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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. I am sure your memories are of excellent fruitcake. I only replicated a memory of the Panamanian's grandmother's. It was generic fruit stuff in the tub but soaked for a couple months in booze. Kept in a cool dark place - well as cool as Los Angeles gets. A very strong taste memory of a dark fruitcake - moist and thinly sliced. Probably posted this before but just in case: So ours was kinda backwards- the fruit boozy. We ate it over a month or more as slowly as we could allow ourselves. I'd pack up a couple slices before I went to school. With strong coffee kept me all day through some of those intense Socratic method law school classes. The cake batter reference is hard to read - from Culinary Arts Institute cookbook p. 659 - Wedding Cake.
  2. heidih

    Pattypan ideas

    Good ideas. They are adorable stuffed and baked when not long in the tooth. As I have mentioned before, let a few get oversize and more like a winter squash. Great for Halloween decor or hollowed out and used as a serving vessel. They look like they are pottery not plant.
  3. Are you using the rocks to stabilize the plant or to collect heat?
  4. That is the dumb mistake one males with too many windows open. Try this http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/17293/nancy039s-silverton039s-chocolate-sour-cherry-bread
  5. You might want to try Nancy Silverton's chocolate sourdough cherry bread. People went into mourning when it was no longer at the bakery https://community.fornobravo.com/forum/brick-oven-cooking/hearth-bread-and-flatbread/9967-chocolate-cherry-sourdough-bread
  6. heidih


    I think she is one of those special people who shares them all with her circle of friends and acquaintances So maybe not a packed freezer.
  7. heidih


    Wow the color alone is refreshing and brings a smile.
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Yup. In my big market they keep it in a different location from the older ginger. More pricey, Wrapped in plastic. I'll buy the non dyed store brand from a good market like Nijiya. And the rice ---gotta wet your hands and not play with it too much.
  9. @haresfur Wow - impressive meal with lots of creative taste variety. I'd be on it. Thanks for sharing it! Agreed on the lamb - boil - no. And your serving plates are works of art. Bit of a pottery nut here.(and glass, and many things)
  10. And those dolphins =- always. My surfer friends tell amazing tales. The big big spider crabs we usually get at Captain Kidd's overlooking the water. Sweet firm flesh. https://captainkidds.com/
  11. So mangrove snapper is actually a lazy fish from the dense mangroves - chubby I guess Being on the west coast I find the different fish fascinating. My favorite cashier at Kroger fishes a lot and often often off the rocks in Santa Monica Bay. It is the bay I can see from the front of my place - though I am up high. Crabs for @Franci
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Lovey looking clams - I am envious
  13. Thanks - have not checked the books. I am gonna move in a while and am trying not to acquire more stuff. I look forward to your eating adventures. .One of my fond memories is my kid texting me from Roscoes about how great chicken and waffles is. They may have been drunk after DJing at club. https://www.roscoeschickenandwaffles.com/.
  14. Until they do not know they just ate it in an amazingly flavorful tomato based sauce that it melted into
  15. heidih


    Yes Ray Garcia of Broken Spanish and Carlos Salgado of Taco Maria work with them. Thanks for the input. https://www.kcet.org/shows/the-migrant-kitchen/episodes/alta-california
  16. Just used to a set type of dish? Tossing it with pasta and a soft melty cheese can be an entry point for some. My city is so so multi cultural that the all the kids were open . They might not love it but they would try it. "Mom can you make that yakisoba like Mrs. Yamada makes?" (and it has cabbage in it!) Have fun
  17. A new topic to start. I never complain because I love the process as long as the hyper cleaner in the temp household is not judging me, I do clean as I go but not gonna wipe down the stove and counters every 5 minutes. I am trying to stop saying f*** so my mantra is "just leave me alone".
  18. Thanks for the phrase All those years with males in construction I tend to swear so the alternate words that still have impact are appreciated
  19. Very freezer friendly hearty dish No rats harmed in the making
  20. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Nice looking shrimp. Just salted water or flavored?
  21. heidih


    oh skip the Rouladen and give me Tafelspitz with a good horseradish sauce and boiled potatoes. i am more Austrian.
  22. and the stable boy is familiar. - interesting rancho
  23. Nice except for "he who shall not be named". Fennel in a citrusy salad is so refreshing in warm weather. Tomatoes for snacking and the rest on the grill with your favorite olive oil and some acid. OK - I am there. Crusty bread please.
  24. Well stretchy sweat pants work better than belted chinos if you are sampling
  25. I can not plant another - too many trees already and water is an issue. I do leave all the pith with the peel so my marmalade is pretty dang bitter which is fine with me. I had beauty of a lime years ago ata nther house but I am one of those who burns - I kinda freaked https://www.healthline.com/health-news/beware-the-margarita-burn-this-summer#1
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