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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. It is a big huge issue in the US. It strikes at the core of Big Agra & Big Pharma. Messy world of food production. A friend who still owns the family farm in the Midwest talks about the trains of agricultural chemical shuddering through town. Garden centers typically label or post about whether the chemical was used. We tend to generically refer to it by the product name" "RoundUp"And of course we have this bit of lunacy as an adjunct. https://newrepublic.com/article/122441/corn-wars
  2. She was a stellar culinary and cultural figure. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/02/us/chef-leah-chase-death-trnd/index.html
  3. OK wow - bit of tension - --- celery is on my no list mostly due to bad very old diet issues - though cottage cheese has nudged back in. Step mom peels everything. I just take my produce to a back sink area and she has no idea how non-conforming I am. I like texture she likes smooth - why we cook - to make to taste
  4. Roy is such an inspiration. We have discussed his book https://www.amazon.com/L-Son-Life-City/dp/0062202634 Thank you!
  5. heidih

    Breakfast 2019

    Call it frittata or koo koo or ? ... all good - an underappreciated method.of Nonna cuisine.
  6. heidih

    Making Tempeh

    Jet off to Malaysia? Seriously I look foward to hearing how you fare. Nevber have tried at home.
  7. Wow meal. I am curious about the horseradish flower - was it spicy/hot?
  8. As @suzilightning says - just run your finger down a stem or two when you want to use. Bashing or de-stemming and putting in jar will release oils - those lovely ones you want to save for time of use. If dry - pastic bag works. How I store my bulk Mexican oregano. Oh on the fig jam - have not experimented but I hear that bay leaves compliment. "Food for thought"
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    West Coast US mahi mahi is everywhere. Must be a warmer water fish. I like stronger oily fish but it does at times https://www.ralphs.com/topic/the-scoop-on-seafood-mahi-mahi
  10. I recall Marlena de Blasi doing potato bread in her works. An underappreciated food writer. https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Days-Venice-Unexpected-Romance-ebook/dp/B00AFKIRRS
  11. Agreed - Master Sauce = different animal. Pasra water - why & who has the fridge space? On a busy night in a pasta driven restaurant perhaps biu otherwise seems bit goofy.
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    @shain Looks and sounds good. I'd add crisp radishes, maybe quick pickled onion, lime wedges and a small bowl of extra green sauce to unite the rice and beans. I want it all
  13. Afgreed on the foil as defeating the uniqueness of grilling. For really beautiful deep red wild salmon: salt only, medium grill, skinside down to crisp up. I grill the lemon (usually halves) alongside to squeeze on at the table.
  14. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    @weinoo A nice tasty comfort dish. Reminds me of Sopa with Fideo https://www.google.com/search?q=fideo+so%3Ba&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&oq=fideo+so%3Ba&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2872j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 And yes the rice - good choice
  15. Tunnel cakes were a thing in the 70's. Not necessariy baked in - but tunneled out after baking. My mom's entertainment dessert for special folk was angel food split and tunneled out. (innards pulled out) with a stunning black cherry mousse "tunnel".
  16. This may seem "duh" but as has been pointed out on many sites - don't over buy and keep them on the counter for inspiration or draped with a kitchen towel in the fridge if ambient temperature is too high. On your extra leftover bags there is a trend to repurpose - crochet! https://www.diys.com/plastic-bag-crochet-projects/
  17. Yes those cruciferous veggies seem to engage in natural partnership with a sharp mustard. I'll except broccoli.
  18. heidih

    Adorable Gummies

    Asian markets can be a treasure trove for "cute" gummies.
  19. Oh my! Decibel in a city like SF....? Do tell if you find some. Often the noise can become a caccoon and you just interact with your dining companion tuning the fray out.
  20. heidih

    Tasting Japan

    Funny on the deer. We had for years a theme park here - Japanese Village Deer Park. It was cuturally informative in a touristy way. https://orangecountytribune.com/2014/08/10/life-and-death-of-japanese-deer-park/
  21. well the minns are a tangelo/grapefruit cross so much more complex. Navels are like the poptarts of oranges. I heard somene asking for navels at the farmers market yeasterday and just bit my over active tongue
  22. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    @BeeZee Amazing how oiled tofu and foil produce something loveley. I'm partial to tumeric and a hint of fish sauce.with just squirt of citrus (unripe oranges usually)
  23. @Panaderia Canadiense Sure the cake recipient was overjoyed! Welcome back
  24. I'm a popcorn hound. I've taken to kernels, in a pyrex lidded bowl, in the microwave. I don't think I'd spend money for a seasoning blend. Also the microwave part if rife with potential disaster as MW's differ so and volume matters. Green can parmesan on hot popcorn works. My favorite is very slight dribble of good olive oil with furikake (partial to shrimp). My office went through a Hawaiian Hurricane popcorn phase - tasty stuff!
  25. Yes I noticed - sorry. The DGritzer article is still alive.
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