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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. crepes anything. Remember The Magic Pan restaurant?
  2. Can you get someone to ship you a wheel from England, 'cross the channel?
  3. Ginger freezes well. Can cut it into single use size lumps and freeze in zipbag until needed. Or slice, or grate, and store frozen.
  4. I am reminded by the Tenor that we acquired a 12 place setting of Four Crowns china to complement the set he'd brought home from Japan in the belly of a fast-attack sub. Of the thrift store set, it is missing one bowl, and one plate and has one cracked teacup handle. We paid $20.
  5. I tried Miracle Whip again last night. I experienced the tanginess. The sweet-icky* component outweighs it IMO and I still dont like MW. When it comes to tanginess, I like the lemony taste of mayo better, even tho its less pronounced. I tried MW on a BLT. It was ok. The half with mayonnaise was more to my taste. The Tenor also did the experiment. He still prefers MW on his BLTs. I can certainly taste how one would not substitute for the other in a salad. We will continue to store large jars of both. * I dont like sweet pickle relish either - same flavor.
  6. Interesting and helpful. Why are people afraid to use bleach? It breaks down to salt and water fairly quickly, plus its easy to rinse off. Lovely effective stuff too. (Ok, its tough on clothes when it splashes).
  7. I love your description of the Golden Triangle. Its spot-on but I never thought of it that clearly, in the 20 or so years I've watched it grow and change.
  8. celery - I'll take "a few dozen" calories a day, depending on how much celery I have to munch (I draw the line at anything more than half a bunch). Dropping 100 cals a day leads to weight loss of 1 lb/month. If "a few dozen" is three dozen, then thats 1 lb a quarter. Thats enough to balance the slow decrease in metabolic rate caused by ageing (which memory says is ~2% per decade). Of course, celery tastes much better with peanut butter spread on it I wonder if that mayo thing (which I too was taught and believed) is because mayo is most commonly used in conjunction with low starch/high carb foods ? Its next to bread in sandwiches, potatoes in potato salad macaroni in pasta salad etc. providing moisture, which supports growth of bacteria using the carbohydrate matrix for food.
  9. My local grocery used to carry shrimp crackers - I miss them. And of course, the local asian groceries almost certainly have them. I MUST go shopping now. Bad thread! Bad thread!
  10. Someone is about to buy a '70s vintage hand-thrown vegetable steamer, 'cause I'm about to put one in the charity-shop box. I suppose that should be on the gadgets you dont get rid of thread.
  11. Oh lawsy. I must get me some of these.
  12. I'd leave the choice of serving the bread to the host, who has probably already planned the menu and prepared it. That's why I suggest making it clearly a gift and not a contribution to the meal. Saves the host awkwardness if he's already gotten his choice of bread prepped and ready to go. It may be that the gift bread fits right in, but it may not work with the menu. Or the host may simply want to stash the bread for private munching and not have to share. Same as bringing a bottle of wine. Thank you, and that lovely gift in no way complements this morning's menu so.... dont pressure the host into serving it, even by accident. Let the host be a host.
  13. Yes, but clearly wrapped as a host-gift, not to be served at the meal, unless prior arrangements were made with the host.
  14. Thanks so much starting this thread. I'm gonna have to save my pennies to pay the babysitter and the check, and check out El Biz. We've been wanting to for a while, so now we can join the madding crowd generated by the publicity. (Oh wait..... this is San Diego......no crowd.) San Diego Union-Tribune article here (same link as kalypso's)
  15. a two-parter - jalapeno (please imagine the tilda (~) over the n). Dying of insatiable curtiousity here.... watt is the correct vowel sownd & emfasys, in yer opinyun? Is the problem with the pain, or the yow? (Assuming the enye is properly pronounced (tho not properly spelled in this sentence fragment)) tournedos - probably not same as tornado. Is the "s" silent? Emphasis on the 1st syllable?
  16. I'm glad I misunderstood and that you are not doing/didnt do optifast. I think its scary, and darned hard to deal with after the fasting ends. Hubba hubba for lifestyle improvements. Its dinner time. I dont dare look at the pix you are about to upload, as there is no real food within reach. I look forward to starting my day with them in the am (and to learning more fascinating nooks of this city-burb).
  17. Pomodoro sauce, when I've been served it (always in US), has been a very fresh lightly cooked sauce - almost like crushed sieved fresh tomatos, with some seasoning. As others have noted above, in the US, marinara is a longer-cooked version. Clearly, I shall be forced to go to Italy and travel the length and breadth of it, seeking sauces by name.
  18. how does 'pomodoro' sauce fit into this? does it exist in Italy, or is it another american adaptation?
  19. She's baaaaack! Oh goodie! Thanks for blogging again, I look forward to this week. You are the 3rd person I know this year to go on the optifast program. May you have all the success you desire.
  20. If you settle on this as the one you want, try eBay for a used copy.
  21. Thanks! HEre's hoping! That out of season rain of a week or two ago is what inspired the planting. I was cleaning out the stuff stored outside, and found these little old dried up peppers swimming in their container. Fingers crossed. And best wishes for your brother's efforts. I used to have the parent pepper plant on my desk at work. First time I had sex with a plant was to keep those little peppers growing. It would flower like mad, but (go figure) no bees inside the building. So pepper production relied on me and my trusty pencil tip.
  22. Happy days are here again! :chortle: The sun came out, the bees came over, and there are swellings on the tomato plants (and a bazillion baby limes-to-be on the dwarf lime tree)!!! There was much dancing in the garden. I transplanted the extra brussel sprouts sprouts.... I now have 28 plants. I may become the only person in SoCal history to take a bag of extra brussel sprouts into the office to give away Planted some ancient little peppers - probably 300 seeds in the pot. Now waiting to see if any germinate (very low odds. These peppers were about 15 yrs old). Lemon grass... what a great idea!
  23. Wow. I personally have hated MW everytime I have tasted it, because of the sweetness. But I seem to have missed the tanginess so many are loving. Since the Tenor loves MW in his tuna salad, we have a jar at home. I will re-taste. Perhaps I will be converted. It seems to me that the sweetness might work well in a BLT as Marlene mentioned, with a fairly salty bacon. Im there for velveeta (chili con "queso" aka "comfort food" to the Tenor) and fruitcake too. Gentlemen*, Start Your Threads! *and ladies
  24. I'm talking to myself and grateful for the chance to do it. Some of these would slip forever if not noted down as a reminder. Thanks for starting the thread!
  25. you might try googling 'enterovirus'
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