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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. Small butternut squash, apple on its last legs, a giant shallot, red lentils, curry powder, chicken stock. Sauteed the shallot to soften, simmered everything until soft and pureed. The lentils add nice body. No photo, its orange🙂

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  2. I made the citrus and herb baked chicken that has been posted by many others before, forgot how easy and tasty it is, will put it in the regular rotation. I have a couple of pounds of mandarins in the fridge, used some of those. Used sliced shallot instead of onion. Love the citrus slices after they have been baked in the mingled juices, a savory/sweet blend.

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  3. @Kim Shook, it's a stupid simple recipe and I actually made it with a can of cooked lentils that had been languishing for a long time. I will definitely repeat it and I agree that it would freeze well. I think some fennel would be nice to add to the vegetables (I probably doubled the amt of carrot and celery, I like them).

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  4. Lunch holed up in my office...vegetarian lentil soup (leftover from weekend) and cheeze crackers. I used a bit of tomato paste when sauteeing the vegetables, it adds a nice depth to the broth.



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  5. I saved a couple of recipes for lettuce soup in the interest of using up past their prime salad greens. Made one today which included romaine, peas (to use up some frozen peas) and potatoes to thicken. Put some celery tops in for good measure. Not at all photogenic, when DH asked what kind of soup I was making, I said “green”, but I think the color would more charitably be called “khaki”. It’s tasty enough, if a bit plain...would benefit from some salty/crunchy garnish (bacon comes to mind, but we don’t eat it).

  6. I’ve noticed how poor the results have become when using Google for recipe searches, as the article notes, you will often find a link to Allrecipes at the top of the search results, which is not where I want to source from. I have found myself going multiple pages into a search to find something suitable from a reliable source. Have I found bloggers that I didn’t see before? Yes, but I don’t have confidence in their proofing of a recipe, so its a roll of the dice.

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  7. Office "Holiday Lunch" - COVID style. Box lunches eaten in everyone's own office. I had chicken salad on a brioche roll, it was good (white meat chicken, not too much mayo). Came with cut up melon, homemade potato chips, brownie, and pasta salad ("bruschetta style" - and the pasta was cooked properly). Too much food, I'll be taking half of it home.


    box lunch.jpg

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  8. Never again will I buy soda and not put it in plastic bags for transport. I bought a couple of 6-packs of mini cans of soda for the office this morning and apparently when arranging them in my arm for carrying I must have caught one of the tabs just enough to open it slightly and to get soaked on one leg with Coca-Cola. Of course, it was the ONE variety with sugar, couldn't have been the sugar free types...at least I am wearing a base layer under my jeans so I don't really feel the soaked denim. Yuck.

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