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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    My dad does the same thing when his wife is away for an extended period. He regularly does dishes so that is not the issue. (old training from his apprentice days) Cracks me up. Oh and I use lots of red and black pepper but he can't re.esist digging a spoon or fork in if I have something on stove or cooling on counter- he can't take the heat - suffers in silence.
  2. Oh I hear ya - the new washer makes goofy musical sounds. Shut up already. As I noted above the on/off for reheat or steam super cheapo works for me - Yes yu have to rap your head around possibly disposable versus repair. I did just steam dumplings in the cheapo - nicely.
  3. Thoughts? It sounded like a book with narrative which is my preference.
  4. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    I'll just take that squash as my meal
  5. Life has changed. Brand names are not always an indicator. My beloved appliance guy gave me an eye opening view recently.
  6. 'A general outline but distraction occurs
  7. Just pulled trigger on South by Sean Brock after listening to his interviews on Serious Eats https://www.amazon.com/South-Essential-Recipes-New-Explorations/dp/1579657168
  8. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Yes! The joy of damp paper towels and MW -powerful and under appreciated
  9. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    Whomping is so satisfying. As if one has accomplished something of import first thing in the morn. Orang ones smell lovely as I recall.
  10. @Chimayo Joe My son liked Indomie in general. I think that is one with several flavoring packets,
  11. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    I meant from bees that gather from the plants or mixed in fruit in some form. Like when we say clpver or orange
  12. Stunning images. The blue doors remind me of someone else here ???
  13. Not technically a cookbook - rather a book that influences how we explore food. Looking forward to it. https://www.grubstreet.com/2020/01/bourdain-world-travel-an-irreverent-guide-new-book.html
  14. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    You must feel cruddy - you did not spell anything for us!
  15. Call security company (usually a sticker outside somewhere- trust me this is from experience) and report unusual activity - they will zip out and you can save your goods.
  16. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Time for rabbit - been a while. Interesting combination - what meat were the meatballs?
  17. My favorite Madeleine Kamman story if from When French Women Cook. She was living in Paris with her grandmother. She was quite young. The live snails had been put into a clay pot and covered with a weighted plate to force them to "build their window".: "One boring Sunday afternoon I succumbed to the temptation to remove the weight. By 7 o'clock when we came back from some venture the walls were decorated with the visible trails of climbing snails. I got spanked, hated live snails forever for doing me in, and felt vindicated when they appeared in soups or sizzling in pastry shells"
  18. I posted steak frites above and forgot Moules-Frites I refused to eat shellfish when in France (stupid teen) but the dish fascinated me visually - mussels can be beautiful . Now high on favorites list.
  19. From Bourdain's Les Halles cookbook: Warning on Snails It is a peculiar feature of snalls that occasionally they like to explode, spitting a boiling-hot, napalm-like mixture of snail fluid and molten butter at your face and genital region while cooking — and often in the moments after cooking. If you are accustomed to cooking while naked, I would strongly suggest covering strategic areas with an apron and keeping your face out of the way during the crucial time periods.
  20. heidih

    Your egg journey

    Ya got me - I did not specify fowl eggs. And then we could go way off into sea urchin gonads that produce the roe- uni. Or our east coast shad roe https://harborfish.com/shad-roe-what-is-it/
  21. As a street art fan I have a problem with the "addition" though cute - oh well I am always contrary.
  22. Most planes are cold - just snag the cheese now
  23. I grew up with American steaks. When I got to Corsica - steak frites was a pleasant and welcome eye opener. The frites of course wonderful. The beef - chewier and thinner than I was used to BUT really enjoyable.
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