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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    Maybe not getting the right bread, The combo should be pretty perfect.
  2. @shain did a slow roast of the eggplant and tomatoes. Then into a pasta prep. I've done it twice now. Excellent. Oh and don;t fprget that lettuce can be cooked - in the pan or on the grill. You really get the flavor
  3. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oh no the visual is frightening. I recently bought my aged father Bomba compression socks. Google pops the ad up every single day!
  4. The kid down the street would wax poetic about the chard from grammy's garden with butter. I tried that pickle the stems thing once - waste of time. Some use them in a gratin. Rest of box lovely as well. (well pretty but I don't like those kinds of peppers)
  5. Well ya know in Los Angeles we only eat kale and green smoothies so such pastries are not on deck. However, when my son was young we would trek to Chinatown couple times a year and the bakeries there had a mix of sweet and savory. Things like ham and cheese in a slightly sweet flaky pastry. Reminded me of bastilla without the the flavor complexity. My Vietnamese market also sold an excellent meat hand pie (Caribbean style as weekend customers were muchly Island) The dough was orange with annatto.
  6. heidih

    Chokeberry Ideas

    Oh my sounds like a challenge but there is a chokecherry festival in Lewistown, Montana. You like to travel right (maybe not now). Also seen mentions of vinegar and mustard http://lewistownchokecherry.com/ Sounds like they can be the fruitiness in any savory app if ypu like that mix an pick them ripe. Not exactly a Southern Cal plant
  7. That makes culinary sense for potato salad. Also more convenient to snip fresh leaves than buy a watery whole head
  8. Now you reminded me of the little rye crackers I used to get at Trader Joes - excellent with the housemade mushroom Leberwurst from the German deli. I keep a wish list and when I order I try to be sensible but then convince myself that I am not spending money on anything else now....
  9. Lovage we marketed as "Bloody Mary plant". The stems are hollow so the idea is to use them as your straw. Kinda like when I did a give-away of Naked Lady bulbs. The male guests got whiplash walking by and seeing my sign.
  10. heidih

    Cook-Off 60: Banh Mi

    I lived around the corner from Little Shop of Mary for about 6 months. Got spoiled. Her menu might give you some ideas as they are not all "traditional" . Ordering ahead essential as it is just down the street from the civic center. The cops did get priority it seemed. https://www.yelp.com/menu/little-shop-of-mary-torrance/main-menu
  11. Agreed - ya gotta let the eaters figure out their best way to do this. They may sit on the trunk, in truck bed, or local park picnic benches
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Trouble shooting what was not so great?
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Great! On of my favorites in a 7 course is the betel wrapped.
  14. @Shelby Have not bought PF Milanos in years but as a teen I hid then too.
  15. Seems like more interior than outside chew but as you note for some uses maybe works. Nice effort
  16. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Oh we do that with the good bacteria, generate our own power, and send the solids to our California farmers. Never heard the corn anecdote. Maybe our digesters are more active. "The cycle of life" https://www.lacsd.org/
  17. Interesting. I try to sell lovage and grow it for sale in gallon pots but people just don't know it. I tell them to pick a leaf and rub it to get tat celery scent. Here mustard greens are standard. Fond memory of a young man with his list from grammy to make gumbo z'herbes trying to find the greens - he did - at our farmers market
  18. @gfron1 Sure you have seen this - thought it interesting - and a distraction in these times when cooks get bored https://www.allorafarmflowers.com/wild-box
  19. I always like a piquant contrast with something savory like paella
  20. Always a good tip. but if they are damp and in plastic bag - slime factors in - unpleasant.
  21. My Japanese farm stand used to give the beet greens to me for free. Very fresh. Usually harvested day before or that morning. Farm adjacent to stand. Stoopid people asking to have them twisted off and discarded.
  22. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    As always - wish I was at your table. Beautiful injera bubbles.What intrigued me was the use of coriander powder. This one with roasted seed and added curry leaves intrigued me. Something to add to the pantry when I reclaim my pantry space. I have never used it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEtA48ChyzM
  23. heidih

    Food recalls

    Food52 did a decent summary of onion recall this morning. How are you guys dealing with this? https://food52.com/blog/25480-onion-recall-salmonella-august-2020#:~:text=According to an August 1,potentially be contaminated with salmonella.
  24. This house has 6 year old Bosch electric oven and gas stove-top. The oven takes forever to pre-heat and then the fan runs forever after you turn it off. I can hear it at my desk. The glass front is also impossible to clean. The stove - yesterday - The main burner igniter is messed up so the woman keeps turning it on and off. No spark but I can smell the gas. Then she takes a fireplace match to light a candle for her brother.and instead of striking on box goes to stove. It was startling. No injuries. @JoNorvelleWalker friends left a pot on the stove allegedly turned off. Came home to smoke filled house and everything they owned ruined. He had inherited excellent artwork. Art appraiser and restorers made their financial goals for the year.
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