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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. @Alex All sounds good but my mind is buzzing with miso + orange - to be explored My access to both is good.
  2. We seem to have separated NYE/Day out from holiday general - so - I have heard zip from y'all and it IS Dec 30! So...
  3. No no no - they are foxgloves!!! I grew them for years. The chemical compound in digitalis originally. Lupine have smaller inflorescence and face up. I grew up with fields of wild lupine (purple) - we called the big hill above us lupine lane Rare now in the area. https://www.growsonyou.com/question/show/86952 Funny reference though
  4. Oh you are literal I should have said "in the road". The foxgloves are lovely popped up naturally in the field. Sounds like they have the fish fry nailed.
  5. Oh those rounded rocks - I just want to run my hand over them. I'v been into public art lately so my first glance at your sausage roll on the dash elicited the thought that it was interesting road art - but in the middle of the road?
  6. I like them with pasta and some goat or feta cheese; lots of black pepper. referring to @kayb leftover b-sprouts
  7. Oh and they sample generously Full size pieces. and fun facts from wiki: In 1952, Lucille Ball and Vivian Vance spent a half day at the See's Candies store on La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles, learning to dip chocolates and work the production line, in preparation for the "Job Switching" episode of I Love Lucy. The episode, which featured Lucy and Ethel getting jobs in a chocolate factory, became one of the most popular in the show's history.[26] Singer Cher was working at See's in 1962, when she met Sonny Bono; she quit her job to become his housekeeper.[27]
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    Those noodles look like they have an excellent chew!
  9. I have used it for many many years. Fun inexpensive ingredient. There are other brands but I prefer the one you show.
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    South America https://www.huffpost.com/entry/asparagus-farms-california_n_7029836
  11. heidih

    Lamb Fat

    It definitely is "essence of lamb". I did a shank in the crockpot yesterday and just defatted the excellent broth leaving a bit of fat. The hardened fat I lifted off is in the freezer. Do you see any enjoyable uses for it? I'd have to get the clinging gelatinous liquid off if use to saute, or just keep to use bits to enrich a soup or bitter vegetable prep???
  12. I just keep renewing my membership in the bozo club! Nick is in Sydney. A search with .au makes sense Looks promising https://www.google.com/search?q=australia+urban+cutlery+cheese+knife&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&sxsrf=ACYBGNS548FWbFgCOSJNYddnrdtgWOuzEQ:1577501977495&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=j-FE2HIvCvWy4M%3A%2CN3UqRuqAgqt0GM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kT7i8taYoKZnFS_Ttzt93dZLK2L5A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiizYDorNfmAhXLi54KHevsDeIQ9QEwBHoECAoQDA#imgrc=j-FE2HIvCvWy4M:
  13. @nickrey Hand fit does not look right for oyster. My knife guys are MIA for holidays. . Looks more "cheese knife-ish. But I am clueless. Quite interesting. https://www.cyberattic.com/stores/thurber/items/1401798/Gorham-Japanese-Sterling-Silver-Cheese-Knife/enlargement1
  14. My dad the former butcher sharpens the knives - not impressed. The knife reps did a great job. i wish I knew what they used - still ! holding a good edge after a long time.
  15. Now remember - somewhere else here galangal was mentioned in the region. Apparently not a new introduction https://plantshoe.org/static/resources/Bloodroot/Sanguinaria canadensis_Extended Monograph.pdf Traditional Uses in Appalachia In addition to its common uses as a dye for clothing and skin decoration, S. canadensis has long been used for medicinal uses in Appalachia, In small doses, it is considered soothing to the digestive tract, however when taken in too large a dose, it can reportedly cause nausea, vertigo and vomiting severe enough to dispel worms from the stomach (Millspaugh, 1974). A powerful medicine when administered by skilled hands, it is commonly used for colds, coughs and sore throats, being regarded as a systemic expectorant (Bass, 1990). When dried and powdered, it is often administered to fungal infections and ulcers of the skin (Erichsen-Brown, 1979) and as a snuff for nasal polyps (Elliot, 1976). One of the common names “tetterwort” derives from the common usage for treating blister-like skin lesions (Elliot, 1976)
  16. Interesting. What struck me was the South East Asian fish sauce. Where did that navigate from?
  17. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    They can be chewy/meaty texture. I prefer the big guys grilled or stuffed .
  18. heidih

    Cooking Goose

    I think Niki's goose adventures fit in nicely here Beautiful geese (and ducks) everyone https://www.seriouseats.com/2015/12/jewish-christmas-goose.html
  19. Yes - I couldn't reach my ceramic gingerbread house so I kept the Time Life Germany on the counter for a note of the season. An exceptional series. Mine all from used book stores over the years.
  20. Do tea towels count? This one is gorgeous - from sis. . UPS showed up in the pitch dark yesterday honking!!! Scared me. Apparently they do not have back up beepers and are directed to honk.No street lights or outdoor lighting allowed so very dark. Delivered a heavy box of See's candy from stepmom's banker. She is out of town and told me to tuck in freezer so no idea what type.
  21. Nice seed distribution. Bet it smells wonderful
  22. heidih

    Lawry's Seasoned Salt

    In proprietary lists I think only known allergens must be listed. As usual I could be totally wrong
  23. Lovely! Pulled or netted sugar fascinated me long ago. Oh the first sugar flowers I made (not gumpaste) - cool.And when you cut the whip to make a sugar cap/nest- like science and art had a young-un
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