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Posts posted by AAQuesada

  1. On 8/9/2021 at 6:21 PM, liuzhou said:

    Scottish gin called The Botanist, which was rather good,

    Really excellent gin, St.George (Northern California) makes a similar concept Gin called 'Terroir' which is very good as well. I love Wint & Lila (Spain) as well but AFAIK they are not distributed in the USA any more :(

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  2. On 8/4/2021 at 2:14 AM, Vapre said:

    Got an email today saying porridge + puffs has been cancelled. The other 3 have already showed up.


    Well that's a bummer. I have the Sonoratown and really like it only a handful of recipes but they are good ones. I'm looking forward to picking up more in that series. Which are your favorites?

  3. 14 hours ago, ElsieD said:

    Or is it the sugar that is absorbed into the fruit.  What then, do you do with the juice?  Sorry if this is a stupid question.


    I'm sure @paulraphael will correct me if i'm way off but it sounds like the sugar is breaking down the cell walls of the fruit -leaching out a portion of the water in the fruit (which is most likely to freeze hard). I'm skeptical much sugar is being absorbed into the fruit with out it being cooked (like confit of fruit would for example) but i could be wrong. 


    And for the juice?! I would say use it to make a flavored Lemonade!  

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  4. 39 minutes ago, MokaPot said:

    Yes, I was thinking maybe try blanching the garlic first.

    That'll soften it up for sure! But to get that dark color i think you can just simmer in the liquid for a good 15-20 min on low then cool in the pickling liquid and it'll soften as it cooks anyway. 


    In any case I am curious see how it all turns out 

  5. 51 minutes ago, Tropicalsenior said:

    Maybe garlic pickles aren't exactly what I'm looking for. Has anybody ever heard of candied garlic?


    Maybe try simmering the garlic cloves in the soy/sugar/vinegar mixture as its reducing! 


    Btw i tried your pickle but with chile Serrano that I sliced up and they came out fantastic. I'm going to do another batch 

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  6. I  always do keep refrigerated. 


    the garlic is cooked to temp for 20/30 minutes  reducing the AW. Then the garlic is not kept in the oil 


    It's also important to note botulism comes from the soil and is a good idea to wash / rinse the peeled cloves and remove the stem end.


    Personally i am satisfied this will keep safely refrigerated for 7 to 10 days or longer frozen 

  7. Garlic confit.


    Peel garlic, then into a  small sauce pan cover 3/4 with olive oil and place on low heat until completely soft with no color. Place in a food processor or blender with enough oil to make a  smooth puree. Reserve puree and any extra garlic oil. 


    Great in pasta sauces, aioli. Vinaigrettes ect ect. 

  8. I  personally think the bigger birds are more flavorful but all I've seen recently are the smaller ones at TJ's at first I  could easily get 3.5 -4lb birds but now all I  see are under 3lbs. My suspicion is the TJ's account has forced them grow pretty fast and they are keeping the older / larger birds for the main brand. 


    Like @blue_dolphin mentioned When in doublt I  get an air chilled bird for me it's the best chicken i can get in a supermarket. I.e. With out going to Chinatown and getting one freshly dispatched. Sounds like you have some great options out there though! I'm jealous.

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