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    Brooklyn, NY USA

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  1. It looks like a cool idea. How powerful is it? What's the stirring mechanism you're proposing? I just bought one of these, at the upper end of the price range you mention. On the plus side, it has a magnetic stirrer, which is important for my purposes (pasteurizing ice cream). It lets it cook with no chance of scorching or unevenness, and minimal evaporation. And it's very precise. On the minus side, it's probably not repairable, and it's underpowered. Wattage isn't listed anywhere, but I'm guessing it's around 200W or so. I bring a pot up to temperature on the stove and use the hot plate to hold it for 30 minutes or so.
  2. That looks great. Would you consider it a sherbet, since it's got milk? Is cultured skim milk a common product in your corner of the world? I haven't encountered it. And what does "hot" signify in the inulin?
  3. I wrote to Diamond Crystal, and while they refused to acknowledge that they've lost their marbles, they did send me a coupon for a free box of salt. Just have to remember which one to look for.
  4. 6:11 is right, if you can be sure the mix is that hot all the way through. If you're doing anything commercial, you still need to check with the local health whoevers. The rules aren't always based on the best science. There are benefits besides safety to holding at temperature longer, or also using a higher temperature. To get the milk proteins working for you.
  5. I looked at those, but they seem like they'd be harder to clean out and would lead to more waste. With a beaker or pan, you can easily scrape out the sides with a spatula. Ice cream is pretty viscous.
  6. Interesting that you're getting so much overrun that it's filling up the bowl. My experience is with the old version of the attachment, but I assume the size is similar. I typically got about 20% overrun, sometimes a little more. Nothing that would fill the bowl. Are you getting that volume with the polysorbate 80? Also, is there such thing as a lid / stopper for a beaker like that, preferable already with a hole for a temperature probe? I only see them for thin-necked flasks.
  7. They do have one machine with a fairly powerful compressor (might only be sold by Williams Sonoma ... it's the one with the metal dasher). Its performance is going to be held back by the removable bowl. And I'm pretty sure that all the Whynter machines have a warranty that's voided if you use them commercially, which is one clue (I checked this when looking for all the semi-pro options). Probably a nice machine, but getting into the Musso price range.
  8. I've been using the Nemox Gelato Chef 5L for a couple of weeks now. A few batches, a few measurements. Just wrote an initial review. TL;DR: I'm keeping it!
  9. I've tried it both ways and didn't get any salt or alcohol in the ice cream. But it may not matter ... I'm guessing I'll use it just with the fixed bowl. One advantage of alcohol is there's no real added cleanup. Just wipe it out and let it evaporate. Brine needs to be cleaned completely because of corrosion risk. But alcohol does add about 50 cents worth of cheap vodka to the cost of every batch.
  10. It's got a fixed and removable bowl. Your choice. The removable one fits inside the fixed one, with a couple of ounces of conductive liquid poured in first (brine or alcohol). The stainless dasher has interchangeable plastic scraper blades; you swap blades when switching bowls, so the dasher always makes solid contact with the bowl. My first 2 batches were with the removable bowl; I think the performance compromises may not be worth any added convenience. I'll try the fixed bowl next. It typically goes for $2K. The distributor generously gave it to me for wholesale cost. These machines have little exposure in the US, and I told them I planned to write about it. Based on research, I'd probably have still bought bought at full price. But maybe not right now, and definitely not as cheerfully. I'll have much more to add after putting it to work a few more times.
  11. I'll look out for this box, thanks. In the mean time I wrote an annoyed email to the company. Old man shakes fist at clouds. Less sodium ... maybe per teaspoon? Since there's also less salt?
  12. Exact same story here. I bought the same box; it's just table salt. What does the actual kosher salt box look like now?
  13. After all these years, finally a big-boy ice cream machine.
  14. I used to buy this at Buon Italia. Lately I've been getting Afeltra from Eataly, just because it's easier for me to get to on public transport. Will have to see if the free delivery applies to Brooklyn. Have you compared this to the Eataly brands, in price / quality? Edited to add: I'm addicted to the Vesuvio shape.
  15. While I think the quality of your product is what will keep you in business, the branding is going to be key to getting you started. Simply because there are so many companies (big, small, tiny) doing things that are essentially similar. People need a reason to take a risk on on a newcomer. My instinct is that your marketing / branding should be decidedly un-fancy. The idea isn't to invent a story or an image, but to to use your actual story. You hinted at it ... from Texas and from all over, landed in small town midwest, working by yourself, making these exquisite looking things in your kitchen far from any culinary capitol, etc.. I think you can find a story in there that's true to who you are, that's appealing, and that distinguishes you from the competition. It could be the difference between creating momentum and being dead in the water. Since professional marketing is expensive, you might be able to higher someone more as a consultant, for guidance. You can do most of the work yourself (a blog! Written by the actual chocolate maker. Excerpts from you on social. People love that). One piece of advice from someone who's done branding for startups: don't do too much up front. You don't want to rigidly define yourself now, because you want the freedom to adapt to the market as you grow. The business idea as you're imagining it might stagnate, but a subtle or not-so-subtle variation might be a hit. Don't let your early branding paint you into a corner.
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