bars. Pulling the recipes out of my boxes and making sure I don't pack away the necessary pans.
  12. Yes it must be at least 10 years old - from the knife guy "ex". OK maybe I'll give it a spin versus re-gifting - thanks!
  13. Cleaning out the kitchen cupboards I stumbled on this "gift" from years ago. Never used. I googled M Carter and see the site but can't tell what my knife is and if it is worth keeping. Images all have horrid glare - sorry.
  14. Another approach is to use the Glasslock containers. http://www.glasslockusa.com/%C2'> get them at the Korean market. No need to use the dishwasher as they don't retain odors and are an easy rinse with a bit of dish soap.
  15. heidih

    Unfashionable Dinner

    My immediate thinking is also Coquilles St. Jacques - they must be served in the giant scallop shells! A link to Saveur article by Jacques Pepin. Also Jamon Persille and Grand Marnier chocolate mousse as opposed to the souffle for ease of prep/service. So basically meander through Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol 1 I think and be inspired.
  16. Since it is related to millet I have seen suggestions to use millet flour. Here is the link to the King Arthur site discussing it http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/injera-an-ethiopian-staple-recipe
  17. A co-worker with a Meyer lemon tree recently discovered my fondness for the fruit and often brings me some. My favorite dish is a combo of potatoes and broccoli tossed in olive oil with salt and lots of black pepper and crushed garlic.The lemons are sliced thinly. Proportions maybe half as much lemon as vegetables. Roasted at high heat until broccoli and lemons are caramelized. The lemons are addictively chewy and flavorful. Should some nice shrimp happen to appear they are stirred in about half way through. Bits of pork tenderloin would be nice added at the beginning. The other day both lobster tail and shrimp were on deck as well as a huge super juicy Meyer. I tossed the seafood in basil infused olive oil, crushed garlic, salt & pepper, and cut the lemon into rough chunks exposing the oils and juices. Roasted at 425. The resulting juices were magic on rice. Note that the lobster was left in the shell and cut into pieces. In this case the lemon remained soft and was not eaten except for some small bits that got really soft - they got mashed into the rice with the juices.
  18. Hard to respond since you do not indicate which spices you DID use
  19. On 100ft Journey - I was waiting for it to be over. I love a sappy romance but this did not even hit Lifetime TV movie channel heights. I was hungry in the few Indian cuisine scenes, but the haughty classical French and the lame fusion - nope. What surprised me was that the other two ladies I went with really liked it. One said "Oh my gosh I think I never really taste/experience my food. How cool". So it opened her eyes/stomach I think.
  20. You noted organic versus supermarket. In my experience the issues you bumped up against in terms of shape and conformity are frequently expressed by those who begin purchasing at farmers markets in general - not exclusively organic product. The buyer needs to know the issues you face in the kitchen and be more selective in the sourcing.
  21. No. My simple response is that the red is a deep almost roasted chile flavor, the green a brighter flavor with perhaps fresh herbs and kaffir lime, and the yellow seems to me more spiced with warm spices that one associates with "curry powder".
  22. heidih

    Uses for young ginger

    Used also as a vegetable in a Thai salad. David Thompson has one in Thai Food where the other components are just shrimp and squid and the dressing is the standard fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, garlic, chile style. In the uncooked application I would taste it first to test fiber level. I have pickled it and have found that it has a lovely pink color when young. Huiray's suggestion s/f with beef was what first sprang to mind. I like the play of deep beef with super bright ginger. Though a fresh salad is not typical I like that combo with a bit of a watercress salad simply dressed with lime or lemon, salt, walnut oil and a few bits of toasted walnut. If nothing sugary is in the stir fry a hint of sugar in the salad works for me.
  23. Leslie I don't remember - that is what I wrote in the 80's! I think I was experimenting and wrote down my first successful attempt. Probably repeated with the balance of the fruit. I was worried about the proportion of batter as I was playing with the recipe and recall being shocked at the success of attempt #1 as was the beneficiary whose taste memory I was chasing.
  24. "It's a cookbook in which it's shown what sort of meals are most appropriate for each age - from the womb onwards" I agree with most of the above posts in general for cookbooks but what I quoted here from your post tells me your audience are not cooks. They are yuppie parentals. They want absolute formulas and clear direction to create a perfect child - sorry bit sarcastic but I find the concept irritating.
  25. No - I did not mean to specify Laurie Colwin's recipe. You made me hunt down my recipe card (giant bump on the head now with ice-pack after crawling into the attic) Grandmother's Fruitcake (from Panama) In an attempt to reconstruct this cake from other people's memories I used the wedding cake batter from page 699 of the Culinary Arts Institute cookbook - no clue what version as book has disappeared Soak fruits up to 2 months ahead: (all fruits candied) 1/2 lb. citron, 1/2 lb. orange peel, 1/2 lb. lemon peel, small jar maraschino cherries (!), 1/2 lb. currants, 1/2 lb. raisins covered in mix of sweet port & rum. A week before use add a jar of mincemeat Batter: You will use about half of the fruits Cream 1 cup butter w/ 1/2 lb brown sugar and beat in a cup of dark honey and 6 eggs. Add aprox 3/4 tsp each ground cloves, cinnamon, allspice. Then 1 tsp each vanilla, rose water, and lemon extract. Sift 2 cups cake flour w/ 1 tsp baking powder. Add the fruit and pour into greased and floured pans.. Bake at 275 degrees about 3 to 3 and a half hours. When cool baste with the booze mixture from the fruit and wrap tightly in cling film. Continue to baste over time. Best enjoyed in very thin slices with strong black tea.
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