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Posts posted by AAQuesada

  1. 45 minutes ago, Dante said:

    I finally made Heston Blumenthal's chili recipe (minus the cornbread and sour cream ice cream,and swapping out one of the chile powders from the blend)


    How was it! (yours looks better than many of the pictures of it I've seen online)

  2. You guys are lucky to have such great Spanish options in the UK! I have the Bar44 cookbook Tapas y Cocina and like it quite a bit. Ps for steak I don't think you need to go further than rubbing with a good fresh Olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt! And some Basque Cider if you can find it :) 

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  3. On 8/15/2024 at 4:53 PM, Shel_B said:

    Wow! That's a surprise.  Thanks for the info

    Katie's statement left a lot open to interpretation! They are retiring and I'll miss the chick peas they used to bring to farmers markets (used for crop rotation iirc) but the rice isn't going away they sold the rights to a local guy who started as a Mexican immigrant laborer and grew to own the company. 

    I  was worried about it at first too

  4. On 8/17/2024 at 10:32 AM, OlyveOyl said:

    It’s an adaptation of a Donna Hay pear tart

    She really is fantastic, for the most part her recipes work and are not too complicated. I  always recommend her books 

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  5. 5 hours ago, KennethT said:


    Yes, I'd use paper towels above and below and press lightly.


    'There's a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.'

    -Douglas Adams

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  6. 1 hour ago, YvetteMT said:

    Only waste seems to be the skins and seeds, are you losing more than that?

    For those that don't regularly use a food mill I think there is always a surprise at how much skin and seeds there are to be removed!

    • Like 3
  7. On 7/15/2024 at 7:15 PM, blue_dolphin said:

    aste & Technique but there are a number of techniques that I return to regularly. 


    Thanks for mentioning this, I picked up her book at Now Serving last weekend! I'm thinking about trying the lentil recipe first. 

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  8. Try it all three ways and report back how it goes! Eggs get tempered to protect them from turning into scrambled eggs. Sugar acts on eggs chemiclly so it's not usually advised to do this in advance. To add the sugar to the milk instead of the eggs sounds like a bad idea to me  but what do I know. 


    Don't take my word for it, test these variations side by side traditional recipe as a control group and report back how it goes!

  9. 1 hour ago, ElsieD said:

    Meantime, I'll be picking up some garam masala and making the recipe you linked to from justonecookbook.  

    Highly recommend using the S&B if you can find it. Japanese curry spice mix has a particular taste that's not similar to Indian! Shouldn't be to hard to source! 




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