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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. I know this rum is very good when you run screaming out of the Caribbean on to the beach in the middle nowhere with a barracuda bite on your leg and a local dumps it on your wound straight ..then to stop you from blowing his eardrum out ..gives a shot out of the bottle ...and said this is "all you need lady" yup I have great memories of W & N
  2. Ok I am doing a chia seed/ basil seed side by side ..the seeds are similar except that chia is black and white and basil are all black ..basil seed also hydrates really fast compared to the chia ...I have frog eggs already! (since they are both I think in the mint family I am not even sure why I am doing this except that it is cheap entertainment) I am going to make a low carb bubble tea today just for the Hell of it! using the basil seed ...the jamaica flower tea and some heavy cream I wonder if the flower will curdle the cream ... I should go for a walk even in the cold and rain it may be more healthy than obsessing over seeds
  3. yeah they almost look too much like a potato! I agree ..my husband loves them but he said he can not think of them as potatoes at all just a fried up veggie he likes ... keep cooking them they take a long time! I am going to go and buy some more today before they are lousy again I also love to slice them paper thin and roll them up with cheese or even peanut butter inside
  4. ok I am going to stop reading about them now..and just use them ... they are touted as a "cure all for everything" from reflux to diabetes ..give me a break ...I hate that!!!
  5. I just read that chia seeds besides low carb .. they are very high in the omega's have a good amt of Vit C and Iron!!! (I need these badly) does anyone use chia seeds? what do you do with them? ..I bought a lot at the Mercado (mentioned above) and drinking them is ok but it is the only way I know ..Chia Fresca with Jamaica flowers ... I wondered about using them ground up? .....I am going to grind some up and see what happens now but then what? this could be my new secret ingredient ..as I can not stand flax in any shape or form but want to gain the bennies of it ..so this sounds nutritionally like a good substitute ! please if you know what to do with chia seeds let me know I have a lot of them!!! they seem so similar to basil seeds except basil seed has some taste to me not just texture and the chia had no flavor at all ...
  6. I'm wondering, for low-carbers who have tried other methods (WW, etc.) that didn't work, do you think you might be high insulin secretors? Or do you have the body shape they suggest indicates high insulin secretion? ← I think there are times my brain responds to sugar like crack (I have never tried crack but you get my point I am sure)...and it is most likely hormone related as well ...but I know is my brain that is the main offender ..it is those pleasure receptors!
  7. I really do not care for cauliflower to be honest ..so I am not a good judge ..but I love jicama they have more flavor than a potato kind of sweet if you get a good one ..they do not get soft but are tender when you fry them ..I have made fries out of them and they were limp but good ..you can not mash them that is for sure but they are good in salads or roasted as well as pan frying ..and I have put them in soups ..but they stay crisp tender not soft like a potato carb wise they are VERY low they are on the Atkins induction list ..I dont know the exact count I am sorry but you could find out easily I am sure here is a pic of the home fries ..just do not say a thing about my uneven dice I was really tired and am not a fan of AM cooking at all they do brown up more than shown but I was again tired taste as good as they look? I think so I love these!
  8. I have too many secret ingredients for low carb cooking (I have been back and forth and back ..and now forth so I have to go back again with my weight) I used one jicama this morning to make home fries if you have never done it ...try it!!!! dice them up with lots of onions salt and pepper (I add red chile) fry in oil or whatever fat you want ..until golden and crispy
  9. I don't know... you could have claimed that you were influenced by the flavor of fruit with umami, like rambutan (mmmmm). Maybe you should have still added the sugar and seen what happened then! That brings up an interesting question... do people use MSG in sweet, and not just savory, dishes? ← you know how you know just before you do it you are doing something that is going to be a mistake ..I poured a big glass of this lemonade and started to down it ..a jackhammer hit my unami buttons that is for sure!!!! I did try to put it in a fruit salad one time and it was awful..but I that lemonade incident also made me repelled by fruitiness and msg as well so who knows... I dont think I like it with anything sweet actually it is for sure a savory enhancer
  10. I just hit our local Mercado and picked up the best looking most perfect jicama have seen in ages!!! must be in season now if you like them keep your eyes open ...smooth and perfectly crunchy juicy and sweet!!! I also bought Jamaica flower to make a nice juice and for vit C some chia seeds to put in the juice ....banana leaves to wrap the goat I am going to cook tomorrow in and giant chicarrones for my husband ..and I mean GIANT!!! lots of cheese ...tomorrow I am making goat in coconut milk with chiles for dinner I just wrap in tin packages of the banana leaves and slow cook in the oven in a Dutch oven that will be good with a jicama salad dressed with lime and chile very low carb! (NO TORTILLAS!!!) that is hard for me I love them with this dish!
  11. Thanks for the input on this, I am curious how much of a cream cheese flavor does the frosting have, it is such a distinct flavor normally? ← it is only an oz so not much and since you are not using sugar it is makes it much more fluffy ..you can try not to use it and increase the cream it would be fine I bet ...I believe I have done that before I make a chocolate version of this and use sour cream instead of the cream cheese make a small amt and play with it if you can until you get what you want flavor wise I would say
  12. hummingbirdkiss

