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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    It is lovely how he is getting that hand feel for pasta. I think my childhood helping great grandma with the weekly noodles made various doughs intuitive for me. The squash seeds - isn't it a nice bonus
  2. Actually got an order for today - placed at 3 a.m. for 7pm - we shall see. Instacart local. No tp but the hoarders arrive May 3 and will bring. May the saints preserve us.
  3. heidih


    It has become a misogynistic reference https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/apr/07/cursed-from-circe-to-clinton-why-women-are-cast-as-witches So not a preferred term
  4. heidih

    Soda bread

    As Darina does with the cross scoring. How do you store if keeping past day1? I liked her poking to let the fairies out - do you do that?
  5. I certainly munched on the Halloween pumpkin seeds after brining and roasting. The kids anxiously awaited Mrs. Keough's seeds. The guys at the pumpkin patch would give me free ones on Nov 1. But green pepitas are hull-less by nature. I had no clue until a while ago. I like them in both forms. So yours had the hull? https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/pepitas/
  6. Way too dense for jicama . Our street fruit vendors sell jicama, cucucumber, pineapple and melon in a cup for refreshing nibbling.
  7. heidih

    Soda bread

    Darina Allen's traditional Irish Soda Bread is often suggested. Her short video is worth a look. https://www.google.com/search?q=darina+allen+soda+bread&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&oq=darina+allen+soda+bread&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.7153j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_waugXtXtD5HZ-gSH-7GQAQ50
  8. @SLB That is a lot of loss - risk factors or not Regarding elderly eaters my experience with my dad and a friend's father in law who were always anti-spicy is that they began to want more as they aged 80's & 90's. Anecdotally I have heard that the nose and the taste buds kinda "wear out"
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    That sounds like a comforting main course for me with a salad. 2 whole nutmegs?! If you can get a copy of Kim Severson's "Spoon Fed" she has a great chapter on RR. The other interviews are Marion Cunningham, Ruth Reichl, Alice Waters, Edna Lewis, Leah Chase and Marcella Hazan
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Where do you source your saba? Sadly no longer in house with proper grapes to make my own
  11. Ja our main garden center (Armstrong chain) is doing curbside & even delivery for larger orders. Love hydrangeas. For you - a greenhouse in north San Diego county few years ago
  12. I think it is a little more than that if you look at the supply chain.. Tom Coliccio had some impressive and scary thoughts to share. https://soundcloud.com/user-306003081/special-sauce-tom-colicchio-1
  13. Despite the warning in the kumquat marmalade recipe I did a few weeks ago ....I cooked it down too far. Basically sticky caramel candy and impossible to dig out of jar. I test drove a few bits with some added water in microwave - much better. Added some water to rest of jar and did same. Such a nice complex flavor.and now I can spread it. Will do another batch when this is used up as kumquats still plentiful on tree.
  14. heidih

    Lunch 2020

    Oh culinary soul sister! That was my first thought when I saw his post. Rabbit liver at Cochon with the pepper jelly! The current menu (over last couple years) just says liver - fear not bunny but chicken is good with a sweet/hot jelly as well.
  15. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Lovely meals. Your paella always inspires as do your turnip renditions. Not a vegetable I normally select. Since most gold is yellow I think many of us call that beautiful duck fat "liquid gold" ;
  16. OK for perspective here in Los Angeles there is frequently a question posed at the start of the meal "flour or corn". The meat and the salsas and various sides like radish, avocado, pickled onion/jalapeno/carrot, good beans - make the meal
  17. Not the oil. I just scrounged some parsley outside growing among the weeds and snipped a good amount in the bowl I was eating ftom..Just me so I made a half recipe. . I like cooked cabbage.
  18. Oh my! I had always thought of them a popper. I just use the giant corn-nuts from Trader Joes. Great snack too. Brave girl! https://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article/4738
  19. Yup it is where the drunk or high kids go when they are "in that state" Ditto with the others mentioned. Kinda hard to call it Mexican food with a straight face.
  20. Yes those are the common usages I have always seen in Southern California in Hispanic places. . Taco = corn tortillas. Usually soft not fried. Burrito = flour tortilla There are of course enchilada, tamales etc. I would not call them subsets; rather various ways to combine usually corn masa with fillings.
  21. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    That looks like a batch ID & date
  22. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    There is an ancient culture that elevates, celebrates, and reveres it - Persian tahdig
  23. I adore beans. My advice is that they are forgiving, Never had bad except too soft canned,. Just cook simply. You can always add flavor at service and as you simmer along taste for texture, Do not overthink the humble bean
  24. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    My NOLA soul is aching. Do post the dishes.
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