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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. To add calcium for the reverse process, would casein calcinate be suitable (milk protein)? It is (with effort) water soluble, and also makes a lovely (or annoying) foam. Because its a protein it might have an undesirable effect on texture for some applications.
  2. My choc chip cookies spread when I dont add the 1 T water to the dough. When I do add it, they puff up instead of spreading. Probably interacting with the chemical rising agent, which isnt in your recipe, so ... wildass blue skying here.
  3. I enjoyed this post thoroughly. Completely visualizable - both the loving care of the "cook" and her complete ignorance of basic cooking principles. I loved the 'organic' description of its 'plate appeal' (which follows the part I quoted). I'm reminded, most cheerfully, of certain eviscerations I have attended or committed. I'm also reminded of those marinated/fermented squid guts that Torakris enjoys. Worst cook - my dear loved youngest Aunt. Made rubber jello. Really. Followed the recipe straight from the box, she swore. Good old basic jello-brand jello. Except hers had a skin on it that we couldnt pierce with mere forks. My dad ended up taking a steak knife to it, just to see if it would cut it. No one was brave enough to try chewing a bit.
  4. Went to the 99Ranch market on CM Blvd this weekend. First time I've noticed the fresh water chestnuts. No wonder those are so popular canned. Thats a "treat" to peel! Man, I love that produce section.
  5. Oh my! I add my voice to those hoping you will share this recipe. Its been a lovely blog, thankyou. It was also a great treat to see Varmint's kitchen in action, as I read the remodel tale avidly. And its good to hear I'm not the only one forced to simplify cooking due to a small-fry in the house. I hope it gets easier for us all as they turn into middlin' sized fries! Thanks again, for a delightful adventure. Great shoes rule!
  6. Why wouldnt the hotel spring for Spain? Airfare? Housing? Sometimes it does hurt to ask - is this one of those situations or could you explore it with them? It sounds like where ever you go, you are going to have so much fun! (in that hard working sort of way).
  7. Oh my, that photo is frame-worthy. [editted to add: it could be titled "Amber Waves of Grain".] M is adorable. Im stunned at how much time you have to cook and post for this blog with a munchkin her age about. I'm working on turning "stunned" into "inspired" - thank you. There is the coolest looking egg-shaped container on the counter in your picture of the butchered chicken. What do you use that for?
  8. Coriander is forming, peppers ditto. Tomatoes expanding, still solidly green. Way behind last year, even tho they were planted earlier and began blooming immediately. Lots of 'em, tho! Basil has been munched several times in ensalada caprese. The munchkin is clandestinely harvesting the tri-color sage for snacking.
  9. I'm right there with your cats - I like your new red IKEA chairs too! Congrats on getting so much done, so fast, and so personallized. All that planning time really paid off, eh? :happy dance: Dishwasher drying - we shut ours off when it gets to the dry cycle, crack open the door, and things dry well. Sometimes we have to mop off the tops of mugs etc after we crack it open. Perhaps that option will have a place for you occasionally too, if its not completely drying over night.
  10. Rockin Baja Lobster is immediatly next door to Berta's Latin American place, which is a lot more interesting. Casa Fandango, in the Old Town park, near the entrance to the old Bazaar del Mundo, is also decent mexican eats.
  11. I am shocked. And surprised. Is shock always negative? Perhaps "stunned" would be a better term, as in "I had no idea". I figured at $30 entree and up, its mostly labor Im paying for. This site is so much fun, I learn so much.
  12. Not understanding is. It just is. Its not right or wrong. It just is. I see nothing wrong with stating that one doesnt understand. And no reason to be attacked for saying so. Besides, if one doesnt admit not understanding, when would one learn things that might change that to understanding? (and might not. somethings just cant be comprehended by some folks. Im sure there are Hindus who simply cant understand why johnsmith45678 would eat beef. Thats just how it is. Not respecting is a problem. I dont understand drinking raw eggs, but I respect body-builders rights to do so, and that they have what they consider valid reasons.