    Vile Recipes

    funny I love mayo I would do that!
  13. xanthum gum in any sugar free frosting works like a charm!!! just use a very easy hand it can go from good to horrible in seconds if you add too much of this stuff!
  14. how about this? calls for Xanthum gum recipe I would still mix the Splenda with another sweetener however
  15. I put lots of cubed sweet potatoes in my chicken curry when I have them (it is a Caribbean style (Madras) curry made kind of dry and the sweets are just put in when the chicken is) very good!!!
  16. I hope ypu don't think I was denegrating the recipe, because I wasn't. I saw the Penn Cove recipes earlier this morning - some looked to be very good. It seems that you're rightly proud of the shellfish in your area. I understant - I feel similarly about produce and other items here in the Bay Area. shel ← absolutely not!! I was just saying things in response! I love eating in the Bay area! my God you have good food down there that is for darn sure.. ...I get insane about every place I live or visit and think it is the best ever... because really at that moment it is back to mussels (you have inspired me to hit the fish market and get some for lunch today and I am excited thank you!!!) I do put them under the broiler a lot ...then dress them with a home made Italian style dressing the one thing I never do is put cheese on them ..that really does not work in my opinion ...garlic butter olive oil ...tomatoes....fresh herbs like parsley basil .. thyme thyme ..saffron...they are so easy to work with and quick to fix! whatever combo you like ... the nice thing about mussels is how much garlic you can use and they are just even better!!! they do not disapear in flavor like some clams do I think ....
  17. recipes yes my recipe is typical but when something is that freaking good I figure "why mess with it?" our oysters are insane you are correct ..when it comes to bivalves short of the "Steamers" where I grew up in RI ..I think where I live has the best ... that is one of the main reasons I put up with our depressing miserable winters the food
  18. olive oil in a pan. get it hot then drop in ..(and do all this fast so have your stuff prepped) .....lots of minced fresh garlic...big handful of chopped up parsley ...crushed red pepper to taste .. ....sizzle for a second or two and then drop in your cleaned mussels cover and let them pop open then a tiny sprinkle of salt and some fresh cracked pepper now add a splash of good white wine or sqeeze a lemon over it ...fresh parsley to garnish mix with cooked spaghetti serve in a bowl with the juice and crusty bread if you want and often I do ...you can add diced up canned (good Italain) or fresh tomatoes to this we have some of the most wonderful mussels here where I live!!!!! ETA I just noticed where you live ..see if you can find these there Penn Cove even Costco carries them here in nice sized bags ..fantastic taste, perfectly clean ..reasonable in price.and I have never gotten a bad one!
  19. hummingbirdkiss

    Vile Recipes

    Well, I don't use this exact recipe, but I make a doughnut bread pudding that everyone who tastes it adores and requests again and again ! Different strokes ! Kim ← I guess bread is bread and it is not really the using donut in bread pudding idea that turns me off it is the kind of donuts and the recipe itself!
  20. I adore making crackers! I think it is easier than a perfect biscuit because they are hard and flat! (like some of my biscuit efforts have been ) the dough of crackers (and I love them made with parm and rosemary with some cracked black pepper) has always been kind of dense and very easy to roll crackers to me are fun and easy to make you can make several doughs in advance (while you are in the mood for doing this)..they freeze well like cookie dough you can actually (I have) use a biscuit recipe to make crackers! ..add some parmesan, rosemary and fresh ground pepper and a bit more flour to the dough.....be a bit more rough with your kneading and roll thin....cut out with a cutter or cut with a pizza wheel into squares.. then just put on the baking sheet and poke fork holes in them ....bake until done (if you bake biscuits at more than 350 then reduce the heat) ..watch the first batch for timing
  21. for breading you can use grated parmesan cheese, almond meal or even coconut .. coconut prawns or chicken can be really good with a LC hot and sour dipping sauce toss the prawns or chicken in a mixture of lime juice and egg white then roll in spiced up coconut grated fine or coconut flour if you can find it reasonably then dry well on a rack and either deep fry or bake in the oven with the parm same thing but leave out the lime I dont like the almond meal coating but my friend adores it and mixes it half and half with parm ....same as above to get it to stick
  22. I've been working with a chipped paddle for five years. We live. ← me too ....Kitchenaid is so good about just replacing things anyway hopefully you have the same luck...I have had them send me an appliance that walked off a counter before I had a chance to send mine back! sorry about the sausage bummer!
  23. hummingbirdkiss

    Vile Recipes

    that recipe made my sugar loving teeth ache!!! Smoking a huge extra strength splif would be the only way something like this recipe could be thought of or exist (my opinion not necessarily based on personal experience or any facts I know of) I have never watched Paula Dean and rarely have seen the Food Network to be honest ... she made this on TV huh? wow
  24. Ok I could have done that myself.... I appreciate it however thanks!
  25. Actually a lot of her recipes are posted here so you can get an idea of what is in the book... and they are great recipes I have to say easy to follow lots of fresh foods Karen's book and recipes
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