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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. The grumpy garbage can guy - right? (Oscar the Grouch) Oh my kids would have been huge fans
  2. Have no inclination towards juicing but the ones I hear about do have the mega blenders.I could be wrong but they may be just getting the juice and losing the fiber- bozos - bezos/bozos oops
  3. Given the choice, other than the salad I remarked on earlier, I would never prefer kale over other more flavorful and texturally pleasing greens. I could eat Swiss chard daily....but that whole juicing trend is driving the market these days. I was behind a guy at the store couple days ago and he had this interesting green on the path (ya know that rolling thing). I leaned over to read the tag: dandelion! but it had dark leaves and maroon veins like beet. I asked bout taste - and the response "I don't know I juice it" I didn't scream...
  4. Sounding quite similar, my intro to kale salad was from Melissa Clark's 2010 "In the Kitchen With a Good Appetite". I'm the kind of nut job that keeps the book on my nightstand in case I need a quick read to fuel sleeplesness/drive inspiration! It must be Lacinto/dino/ kale & not the springy stuff. Raw garlic - well my friends give me a pass cuz they like my cooking. A top 10 on the crave list
  5. I think ideally it is a group activity like making Asian style wrapped dumplings.BUT when no like minded folk are around it can be a zen like thing if you re that kind of cook. Plus they freeze beautifully.
  6. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    That is famikliar to me as pork butt - in mainstream markets and Asian & Hispanic one but....I'm in the melting pot of Los Angeles.I love it spice rubbed and cooked in the Weber Kettle with fire olffside.
  7. You just set the purple babe right on the burner grate and let it go - do NOT walk too far away/ turn as lower side gets dark. Do not pierce unless you have a well paid cleaner person
  8. Yes! - with a salty funky cheese please
  9. I live in one of the most significant agriculture states in the US. Yes we are your avocados, your citrus, almost all of your almonds- I could go on. This site which seems oddly Brit in language is quite interesting. Mostly odd to me that they felt a need to spend $ and promote the obvious? https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/agvision/docs/AgVision_2017.pdf
  10. heidih

    Breakfast! 2018

    Applications for an invite abound as well
  11. I think you have to factor in the state/condition/age of your ginger. If I want to pickle my own for "sushi ginger"I'll hope to get some young thin skinned tender stuff that is more flavor than bite. As it ages it gets woodier and stringier, the bite predominates. https://www.google.com/search?q=young+ginger+for+pickling&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNnM7ag-_YAhUJ8WMKHfNCC18Q_AUIDCgD&biw=1246&bih=596#imgrc=sLtTP7sPPHdl_M: As my local Chinese mega-mart it is in the reridgerated section rather than in open bins.
  12. I agree with blue_dolphin. The fresh juice goes a long way. Use use the grater part of this little treasure from the Japanse 98cent store.
  13. I know someone in NYC ordered from her and she is just a couple miles from me - fabulous plants https://www.heirloomtomatoplants.com/
  14. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Is the kumquat plain or was it treated in some way? I love their unique sweet/tart impact. Need to get myself over to my kumquat source!
  15. Yes that is the one. I didn't know about the eucalyptus. Great experiment to plan since I have lots of it stacked up
  16. Yes taste is at the core as well as the love and care you put into the food you serve. I know that were she alive my maternal grandmother who suffered much food privation in work camps and on the run as a refugee, would have diffficulty with the spice heat in my food, but would be quite happy when I add foraged wild fennel to the cucumber & sour cream salad or introduce coconut milk versus cream in a dish..
  17. I might look to a "classic" preparation if I have an unfamiliar ingredient in order to get a baseline. Example cardoons. My eating and cooking experiences have been culturally mixed across a broad spectrum. If it tastes good - "rules" - nah. I found this recent piece on authenticity worth a read https://www.kcet.org/shows/the-migrant-kitchen/good-food-and-the-problematic-search-for-authenticity
  18. How many of the mini condiment bottles are stashed in your bag? I love them; re-pack bulk herbs & spices to keep at hand arther than opening big containers when playing in the kitchen.
  19. I am very interested in Roy Choi and Daniel Patterson's idea of local fast food: Locol http://www.welocol.com/about-us/ Going toe to toe with the big guys like McD and KFC in price and raising the bar in food quality; in financially challenged neighborhoods
  20. I generally rely on my home pickled nasturtium seed pods for that "caper" flavor. I'm out until at least late spring/early summer so the caperberries in brine for $2 at TJ caught my eye. Interesting. Seedy inside but I enjoy texture contrast. Not as strong or "mustardy" of course as my nasturtium pods but they play well with olives in a dish and are mingling with friends in a tuna salad.
  21. Yes the sauce is a major feature, but overall I think it is the wood smoke that separates what I get at my local from what I would even attempt at home. You drive up to this little place dwarfed by piles of wood and you have started salivating from over a block away from the wonderful smell.
  22. I'm in Los Angeles. I would argue that florets in a bag are a far cry from a recently picked juicy head like Blue_Dolphin showed. Also she noted that the beautiful beast weighed 4-1/2 pounds! Yes that is about average for a Farmers Market and for that size & quality
  23. Starting about here in the Bento topic, Fat Guy (the late Steven Shaw) chronicles his son's lunches. They are appealing, nutritius and mostly assembly, not elaborate prep
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