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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Oh no you grind them in a mortar and pestle and make amazing curry paste/ A common SE Asian thing
  2. Ha can I sorta hate you with jealousy. That is a nice find!
  3. Ha! if we were lucky enough to get roots.
  4. I had not seen Guerrilla Taco's kits. Interesting attempt. Unfortunately the open/no don't open after you spent money to re-vamp hurt so much. Still was a cool idea https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/17/us/guerrilla-tacos-los-angeles-toilet-paper-coronavirus-trnd/index.html
  5. Interesting on starting from cold - more absorption maybe. The pool does whet appetite
  6. Young raw beans are tasty - did he? What a sweet heart
  7. Not loving the bay leaf - but that is my quirk I find it too strong with seafood unless tons of garlic and tomato are taking charge
  8. heidih

    Osso bucco

    Lecker means really delicious (mouth licking). I told my Austrian born step mom and she said the one a friend sent from Austria was the slider kind but it rusted (they over clean) It was like this. Interesting. I would only do it for a dinner party friend thing. Funny how other countries use English words as a cool thing - esp Japan. Well when we were cool...
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    For me part of the experience is the different textures from edge to center so I can see how muffin tin (plus pain in the arse cleaning) did not delight
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @Shelby Like most of us I would want to be able say "Ronnie went fishing>>>fresh fish" You have your own bounty! Regarding scallops Trader Joes and probably others have pretty decent ones that were not inundated with liquids. And pasta dried is probably (as always I could be so wrong)' the most common Italian use. I'd be standing in line for your food
  11. Well back in the day in America when "Chinese food" was being developed by enterprising immigrants there was little fresh ginger. - but yes needed. But as the original poster noted he or she has some great ingredients that can be purposed for an interesting and unique to that person dish. I am the idiot who posted a recipe for osso buco that included cream sherry. We have had authenticity discussions before and it is like having a political discussion - waste of time
  12. Ummm google presents https://thewoksoflife.com/shrimp-lobster-sauce/ https://www.food.com/recipe/chinese-lobster-sauce-323257 https://rasamalaysia.com/shrimp-with-lobster-sauce/ No lobster involved - like fish fragrant eggplant - no fish. But since you have lobster stock and lovely new potatoes - I say experiment to your own taste. From Fuchsia Dunlop They call this complex flavor “fish-fragrant” because it draws on the seasonings used in Sichuanese fish cooking, so it is supposed to recall to those who eat it the taste of fish.
  13. I have lived most of my cooking life buying noodles from Asian markets, there are enough other element in dishes to consider. I live in Los Angeles with a plethora of dine out options that are excellent. As to other types the only people I know that make them do so for fresh pasta and they enjoy the process - so it works for them.
  14. heidih

    Breakfast 2020!

    Looks great. Curious about the dip as it looks so "solid". How do you actually apply it? That was from a jar you showed earlier?
  15. heidih

    Osso bucco

    PS: nice looking Spaezle - I don't like the ones that are small like a rice kernel - what is the point then - orzo would be at least chewy.
  16. heidih

    Osso bucco

    On a crummy morning you gave me a smile. Thank you!
  17. My kumquats are done and flowering for next year but this is my favorite. I basically follow this bhttps://www.amateurgourmet.com/2013/05/sunday-morning-kumquat-jam.html
  18. You have a ways to go "punkin". I like to give them a buffer between ground and soil (cardboard or ) so they do not get a rot spot if your soil is moist.
  19. Our taco trucks offer the onions, cilantro, radish, and lime wedges. Uncomplicated street food. If they get too busy I think you lose the intended nature - but I am usually Miss Opposite. I don't care for milk products on the mentioned items except crema (diluted) with fish tacos.
  20. heidih

    Osso bucco

    Pretty sure I did not strain as I am not a "smooth" sauce person care. Hope you enjoy We did tartly dressed salad after as the palate cleanser and no extra vegetable with the main.
  21. As a small kid I helped great grandma make the soup noodles. Spread on a tea towel and the into our perforated tin (which I can not find!) They were hand cut and had egg. Nothing broke . But they were fine cut so maybe that is the difference.
  22. All we had was a bunch of the ones like the comic. Worked. Mouse had been here for weeks. I don't like to kill critters but it was a family issue. Never a dull moment. Rats on the other hand....not my home issue but I have seen some hilarious contraptions in greenhouses. They like tender new growth! Hard to see your work destroyed. Poo by the coffee maker not pleasant either. Snacks were kept in microwave.
  23. Anywhere you would use oil and chives separately. Salad dressing for sure. The oil has a "garlic-like" taste - garlic bread. Really anywhere. Have you tasted its strength?
  24. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    When there is no tahini around I'll use peanut butter instead in a chickpea dip along the lines of hummus. . It also can add an interesting note of richness in many other preps. Originally purchased for mouse traps! Never know until you try
  25. heidih

    Osso bucco

    Nice looking meaty shanks. Looking forward to your report.
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