  13. I never liked the idea of schlepping a plate/bowl whatever around, and so never bothered, but I do see the logic, since street-vendor dishwater is scary stuff in more than one way. Again, depends on whether its a bout of the runs or a nastier bug one is avoiding. I'm conservative anyway. I stick to the hot, peeled, etc. I dont like being chained to the loo. Damn. Now I can smell the roast yams in November in Beijing and its way too hot here to roast yams. Re malaria, Pan pegs it. Much better to prevent than to cure, IMO.
  14. After reading this review, I'm less excited, in that I want that Belgian Lion duck again. Still, sounds worth a visit. Modus review by SD U-T June 21 '06 The reviewer scares me tho... is this statement for real? (italics mine) I am completely ignorant - is it typical for a restaurant charging $23-32 per entree to use frozen french fries? Can I register my shock if it is?
  15. Sizzler still has a salad bar too.
  16. There's travelers belly and then theres amoebic dysentery. That latter one can kill ya. If you are going to take the precautions of eating only hot food or peeled fruits/veggies, then go all the way and used boiled or othewise sanitized water for the washing. Why not be consistent? Ive seen it recommended that when partaking in street food etc, bring your own plate (or use disposables like paper napkins), drink sanitized water and watch out for icecubes. A family friend got amoebic dysentry from the ice in his scotch in Egypt. He was hospitalized for several weeks when he returned to the US and was several months to "full" recovery (some lingering issues). I, on the other hand, drank the dirty grey freshly pressed cane juice in a village in rural Venezuela to no ill effect. Them amoebas are a gamble. I've wondered if simultaneous alcohol imbibing reduces the risk of travelers belly?
  17. I did not know that about Casa de Pico. Oh my! Thanks. Old Town is mostly the same, only Bazaar del Mundo (sp?) changed management. Its been made a tad more historically correct apparently. (I havent been to the Bazaar since the change over. Must remedy that). Sushi Ota still very good, pricey. I think probably still the best in San Diego.
  18. We're down to one chain out here. Soup Exchange lost, Souplantation rules the roost (aka Sweet Tomatoes). Big, inexpensive. See review above (by LikestoEatout [and a buncha others]). The Chart House (down town water front) has a decent salad bar too, housed in an old wooden rowing four, another fad from the 80's. editted to add (and correct a spelling) Gotta learn to 'refresh' screen before posting.
  19. Funnily enough, its not my shirt, but my skirt that takes the hit when eating messy foods (snarky comment from an envious 'shelf-free' poster). Thank god for napkins Embarrassing moment - knocking over my completely full drink (ice and all), three dates in a row, same guy. I've probably only knocked over a glass 5x total. Sigh.
  20. Interesting. I wonder if they're made differently these days. I thought the entire point was that it's a way to preserve food for those times when food is not plentiful back before refrigerators and synthetic preservatives were available. ← This one was packaged for quick snacking, rather than for long shelf-life, much as a hardboiled egg could be (tho I've never seen anyone selling vacuumpacked peeled hardboiled eggs). Sailors often preserve fresh eggs for months by storing them in damp sand or isinglass. Similar concept to the 1000-yr eggs but without the flavorful and colorful chemical changes from the coating. Sounds like the general conclusion, even with the coating still on, is "eat em while they are fresh" which is both sensible and yet hilarious considering what "fresh" means in this context!
  21. Heavy cream poured directly onto the icecream, so it hardens and forms a pure-fat shell of goodness. Gently scrape off the cream, eat it, and repeat. Eventually, its time to eat the icecream itself, but there's no hurry. Spreading extra mayo on each bite of a sandwich. Layering jams on toast (after ensuring its holding its maximum capacity of butter, melted in).
  22. 'Twas fun, ta muchly. How long did you bake that caprese for? Long enough to melt the cheese, or long enough to 'stew' the tomatoes?
  23. Lots of states can (and probably do) claim Pecan Pie. Only Florida can claim Key Lime Pie. Why not play to the state's unique strengths?
  24. I'm glad to hear Berta's is on the radar screen. Way up in Valley Center (north east end of San Diego County) is a rib place called Fat Ivor's. Definitely out of the way. They burned down several years ago, and had people on tenterhooks for the ~ 3 years it took them to rebuild. The main deal here is the all-you-can-eat short ribs. Comes with slaw, beans and potato wedges. The restaurant is next to a tractor dealership that has giant boulders built into the walls etc because it would have cost too much to dig them out.
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