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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Gosh the time sounds really long and the dill!? Also I think traditionally the vegetables are separately sauteed and then combined. I do my own mashed up version with the veg on the baking sheet to roast a bit and then bringing them together. Untraditionally a few tasty olives are nice
  2. I do not have the issue but have a favorite site. She has the problem clinically and her daughter has exhibited enough signs that keeping her g-free as well is the best approach. She has a site and posts on FB and Instagram. Gluten Free Girl https://www.facebook.com/theglutenfreegirl/ Her books have been well received.I think she is also quite receptive to inquiries as her passion for recognizing and dealing with the drama and nuance of the disease is high
  3. Oh yes the trimming and waste are horrifying. I do enjoy the frozen ones from Trader Joes. They are plain so that sweet/nutty flavor is present. Cheap too! I only do gilled from restaurants. I first had them along with grilled lemon at a birthday treat outing on Catalina. Reallly nice but I'll leave it to the prep cooks. We are in artichoke land here in California but they are not exactly giving them away. For the same bloom effect in th garden I like cardoons and it is kinda fun to play with the stalks.
  4. Nice informative article and great photo! Dog is stunning- you look pretty ok too Congrats and looking foward to future news.
  5. son I think? I love Pyrex measuring cups as I have neurological issues with my hands so they are ideal for reheating things in the microwave without causing drama as they do not heat u on the handle at all. Show us what you buy.
  6. Wow that is not easy to do! Talent; They make them in different colors now https://www.pyrexware.com/love-2 cup-turquoise-measuring-cup/1129444.html?ne_ppc_id=301933082&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI56eB5MLZ3QIViT9pCh1SbwOZEAQYASABEgIolfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds and with the classic flower pattern https://www.pyrexware.com/cornflower-2-cup-measuring-cup/1131843.html?ne_ppc_id=301933082&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI56eB5MLZ3QIViT9pCh1SbwOZEAQYAiABEgICvPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. Seriously your chalkboard pumpkin evokes so much of what I love about the special guys: character, touchability, cheer. Now I'm craving fritos!
  8. I just thought of one that I really enjoy. There is a local teriyaki joint that serves the best fied zucchini. A crispy breading that acually sticks to the vegetable spears, and their frying technique is exemplary: practically greaseless. They make their own Ranch-style sauce that is a lovely foil. I do add some hot sauce. I don't particularly want to replicate it as I prefer it to be an occasional treat.
  9. I just wanna be able to say "watermelon patch" o' mine. Lovely bounty.
  10. Thos little eggplants ar almost too cute to chop up. They scream "stuff" me". Here is an interesting video where the cuties are sliced partway in 4 and the stuffing "stuffed" in between the sections. A mixture like what you put in your egg rolls maybe?
  11. @Smithy I sometimes think of curries like stews. A pretty generic trm. With shrimp I like green, but prefer it with coconut milk. If I was in your shoes I'd go with red. What vegetables are you thinking of using?
  12. I enjoyed this Serious Eats interview with Kenji. Interesting to hear about his projects. Also the discussion of the bit of "tongue in cheek" surrounding many of the site's "pronouncements". https://www.seriouseats.com/2018/09/special-sauce-wheres-kenji-here-hes-here.html
  13. I'm a propagator. Will PM you some cutting tips tomorrow
  14. Ha! last time I bought it was years ago but in a liter bottle! The warning label of "external use only" was of mild cncern but I was told to ignore. It definitely was a flavor component. I'd just altered my cooking style so have not purchased again.
  15. I love those spice tins. I first saw one at the home of a dear neighbor - both husband and wife grew up in India. I have a fondness for doing tamarind water from whole pods because...I love the seeds aesthetically (also love loquat seeds) and well Julie Andrew & Omar Sharif in The Tamarind Seed... My general curry confusion is definition. Is it a highly spiced (not heat but spices) gravy over several cuisines or? I like The Japanese S&B powder. I have a gorgeous Thai mortar and pestle but often use canned pastes for South East Asian curries. The ones that come in a can like tuna and usually have a mama face logo. Such a broad area - but carry on - I love it all.
  16. @BonVivant Great video - thanks! I so enjoy watching the fish guys in general. So often here in the Asian markets there is a crowd waiting anxiously for the fish they selected. The speed and overall technique are exciting to watch. I clearly remember the fish guys at Grand Central Market here de-boning trout. They patiently gave me a lesson in a slower tempo when the crowd thinned. Aahh the occasional benefit eons ago of being young & cute
  17. The bottled stuff is pretty vile like most bottled dressings. I enjoy the fresher tasting ones that you can buy in the cold case and have enjoyed the one you make with the dry packet. My 96 year old father had it for the first time recently at a local institution Americanized Mexican place and fell in love. It had a really fresh taste. He can't tolerate vinegary foods anymore so this was a revelation to the old salad lover. It was the fresh stuff not the chemical yuck. I offered to get hm some but he insisted in knowing the nutritional data first. Mind boggling attitude......
  18. @BonVivant I agree on the croquettes though they look tasty. Can you remind me of the nature of those new herrings. Are they cooked or cured or pickled in any way?
  19. @Anna N It has been eons but I once used Spam successfully while at a vacation rental with hungry males. The stovetop was iffy and the oven a joke so the BBQ grill was my cooking area. I picked up a can and sliced and grilled it for breakfast. It rendered fat and got nicely sorta crispy on the edges. Now I am almost thinking of picking up a can. They have low salt and other versions now!
  20. ' On the sauce gun - !!! - one more thing to clean. On the fly killer - we had fun with this one (no salt; just swats) years ago https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-flyshooter-the-original-bug-gun
  21. We so need a feild trip to your place!
  22. Ah ok so I vote for the light wash. "Espresso candied kumquat" certainly intrigues Did you play with that flavor combo at the Curious Kumquat?
  23. Assuming ones on the right are the lighter wash. I must admit that although the pattern is more defined, the glossier splotchier ones on the left appeal more. I think because that is what I am accustomed to. What fillings this time?
  24. David Lebovitz's blog ost this week about "The Gourmands' Way" intrigued me. Any comments if you've read it? https://www.amazon.com/Gourmands-Way-Americans-Paris-Gastronomy/dp/0374103151/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=davidleboviswebs&linkId=a86328c34acc356e37107718147e4c4a&language=en_US https://www.davidlebovitz.com/plum-flaugnarde-clafoutis-custard-french-prune/
  25. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    I picked up some Tony Chachere Cajun seasoning a while back at the dollar store and found it not overly salty yet flavorful. https://www.target.com/p/tony-chachere-s-174-creole-seasoning-8oz/-/A-15225940?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Grocery+Essentials+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9031078&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3o_jspO33QIVj8DACh1UEQgNEAQYASABEgKvDfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
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