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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Making Tamales

    Wow that was an interesting array. The lamb and blue corn masa sound great. We have some street vendors near the Pueblo that do blue corn quesadillas but I've never seen blue corn masa for tamales. I read lamb expecting chivo. Both would be great stronger meats. Thanks!
  2. heidih

    Making Tamales

    I was referring to Southern Mexico. Southern US - quite a different beast. And then there are the ones in the can which I think I had as a kid at someones house - vile. Equivalent to Chef Boy R D lasagna,,, A bit of history from the Southern Foodways Alliance https://www.southernfoodways.org/interview/hot-tamales-the-mississippi-delta/
  3. As noted the delicate sweet flavor is probably GONE in the beast. Shredded as the moisture in a zuke breadd or cake, but otherwise you may be disappointed. My experience. editd to insert GONE
  4. We always used Dr. Oetker. Single packet like this was standard
  5. heidih

    Making Tamales

    I've made them once or twice but we have cart tamale vendors that ring a bell and shout out as they go through a neighborhood that are excellent. Not where I live now but I have had the pleasure. There are some guys that sell from the back of their truck if you know their schedule. I got my Masa por Tamales from one of the Diana's. Huge product turnover. I did pork with red chile sauce. Really good but from what Mexicans tell me it is better done in groups with lots of convivial chatter .like dumpling making. I like the ones in banana leaves better than corn husk as they perfume the masa. those are tied with string to hold it together.That is more common in Southern Mexico with more tropical weather.
  6. Same here = dislayed on the coffee tabeel in an XXXL snifter shape.
  7. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Nice fish. Mangoes can vary. My South Asian neighbor would buy a case and share- once in a while - dental floss time - scent good though
  8. Looks plump and lusty. Plants are individuals - not all behave as one expects.
  9. When you had to use a match to start the gas burner. Comes in handy now with rolling blackouts when electric igniter is a no go.
  10. heidih


    Great question (do I sound like a horrible media person) but it is a great question. When we were kids the moms just left them in the molds until we wee begging.
  11. heidih

    New Kitchen

    Must be tough with CV19. My guys are getting slammed because they could not work in lockdown. My favorite electrician of 30+ years bailed on me because too busy. I was happy he was busy. The other one had no guys available and drove over 50 miles to come out yesterday and he is the owner and they normally only do commercial work. but he did it out of loyalty to my former company. Looking forward to your images, .
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    OK so tofu as a flavor sponge which I get. Looks forward to hearing how it turns out.
  13. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    Sandwich press good idea. I'd have just eaten the innards. with good rice. Rather than frying tofu I like a touch of olive oil and under the broiler/salamander - like the taste of decent tofu without interference.
  14. Some good oregano never hurts and a few drops of precious balsamic >>>dinner
  15. In am dealing with dad 1922. Still telling me what to do.... And till scoping out the ladies despite married....
  16. It is all about the process and the company. Part of every Hallmark romance movie
  17. Sorry! I sometimes type before I think. I shall blame the Pandemic
  18. Looking forward to your dish. Love the blood on the knife. Yes we eat animals that used to have beating hearts with blood coursing through. Reality
  19. You know way better. She showed us some amazing info
  20. You know you are at eGullet when people casually throw out "I have some venison loin"
  21. Not when you are in a virtual classroom with grad students who do not "get" references to JFK, MLK, RFK, etc. Or who do not know what a s'more is in reality as opposed to a coffee house or cereal flavor.
  22. It was a different time with different goals. Happy you are here now.
  23. @weinoo Those flavor packets bring back memories of @torakris when she was living in Japan. Housewives use them all the time. Sure you will report back. Oh that cheese - I had to go look in the mirror to see if I was literally "green with envy"
  24. When I was young and constantly dieting (the era of Twiggy) I was religious about calories all week and gave myself one day a week off. I usually indulged at a wonderful local place where the Napoleon had super flaky crisp layers, a flavorful cream filling, and an artistic minimalist chocolate squiggle on top. Bakery gone now though ts replacement looks interesting. https://www.pinwheelcafebakery.com/
  25. heidih

    Dinner 2020

    @BKEats you do give a giggle on a rough day. - quoting you "Then used a glass to cut rings... Actually I used a jar and it kept sucking the rings up into the jar and ripping the edges but, i was in the middle of a phone call and I was preoccupied and didn't want to dirty a glass and sometimes you I get satisfaction by purpously making something harder than it should be." I do also- why why why. But we always used glasses to cut out cookies but you have to use a jiggle motion and be fast. That suction thing is not good. Sure taste was nice.
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