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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    I have a chicken...

    Is there anything we raise that is NOT selectively bred - plant or animala? My Rhode Island Reds were huge 40(!) years ago https://www.knowyourchickens.com/rhode-island-red-chicken/#:~:text=Today%2C most Rhode Island Red,ancient genetics might be later.
  2. heidih

    I have a chicken...

    Dan Silverman's chicken with the crouton bed is really good. I up the bread as "a slice" seems scimpy https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/the-standard-grill-million-dollar-chicken-2145489 or similarly Judy Rodgers Zuni Cafe roast chicken https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1015770-zuni-cafe-chicken
  3. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Beautiful "meaty" clams
  4. Wow. Rob puts an incredible amount of thought into his dishes The man must never sleep with the ideas spinning in his head, The plates/bowls are stunning as well. Thanks!
  5. heidih

    Salad 2016 –

    Well if a wooden gate guessing the metal gets hot!
  6. heidih

    Salad 2016 –

    Nice salads. Saving the exprerssion - never heard it before
  7. I was catching up on The New Yorker (June 22) and read about Bien Cuit. I so need to up my bread game https://www.biencuit.com/ Heidi lose the California carb fear
  8. Just a note on the tortillas. When I have a gas fired oven I like to simply lay the on the grate with heat. It is probably mental but it feel more authentico to me ') (they generally do not stick)
  9. Kinda drooling on the pork here. Freezing salsa is not in my rexpeience but if you are not going to use it in time - do it and let us know. Oh that pork bark! I do get a hankering for flour tortillas on occasion They have to be super thin - like
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oh they were walking to market at that age to get stir-fry cheap beef. I did not interfere or intervene.I just smiled so much my cheeks hurt. We won;t talk about driving age and knowing enough not to get pulled over cuz ya did stuff. Walking works.
  11. I love the phrase "putting up". The current batch of cool kids doesn't use it. Seeing people here show their canned jars ready for the pantry is a beautiful thing.
  12. Oh heck - your guy is a Martha story in the making. Do you rent him out for small projects
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oh no. Even teenage boys will walk away. I loved being the short order cook. Some of the goobers still remember my off the cuff creations and they learned to cook as well so not all take-away when they went on their own.
  14. Your "pickin" basket is so appealing. I do not recall if it ha a story?
  15. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    I prefer to leave them whole. Bees are smart - they go as needed (part time bee keeper years ago). @Franci Good to know on the flower freezing Thanks!
  16. I am sure the food is wonderful but I just want the plates! Sucker for pottery. Lucky you! Oh and Alicante is my friend's second home - met her husband there
  17. Dan Barber of Blue Hill talks about small famers nd the Pandemic. Worth a listen. r
  18. Yes there is a place in China Moon where she recounts spending the evening with Wolfgang working on her complex stocks and drinking champagne. Maybe have been after the earthquake mes. A great read. (my book is buried in the garage!)
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    My favorite bit is the end which some people use as a handle and discard - to me it has the sweetest bit of z Oh and nice fry job
  20. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Can I just rob you and take the lovely green m & p home - mine is just white/grey Do have the big Thai greenish one.
  21. One has to remember the bankrutpcy filing is a loaded term It is often a maneuver and an interim to trying for come back Time will tell
  22. My favorite are from the late wonderful Barbra Tropp in The Modern Art of Chinese Cooking: Including an Unorthodox Chapter on East-West Desserts and a Provocative Essay on Wine and https://app.ckbk.com/recipe/chin64494c08s001r020/pan-fried-scallion-chive-breads
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