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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. yes to raw clams as a little kid...growing up on Long Island our next door neighbors who went clamming (in addition to gardening and bee keeping, an intro to all kinds of delicious things) I got to eat raw clams in the backyard. DH and I dined outdoors at a really good fish restaurant in Princeton (Blue Point Grill) on Wednesday and split some really good NE style chowder, it had a little bit of thyme in it.

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  2. Since DH is away, I indulge in things he would "yuck" on. Jarred herring in cream sauce over some salad greens, a few cherry tomatoes, and some of my homemade pickled fennel. The herring is something from my childhood (Grandparents ate it often) and it seems like every couple of years I get the urge. Then I'm sick of it by the time I finish the small jar.

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, ElsieD said:


    Those are huge.  I'm guessing they're cultivated?

    Driscoll’s, product of Mexico. I thought they would be watery and totally tasteless, but not bad. Not like local NJ berries in July, but OK.

    • Like 2
  4. Enormous blueberries, penny for size ref and I may have eaten the largest ones when I got home from the market on Saturday




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  5. 20 hours ago, Toliver said:

    And I love Milk Duds...but am too scared of of eating them and loosing my dental work in the process. :o xD

    Definition of adulting, picking your candy based on what won’t cause damage. As a lover of gummy candies, it kills me, but having replaced a crown repeatedly, I think I learned my lesson.

    • Haha 2
  6. I stopped in a fairly new Asian food market that is near my office - just happened to see it on Google maps. It is called Hung Vuong Food Market, although the register receipt at the top says Heng Fa Supermarket.

    No, I did not brave the durian (which they had fresh and frozen, and I think I saw some cut up and wrapped as well). There was an amazing assortment of fresh produce, I did buy some fresh lychees ($2.99/lb) and a Gaia melon which I had misread the price for at $1.99, that was the per pound price, so this $6 melon better be really good. Lots of good stuff, including some individual serving packets of some banchan type items, I did grab one shredded kelp.



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  7. First meal eaten in a restaurant in over a year, small casual viet that always did a lot of takeout business, so they seemed to be holding up well. I had bun with lemongrass chicken.



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    • Delicious 2
  8. On 5/12/2021 at 7:50 PM, Kim Shook said:

    I don't actually know.  I almost never go to CFA - I prefer Popeyes.  I've always assumed it's some kind of sweet and sour thing.  Does anyone know???

    Very sweet...used to have a coworker who loved getting chicken strips and we always had extra sauce packs in the office kitchen!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. The situation has changed due to Covid, since it (wrapping items) was perceived as a safety measure, even Whole Foods has all of their rolls, bagels, and other self-serve pastries in individual plastic bags, which drives me crazy. Aside from the environmental issue, the texture is compromised...no such thing as a roll with crunchy exterior. At least the produce remains out in bins for selection.

    • Like 1
  10. My Mom ordered from Misfits or Imperfect (sorry, forgot which one) and she was generally happy with what she got. The oddballs were baseball bat sized zucchinis, couple of lemons a bit on the small side, one orange that looked pretty bad. So really only one item that wasn't useable. She gave me a container of baby arugula which had a best by date of 5/9 (she had received it earlier in the week) which is on its last legs, it probably wasn't stored properly. She felt it was a bit too much produce for just the 2 of them, so she might just use the service once a month.

    • Like 3
  11. Oh, goody, gripes about the spouse and housekeeping issues. I've been waiting for this...

    Husband will only put items on the very front edge of the refrigerator shelf (for quick access, of course). Sometimes not entirely on that shelf.

    He assumes the French doors close themselves all the time (ie, he gives it a half hearted push and walks away) - I've found the refrig doors or freezer drawer ajar more than a few times.

    I have cooking utensils (spatulas, etc) in a drawer closest to the oven/range. Preparation tools (wisk, peeler, etc) are in a drawer off to the side. He will invariably put the peeler in the spatula drawer (even after I explained the system).

    Biggest gripe...not thoroughly rinsing the Dobie sponge after washing dishes, particularly egregious after he cleans peanut butter or some other spread off a knife. Gross.

    • Sad 3
  12. 2 hours ago, weinoo said:


    Lots of people won't eat lox.  What about smoked salmon? Sable? Sturgeon? Herring? Whitefish?

    I call him the outlier because in our family, even my BIL, who eats like a 6 year old, likes lox. My husband does not like smoked or preserved fish. Raw, however is fine.

  13. Mostly assembly for dinner...made salad, charred some shishitos and tossed with salt and a little vinegar, baked frozen falafels (heated pitas, too), tehina sauce, olives.

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